
Chapter 1


What is soul?

That we don't know.

We couldn't possibly know at our current circumstances.


I believe.

It is power.


Never ending.

And yet.

There is so much we can't.



(you are in an old room, there's an armored guy in the middle of the room sitting on a sofa, there are a lot of shelves filled with books and VHS tapes, in the background there's an old tv making those beautiful old VHS noises)

Narrator: (looks like a guy in shining armor with some blue lights on him) Maan this is so true.

(that was a bad description, these lights look like some strings going all over his body, something like veins) 

These words make so much sense. *he keeps on looking at the book and nodding to himself* 

(oh, and the armor is pitch black) 

*he looks at YOU yes YOU* I wrote them by the way, hmh-h. *covers his mouth as he belly laughs*

(it also looks very modern, more or less something like a project skin from lol but without organic stuff, you get the idea) 

Aaanyway. *closes the book and leaves it on table* You're here so I might as well tell you a legend.

(it's also really pointy) 

It's a story of a certain human being, who saved many lives.

(bet nothing can pierce through this chunk of metal) 

A sacrifice he made is fortunately not his life, but it required a hell ton of patience.

(maybe I should draw him, then you'd see what I mean) 

And this... *takes VHS tape* is how it all began. *and puts it in the tv, the room fills with slowly fading but blinding light*



The beginning

part one



*It's dark, and red, in the background you hear "in my way"* 

???: (crying) Those monsters... *drip*

Why... *drop*

I've done so much for them... *as he kneels down you hear liquid splashing*

My love... please... just... *he reaches out to a corpse*

WHY WHY WHY?!?!?! *he punches the ground splashing blood everywhere*

(voiceless) why... 


This world...



I'm sorry my love... 


I can't...

In this world, the only constant, IS PAIN!!!

I... *he slowly raises up*

I will be the one to end... *and screams* tHiS... *into eternity* SUFFERING!!!


Arek: *wakes up and opens his eyes in a bit of terror*


*deep breath* 

*sits down and acts like nothing happened* Well that was one kind of a nightmare. 

Aaanyway, what time is it? *looks at his phone*


*smiles like a maniac* Who could've FUCKING GUESSED?! *gets out of bed asap*


(moments later, you're outside right in front of the house)


*you start hearing foot ste-with a kick the doors to outside burst open, he jumps out and grabs the ground to not slide to far away, he then becomes speed as he turns right and runs up the hill, there are several 1 to 2 story buildings, fields of grass, and all of that surrounded by a forest, the morning sun shines so beautifully with a clearly visible seal on it*

Arek: One day! *he takes out his mp3*

*puts earbuds in his ears and takes a deep breath before* ONE F-ING DAY! 

I WILL! Shoot my brain open!

*turns it on as he cracks up and bursts out laughing* 

Narrator: Just look at this idiot, casually living his life. *in the background Arek meets his 4 friends on top of the hill, there's a big graveyard on Arek's right*

He doesn't know almost shit bout this world, but soon enough everything will change.

I think you guys deserve some explanation. Skip 735 words if you just want to see the DAMN STORY! *gigles* 

No but seriously. It might get really boring...


YOU KNOW WHAT?! *the VHS tape pauses*

FUCK IT! *the video speeds up like hell*

WHEN FEELINGS OVERFLOW THIS LITTLE SHIT! *it starts to go normally again as Arek sees 3 people bullying a kid*

HE BECOMES THE DUMBEST IDIOT ALIVE! *he smiles devilishly, as he goes down to parking lot*

Arek: *looks at his squad* Can you guys go to school without me? There's something I want to do.

Hubert: Aw come on Boss. I also want to see their asses getting kicked.

May: And who's gonna heal all of the "victims". *covers her mouth as she gigles*

Arek: *sighs and rols his eyes* Fair enough. Fair enough.

*points at them* But remember tha*Hubert cuts him off mid-sentence*

Hubert: That it's yoouur fight.

Don't worry, we know you better than anyone.


(down in the playground)

Mark: (Narrator: The bully Capitan, he's almost 12, 160cm, a real piece of shit.) Oh don't be like that we know you can borrow us some money.

His sidekicks: (Narrator: Lesser pieces of shit.) Exactly. 

Leo: (Narrator: 10-year-old, 153cm, smart but scared of everything. He whispers.) But you never gi*they cut him off mid-sentence*

Mark: Just give us a bit more time, and until then we'll borrow just a little bit more. *reaches out to Leo's pocket... but Arek grabs his arm, Mark & sidekicks turn to see Arek with his, big, sadistic, smile*

Arek: Hey hey! 

