
I am dressed all in black, just like everyone around me. Out of respect, I took the high heels Paolo liked the most and presented myself at his funeral. The weather is a little cold, and a breeze brushes my face. Is autumn , after all .

I feel heartbroken, and participating in this funeral makes me feel like Paolo is covered, along with my heart, by the people paid to bury him. The cold wind mirrors the way my heart feels—cold and empty.

In the past few days, I saw Paolo's wife and his kids. Now, I watch them cry near the grave. Something inside me makes me feel that I should stop my plan and make it shorter. I don't want to kill another innocent person for my sake.

I look around, and Marco is glancing my way, smiling. As if we weren't at a funeral, he seems to be busy giving me sweet eyes. I smile shortly and turn to look at the priest who says its last words.

Marco will be shortly in one of those empty spaces. Maybe he will be put next to Paolo. I want to kill him as fast as possible. If he gives me an opportunity, I will take it. I just need to get him alone. That's all I need.

My eyes glance at Damiano, who is with his siblings near Paolo's wife. I turn my head in another direction as he glances at me a thousand times. Yes, I am ignoring him. The way he holds back from coming to me is assuring. Although the glare he shoots me tells me that he will take his revenge.

I don't want to see him. I don't want to give him false hope. Bittercandy can have him all for herself.

I feel like laughing that these days I searched for this Bittercandy by myself, and what did I find? Nothing. It's like she is a ghost. In my head, the idea to kill her sounded pretty good. But if I can't find her, I can't kill her. And by the way Damiano looks at her, I don't want to break his heart. So I gave up my crazy idea of kill her.

Now I just want to kill Marco as fast as possible and run away. I can't stand in this gang anyway. I will not be able to live near Damiano. The solution is to move. And if I want to move, I have to kill Marco fast. The plan seems to work; the gangs are almost breaking apart since Damiano seems to keep holding the reins. But when he won't be able to bring proof, the war will break. Maybe the war will break if Marco is dead. So I could say my back is covered; no one will suspect anything.

"May he rest in peace," Emilio says in a whisper.

"May he rest in peace," I follow his words and glance at him.

"He was a good man." He glances at me, and I nod shortly.

"Come on, guys. Don't fucking mope around for him. This is embarrassing." Bianca pops a bubble gum and gives me and Emilio an eye roll.

"Why don't you go to your Vincent?" Terry whispers in her ear, his body behind her.

She scoffs and grabbing him by the bow tie makes his head touch her shoulder. She says, "Don't fucking tell me what to do. And if you're still here, mind giving me a hand? I want him rough tonight." She smirks, and Terry kisses her neck, having his hands on her waist.

I can't believe I am witnessing this at a funeral. Emilio is shaking his head, holding himself back from scolding them in public.

I see Vincent glaring toward the two, acting a hug from behind ready to turn spicy.

"I can help you, but you owe me." Terry goes up, kissing her jaw.

"Yeah, yeah." Bianca rolls her eyes, and I can see that she gets wet not from Terry but by the glare Vincent burns her with.


"How long are we staying here?" Niko comes in between me and Emilio, and I swear she is acting like a toddler.

"Just wait a bit more." Emilio glances at her, and she sighs like the earth is ending.

Leo is pulling her hand and drags her to the edge of the crowd. "Come with me."

I look at them, and I swear something is going on with these two. But whatever.

The other guys are relatively much more educated, or at least hate being scolded by Emilio too much to behave badly. I think it's the last one. Not for Terzo, of course, or for Antonio, who is usually very chill.

The funeral ends, and we get home.

I like the feeling of taking off the heels from my feet. Emilio is tossing himself into the couch. Terzo is following him. Bianca is not here ,she was dragged by Vincent to his room probably, and Terry is putting his hand over my shoulder. I am still in front of the door, enjoying the cold floor tiles under my feet.

"Wanna go for a ride?" He smiles, and I glance at his face.

"No, she is not. Let the girl warm up. Your motorcycle is gonna freeze her up." Emilio is talking before I could speak up, and I shrug.

Terry is pouting but doesn't say anything. I guess he feels that my body is cold at touch.

Carlo pushes him from behind, and I almost fall, but Terry steadies me as he does for himself, his balance saving both of us.

"Get a fucking room. Not in the front door." He smirks, and Terry rolls his eyes. I sigh, used to his remarks.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut , Carlo!" Emilio doesn't let anything slide. His voice scolding Carlo, and his eyes are toward the TV.

Antonio gets inside too and sits next to Terzo on the couch. I step toward our room, and Emilio stops me.

"Where are you going? Aren't you coming to watch the movie?" He glances at me.

"Nope. I am going to change. Maybe take a hot bath…"

"Can I come ? I am cold too." Terry looks at me with an innocent face.

"Only if Emilio lets you." He smiles and heads to the opposite couch.

"Good point." I giggle at his words as I leave them behind , my steps heading to my room to take clothes for bath .

I wonder where Niko and Leo are. Maybe they went to take a walk together or eat out ? No. I don't think Niko can have a proper meal with Leo if Emilio is not between them. Who knows what these two are up to.

My phone rings, and I look at the number. My heart races, but I ignore the call. No more Dami. Maybe I should delete his number .But I am still not ready to do that .

