
My phone rings again.

Just a few minutes ago, I came from Paolo's funeral. I'm in my new apartment, still in my suit, hoping to relax for a bit. In these three days since the killing, I've had a lot on my plate – visits to the commission to assure them I know what I'm doing, visits to Paolo's wife to ensure the burial goes smoothly without burdening her, and the usual day-to-day work.

Honestly, I'm happy I saw Amara at the burial ceremony today, even though she completely ignored me. I kept my cool, but only I know how much I wanted to teach her a lesson. It's as if she didn't kiss me a few days ago. Damn…

"I'm listening." My voice resonates in the empty living room.

"Boss, I'm sorry for the news… Paolo's death." A feminine voice comes from the other side.

"Don't worry. How are the kids? All good?" I ask, hoping everything went as planned.

"Boss, our kids are safe, and Salvatore doesn't know where we are located. He is searching for us."

"That's good. Just keep your position. Stay safe until I put him down. After that, you'll keep your promise, and you're free to go whenever you want." I feel relieved that they were relatively easy to deal with. A few scratches and cracked ribs before we came to an agreement.

"Of course… We will follow your orders. Thank you, from all of us, that you made it possible to get our revenge and not just that… You will let us regain our freedom. We thank you in advance, Damiano."

Her voice is trembling, and I know she means it. Even though they were professional hitwomen, they were mothers above all. Kids' safety was their primal instinct, and my plan aligned well with their needs. I'm glad they get what they want.

"Don't thank me. We are both equally beneficiaries of this deal. Feel free to hold your head high."

"True… but it is a pleasure making this deal with you."

"Same here. I will update you; call me if you need something. I am 24/7 available."

My eyes glance at the small table in front of me, and I place my legs on it, leaning back on the couch.

"I will. See you around, Boss."

The woman closes the call, and I'm glad there is good news. They are the principal piece in my plan of deviation from the true killer. With their confession, I can get Salvatore killed easily with the Commission's permission.

I wonder if Amara plans to shake the waters more. That's the only reason I am waiting. But at the same time, if Rosa will be given to him, I will have to cut the chase and turn the tables front on with Amara. I will set her the right moment to kill Marco and just be done with it. This way, everyone gets what they want.

What worries me is the way she kept looking at Marco. My father was suggestively looking at her, and she even gave him a little smile. I am just concerned about what happened in that office to make them feel so close. Or I would say that they somehow have a link.

Amara never smiled at me, which makes me feel chills that something is happening behind my back with the two. And, this is not good. Not at all. And not just because I am jealous that she smiled at him.

I am worried that she might do something stupid like going to him. But she doesn't know that guy could overpower her easily. And he is sly too… sigh… Remind me where did I get this genetic trait.

My eyes close, and I just want to get a wink of sleep. But can I? Nope.

My front door, from my new apartment, is crushed by none other than my precious little brother. Well, not precious anymore.

"DAM!" His voice makes me frown.

"Rafaele, can you come inside normally?" I try to speak, but he comes furious and grabs me by the collar of my shirt. I look at him and can't believe he just did this.

"You knew she will marry him ! How dare you not tell me that Rosa will marry Salvatore!? How could you let this happen!" His anger is visible on his face, and I can't get mad at him. I know he loves Rosa just as much as me.

"Get your hands off me. Tell me what happened." I grip his wrist, and he lets go of my shirt. He starts to brush his hair angrily and glares at me.

"Tell you shit! Father told us last night about the news, and she seemed fine with it. But after we came from the burial, she wasn't home anymore. She left, Dam. She fucking ran away!" I stand up, and I try to keep myself under control.

"Calm down, first. Leave it to me. Go wash your face." I wave him to the bath, and he listens to me just because he knows making me angry will not do him any good. At least he knows how to read the room.

Damn it!

This isn't good at all.

My phone rings, and I take the call.


"Ohh… if it isn't Damiano! Why hadn't you called me until now? I really missed your voice. Anyway, leaving this aside , I have Rosa, my precious soon-to-be wife !I wanted to get your congrats first. Tomorrow I will have the wedding. I am waiting for you!"

His voice fills my ear, and I know that this man is not lying. Honestly, I can believe him finding her so easily. He was looking after the Red Sisters everywhere anyway.

I can only sigh… Getting angry won't solve anything. And, I have a plan… a plan I have to execute fast.

"Yeah. We will see how long you will have her. But indeed, you deserve congrats for touching her once. You did big progress. I will be present there soon. Wait for my gifts."