Mark&sidekicks: (petrified) H,-hey.

Arek: *still holding his arm he rolls his head and eyes back* Ungh, no matter how many times I kick your asses. You still keep coming back. *looks right in Mark's eyes* Please. *straightens his head* Do tell me why.

Mark: *poor little thing is trying to get out of Arek's grip* Well you see...

Arek: *comedically he opens his eyes wide and gets closer to Mark* Hmm? *Pieces of shit surround him*

Mark: *he's trying to look anywhere but at Arek* The money is tight right now and...

Arek: *even closer, eyes even wider* MMHHMMM...

Mark: And that's why *Mark gives a sign to his sidekicks* this time YOU'LL BE THE ONE WHO'S GETTING GOOD. *tries to punch him, while side kicks throw themselves at Arek*

Arek: (thinking lacklusterly) Oh well, too bad. *kicks away Mark and catches sidekicks mid-air by legs and throws them onto the ground, Mark scared, tries to save his ass by running away*

Oh don't think I'm done with you! *runs towards Mark at full speed punching him on the back of his head Mark falls on the ground and Arek goes full auto with his fists on his face, stopping after few seconds*


Arek: *a bit angry he looks Mark straight at his face*


Tell me, how does it feel? 

Mark: (Narrator: He ran out of teeth.) ...

Arek: To lose against me no matter how hard you try?

Mark: (Narrator: He's probably unconscious.) ...

Arek: All the time you just keep on doing the same mistake.

*gets closer* Do you know what that mistake is?

Mark: (Narrator: Yeaaa he's definitely unconscious.) ...

Arek: *backs off and uses his hands to explain like some kind of italian xd* It's because you do things I'm against in such and such way that I somehow keep knowing that they happened... that's your mistake.

*stands up using his hands on his knees to lift him up and calms down compleately* Keep that in mind for next time.

Mark: (Narrator: This would hurt like hell if he wouldn't be unconscious.) ...

Hubert: *he makes a cone out of his hands and screams into the air* Wooo! Bravo for the master of ass-kicking, true anti-bully machine!

Arek: Ayyy! *points his fingers at Hubert* Thanks man! *gigles*

May, *looks at her* could you please heal them up a bit? *stress®ret is written on his face as he opens his eyes wide and looks away scratching his neck* I reeaally don't want to get in trouble.

May: I know I know. *goes and heals up everyone* (Narrator: I should've said this earlier but she's a healer. That's why our mc feels so comfortable with beating people up.)

Arek: Now that this is done. *he walks up the the cute but poor little fella* Hey. Little guy. *he squats and puts his left hand on his knee and his right hand he uses as a pillar fow his head* You said something about them owing you, right?

Leo: *he's looking at the ground like always, he whispers* Yeah...

Arek: *looks at him with closed up a bit eyes* I see now. 

Ahem! *makes a coune out of his right hand and puts it to his mouth* What did you say!? *he then turns his head and puts it to his ear as he closes the gap between them*

Leo: (still whispering) I said... yeah...

Arek: *he smiles openly* I can't hear youuu! (Narrator: Aye Aye Capitan!)

Leo: (whispering but louder) I said yeah...

Arek: I asked. What did you say!?

Leo: (not whispering anymore) I said yeah. 




Leo: *motivated takes deep breath* I SAID THAT THEY OWE ME!!!

Arek: Good, remember that if you want someone to listen to you, you have to speak up. 


Leo: I WILL REME*Arek cuts him mid-sentence*

Arek: *closes his eye and covers his ears* BUT YoU Don't have to scream right into my ears. 

Just speak up. 


Leo: *nods with a smile* Okay.

Arek: So. How much did they owe you?

Leo: 40 bucks.

Arek: *opens his eyes widely and raises his eyebrows* Oh wow. Give me a sec. *goes to Mark and takes 40 bucks out of his wallet smiling all the time at him and walks back to Leo*

There you go, kid. *hands over 40 bucks*

*sighs and says as if hurt emotionally* And here I thought he was poor, what a liar he is.

Leo: Thank you so much.

Arek: No probs... ummm what's your name anyway?

Leo: I'm Leo, and you are probably Arek, the one and only human without ability. Right? (Narrator: That's another thing that I decided to not explain... fak...)

Arek: Yup, that's me for ya. *makes that "COOL KIDS" pose, and points his thumb at himself, this is so funny* 

*turns to his team* Hey May, you finished healing them?

May: M,-hm, seems about right.

Arek: Well then, ummm... Leo. Right.

*he frowns looks scared into the void* Goddammit I almost forgot your name. 

*looks back at Leo* You coming with us?