I head to the bath, and my clothes are leaving my cold body gathering in a pile on the ground. The hot water from the shower heats me up, and I enjoy leaning on the wall, letting the water drops hit my body.

My eyes look at the ribs that weeks ago were broken. They are healed, and the bruise is almost gone. This reminds me of Damiano. I wish that by the time my bruise heals completely, I will have long forgotten him.

My breath deepens, and I feel a knot in my chest. If I continue to think of him… I will cry. I have to get out from this safe place. I have to get out and put the mask I always wear.

The shower stops, and I am dressing in sportswear. It's kind of baggy, probably Emilio's. But who cares. Here we kind of swap clothes on a daily basis.

I get out, and my phone calls again.

Unknown number.

The only unknown number calling me for the past few days is Marco. Yesterday he called me and told me to kill Damiano. I couldn't believe what he told me. My heart sinks just remembering it. That's why I think it's better to kill him as fast as possible. He will reveal my secret if he doesn't see I do something.

To think he wants his son's death… This shows how much he deserves to be killed instead. The person who says that every kid deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a kid was right. He doesn't deserve to have these kids.

I saw today the two sisters, Rosa and Angelina. They are beautiful, and I am sure they deserve to be free to marry who they want. Marco will marry them off eventually. I am sure of it.


"Amara, darling. It was nice to see you at the funeral." His manner of speech makes me throw up.

"It was good to see you too. But I am curious why you called me." I change the topic, knowing that for me and him, these kinds of talks only prolong the time for nothing. I don't want to cut his brunch, but I can't let him flirt so disgustingly with me. I have a limit.

"Straight to the point, aren't you? Good… it's good. But tonight I just wanted to invite you to dinner. It's nothing work-related. I just want to get to know you better. After all, you will be my long-term subordinate. We have to establish a good relationship." His voice makes me sick, but not the words.

I read between the lines and see an opportunity. An opportunity I have been waiting for. It's perfect.

"You are right. I would like to know you better. Where should I come?" My voice sweetens in excitement.

"You just have to get down. I am waiting for you in front of the apartment." His words make me jump from the mattress and go straight to the clothing room. I end the call, telling him that I will be ready in 5 minutes.

What should I dress in? I can't dress in leather pants or office outfit. I will have to wear a dress. Yes. Perfect.

My hands grab a dress from the hanger. I dress up and look in the mirror. It has a slit and its length reaches the ground. The V-neckline reveals my chest beautifully. I am pleased.

But I am questioning where to put my gun. I have nowhere to put it. Guess I will just have to use his own gun.

Sounds more exciting.

I leave the dressing room, taking a clutch, placing my phone in it. Also on my wrist, I took a small watch, just to have a sense of time.

I step into the living room, and everyone is looking at the TV. I tiptoe, and when I arrive at the entrance, I put my heels on. A black pair that seems to go just fine with the dress I chose. Is good that I took over me an animal fur jacket. Outside is gonna be cold for sure .

"Where are you going?" Emilio is raising his eyebrows at me. I turn and look at them. Terry is having his eyes wide open, Terzo is just shocked to the core, and everyone else is just looking, hoping that they don't have hallucinations.

"Do a 360." Terry looks at me excited.

I turn around on my heel, doing a 360 degrees pirouette.

"I am having a sudden dinner date." I say nonchalantly, and everyone is looking suspiciously at me.

"Who?" Emilio and the others say in unison.

"Marco. It's a business date, guys. Chill."

"Girl, you will make him think everything but not business with this…attire." Emilio is very serious, and I feel like laughing.

Guess my plan to seduce Marco will work. I want to be able to distract him so I could be alone with him, without his guards. And that will be only if he wants to sleep with me… in his room.

"I try to be elegant once, and you are disappointed." I roll my eyes, hoping to get him to agree to let me walk like this.

"Hmmm… is not that lavish, so I guess you did a good job. Go… take care." He bites his lips, and I know he holds himself back. Terry is glaring at Emilio, who turns to the TV.

"You are gonna let her go like this?" He seems shocked by Emilio's decision, as well as I am. I never thought that it will work that easily. I was expecting at least a few minutes of arguing. Maybe he just has a soft spot for me. Who knows…

I glance at Terzo. He seems concerned, and I smirk at him. He knows that I will do the deed. He knows that I will not let this chance pass. He also knows that I will be on my own. But he has to hold back. He has to stay and let me do my revenge alone.

"Thanks, Emilio. You're sweet. I will take care. Bye…" I wave and close the door after me.

The cold weather is making me shiver, and I take a deep breath.

I am ready.

Tonight, all I will see will be blood.

My heart rejoices, and I step the first stair, followed by the other ones, till I exit the building. Marco is waiting in front of the car and opens the door for me.

"You look splendid, Amara. You are more beautiful than your mother." His smile is full of lust, and his remark is making me smile at the thought that this will be the last thing he will see.

I get inside, and he tells me that we will dine at his private cabin, around the woods situated at the edge of the city. Perfect.

He couldn't find a better location.

I smile, and he places his hand on my thigh. He pats the driver on the back to take a right turn. I see the lights of the city in the distance, and I guess the darkness will envelop us.

I liked the darkness.

Tonight especially.