I can hear him shouting a curse as I close the phone call.

This piece of trash will pay for this.

It's already 7, and the night will be showing soon. I just have to grab my car keys, some guns, a dagger, and I am ready to go.

If only Amara would stay in place tonight. I see her location on a road towards the edge of the city. Where the heck is she going? Beyond that, there are just woods, and after a few kilometers, the other city, after crossing the forest .

Rafaele comes out of the bath calmer than ever. I feel my anger rising. Everything seems to fall apart tonight. And god if I am not tired and feel like killing everyone. I have to breathe and calm down…

I look at Rafa.

"Look. Today you will show me your potential more than ever. I need you to listen carefully and detached. No feelings allowed. Got it?"

"I am all ears." He frowns, and I explain the situation with Rosa.

"You take Armando and bring back Rosa. I don't care if you kill Salvatore or not. Just get her back safely."

"What about you?" My eyes shift, and I look at him again. My frown visible. I know I should be going to save Rosa, but I have to save Amara too. I feel and know she is in danger. And only I can help her.

"I will go kill our father." I feel my voice going deep, and my eyes concentrate on one point. I glance at Rafa, and he doesn't have any reaction. After a moment, he opens his mouth.

"You know I never understood our father. He was so sweet before mom died. But now, after what he did to Rosa and all the women he slept with after mom died, I think he deserves to rest. You send him where he belongs. In hell." My mouth lifts, and he smirks at me.

"Sigh… You never cease to amaze me, Rafa." He makes a prideful face, and I scoff.

He was always a good kid, but I guess mother's death made him colder. I know he hates that he feels this way about father, but it's the truth, and the truth hurts sometimes. And I know both of us accepted the truth. Our father isn't what he used to be. He is now a piece of trash, disposable.

He is dangerous not for me or Rafa. He is for the girls. Rosa and Angelina can't protect themselves from him, and we can't protect them from him since he is the father. So killing him is a fair option of giving our sisters the freedom they deserved. Rafa knows this.

"Take care." He pats me on the back as we go down the stairs.

"I will. You take care. Got your gun and everything?" I glance at him.

"Ain't a fucking kid, Dam. I got even more than that."He shows me the equipament he has underneth his jacket .And , god ! I am happy . Two guns , more then five daggers and I bet he has some other stuff deposited in his motorcycle .

He is right. I just let him do a dangerous thing. But he is able to do it. And Armando will take care of him in case he happens to be hurt.

I am hands-tied. Of course, I could have sent someone else. But this mission is secret. It has to be done without many witnesses. My hope is in them, and I trust they will live up to my expectations.

The sun is setting, and the winds hit my face as we step outside towards the parking lot.

Armando parks his motorbike right in front of us. He takes his helmet off. His face is very concerned, and I know he cares about Rosa a lot. He came right away after I called.

"Is she fine?" His voice denotes worry, and I nod.

"She is for now." I glance at Rafa and then back to Armando. "Take him with you. The mission is simple. Get back Rosa. Salvatore can be dead or alive. Simple."

"Understand, boss." He looks at Rafa, observing him.

"I want updates. Keep that in mind, Armando." I stroll towards my car as each of them is prepared, hopping on their motorcycles.

"Got it, boss." His voice is covered by the cars that fill the city.

I get in the car and breathe deeply. I check the phone, and as I look over the route, I understand where she is headed. It's been a long time since I went to the cabin our family owns. Marco invited her there. And she seems to be close to that cabin. I have to hurry up. It is good that the cabin is just an hour or so drive.

Gods keep both of them safe.

Why did everything have to happen exactly now? My head is hurting, and I try to relax as my foot presses the acceleration pedal.

If my father does something to her, I will have to excuse myself and kill him myself. I won't be able to control myself.

And she, I think she accepted this invitation to shorten her plan - killing my father in a cabin in the woods sounds like the perfect place to commit a crime. I gasped what she was trying to do after she told me about the war part. I guess she tried to create a war between the gangs, and when Marco will be killed, he will be a collateral victim.

The plan is perfect, with no one suspecting she did it. I have to say it is smart. But I bet she wasn't planning to kill him in a remote location. I feel she is just hurrying and not calculating the last steps well. That is, if she wants to avoid suspicion. But I guess she might want to run away if she acts like this. And like hell, I will let her.

If only Rosa would have stayed at home. But the deed is done.

I glance at the phone, and the app is showing me that she arrived.

Wait for me, Bittercandy. I will be there in a few minutes.