Leo: Yeah!

Arek: Just try avoiding them next time, alright? *they slowly walk away into the sunrise*

Leo: Mhm.

*but then*

Mark: *wakes up half dead, his teeth are back in place* Huh?... The hell?... Everything hurts me more than usual...

Arek: *stops walking into the sunrise and TURNS BACK with that huge banana on his face* Mark... I almost forgot about you. (Narrator: Shit just went from 0 to 100 real f-ing quick.) 

*he sprints toward him pointing his finger at him and says* GIIIIIIT GUUUUUUD BIIIIITCH!!!

*as sevonds pass you can hear the wind flowing by*

Mark: (had enough + everything hurts) ...Just... go...

...Nobody wants to see your ugly face here...

Arek: *going back to walking towards sunrise says* Yeah yeah, speak for yourself princess. 

*happily waves to him as he waltz away* Anywe-BYEEE!

Mark: (mad) ...I can't deal with him... *clenches his fist* I've had fucking enough of it... *and grits his teeth* that motherfucker. I'll fucking kill him one day... 


(at school, everyone is going to the class) 

Arek: *puts hands over his head* Ahh... finally after so long I'm finally going for the qualification exams.

Hubert: How long was it since you started applying?

Arek: *looks on the ceiling and thinks* Dunno... *bends his head a bit* bout a year or so.

May: So. How does it feel to have your dreams come true?

Arek: *puts his hand with pointing finger sticking out on his chin and thinks* How should I say this... *points his finger to somewhere and looks at her* seven days ago the moment they told me I can participate in the next exams my excitement skyrocketed through the ceiling. *points at the cieling and cracks up* Right now it should be somewhere in space. 

May: I envy you.

Arek: Hm?

May: *clenches her fists in excitement* I mean that excitement, I still remember how I felt back when I was permitted to do them.

Hubert: Same here.

May: *puts left hand or her waist and raises the right one* Well, what's the first thing you're going to do after them.

Arek: Oh that's an easy one, of course. I'm going for the tournament of course. *he smiles brightly, everybody looks at each other, even Aiden&Cynthia stopped being so cuddly-wuddly... they start to laugh after a second*

Arek: (oh...) ...wow...

Hubert: (still laughing) You can't be serious about that bro.

Arek: (poker face) Yeah... I pretty much am. *they stop laughing... except Hubert his laughter gets stronger*

May: (weirded out) Wait, you really are serious?

Arek: Yeah. *points back with his thumb* Ever since back then. *makes _/[]\_ pose before putting his hand on his heart* Even tho they couldn't sense any soul power flowing through my body. I, -still! *makes a fist* wished to go there and fight. 

*and shakes it once turning his head* MAN I want that title so badly.

*now opens it at his squad* Here's the idea, *points thumb at himself with challenge written on his face* if I get in, *points at everyone* all of you get in too. *Hubert finally stops laughing, tho he still has a banana on his face*

Hubert: Well, you don't have too big chances of getting in there so I'm in.

Aiden&Cynthia: The chances are maximum 1 in a million, *smile* we're in.

May: The chances may be low, but *gets very close to him and whispers* I believe in you.

Arek: *his nose blushed out of existence and he opens his eyes wide, he whispers* Thank you...

May: *smiles brightly and kindly as she steps back* Count me in, it'll be fun.

*school bells intensify*

Arek: *his smile goes down* Oh shi. *turns and runs away* I'm fak'n late! C'ya guys! *he waves goodbye*

Hubert: *makes cone with his hands* Go for it boss!

Aiden&Cynthia: Try not to die.

May: *makes cone out of her hand and waves with the other* Do your best!

Arek: Thanks, guys! *makes 360 jump and says in the middle of it* Oh and good luck on maths! *waves to them whilst going out of sight*


May: *distressed looks at Hubert, A&C* Wait, what did he mean by "good luck on maths"? Aren't we the best?

Hubert: *puts hand on his chin* Yeah that does make sense, he's always listening to his guts and all of his guesses were correct up until now... 

*distressed stares blankly into the void* I... think we're in deep shit.


(exam grounds, 23 people enter, there are obstacles in the background)

Narrator: For anybody to take part in those you have to develop ability. Without it, no one is allowed to participate... *Examinator enters the room there's a weird mask on her belt* no one, but Arek.

Examinator: *checks the list* Hmm... seems everybody made it here. 

*she puts it away and crosses her arms* Now let me explain the rules once more if someone forgot them.

*she looks around at partizipants* The exam has two phases, the first is without and the second with your armor on. 

*looks at Arek* This time we have one exception.

That person is, of course, Arcadius d*she's interrupted*

Arek: *his anger almost makes him ascend onto another dimension as he stares blades at examinator* DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT CURSED FUCKING FAMILY NAME!

Examinator: (pissed) Watch your tone if you don't want to get kicked out!

Arek: (still pissed off) I don't care if I'm going to get kicked out as long as no one says that surname of the thing I'm disgusted to call my father!

Examinator: (doesn't want to waste any time) Fine! Then how am I supposed to address you?

Arek: *he's looking at her spitefully* Zane. That's my second name.

Examinator: (whispering to herself) So that's what they meant by "remember to not say his second name".

(speaks normally) Either way, you, my dear won't participate in the 2nd exam since it is impossible.

Arek: (back to his everyday laughing form) And why is it impossible?

Examinator: Huh? Is that a serious question?

Arek: *confused tilts his head left* Yes mam?

Examinator: *she says to herself as he puts her thumb and pointing finget on her nose and frowns* God please help me because I can't.

(annoyed) You can't participate in the 2nd part BECAUSE, you can't wear your armor!

Arek: *uses his arms to ask* Aaand why's that a problem?

Examinator: *her face looks like she wants to kill someone, she uncrosses her arms in anger and bends to front a bit* IT'S A PROBLEM BECAUSE YOU WILL BE TOO WEAK AND WON'T BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING!

Arek: 1st of all. Who said I'm too weak? 

2nd of all. Will I be able to participate if I get an S on every single part of the 1st exam?

Examinator: *clearly had enough, she looks away from Arek putting one of her hands oh ner waist and flailing the other one away in anger* Fine! You go first if you are sooo confident!

Arek: (now he's just maliciously happy) Really!?! Thank you so much! (Narrator: Pro tip number 1. Don't annoy people of higher standing. Most of the time it has... dire consequences.)

Examinator: First you're going to do these obstacles. *points her finger at the crash course* Get in position. *she takes out her stopwatch*

Arek: Yes mam. *he follows her commands*

Examinator: Alright then, 3, 2, 1, go!

... *lightning goes through the testing grounds*

(unable to believe what she just saw) Wait, WHAT?! But... how?...

How is it possible that you did it in 16.46 seconds!? The record on it is 9.47 and my personal best is 19.34!

Arek: (impressed by himself) Really?... *looks and boasts around while looking at his fingernails* Man do I feel proud of myself. *gigles*

Narrator: Aaaand as you can probably imagine. The same happened to the rest of the test.

Arek: (after the tests) So... did I pass? *Examinator stares motherfuckerly and passes Arek test sheet of paper*

(shoving his victory into her face) Gasp! Would you look at that? 

All S+, who could've guessed? Well. Definitely not me. *malicious glee*

Examinator: *anger intensifies, she tells him to go with her hand, the other one's on her nose trying to stop her from getting a migrane* ... Just... get out.

Arek: (he knows she's at the edge of her mind) Hope you didn't forget our deal. *he holds his paper tightly to his chest and leans forward with a smile*

Examinator: (thinking) If I keep this up I'll have a neurosis. (speaking) NO, I DID NOT FORGET!

Arek: (actually stop's trying to piss her off) The second test starts tomorrow same time, right?

Examinator: *she's thinking he's still trying to piss her off, she turns to him mad* YES! NOW GET OUT! 


Arek: *sighs and closes his eyes* Fine. *takes a deep breath and opens them, he's looking around as he says* I'm sorry for being so... arrogant and... bossy and... a total piece of shit. Truce? *he looks at her and holds out his hand, examinator stops everything and looks at Arek in small shock*

... *in silence you can hear wind going through a closed room xdd*

Examinator: (calm&weirded out) ... You really are something else... aren't you?... 



Truce. *they shake their hands* 

But stop being so fucking annoying alright?

Arek: *opens his eyes wide in a small shock* Wait wha?... shouldn't you like... not say any bad words around kids?...

Examinator: *makes the Dwayne Johnson face* I'm not a teacher.

I'm an examinator. I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I can even literally kick you out through that window if I wanted to with zero consequences.

Arek: (that moment when you realize you f-d up) Oh...

Examinator: *cracks up* What?

*leans to him* Didn't realize with who you're dealing with? Huh? *belly laughs* Reconsidering your life choices. Aren't you? *belly laughs more as she looks at Arek's stone-cold face*

(thinking) He really reminds me of him. 

(speaking) By the way, my name's Kayle.

Arek: *all gut again, he smiles a bit* Gotcha.

Narrator: Yey, good ending.

After that Arek takes his stuff and home shall we go. But.


Dot dot dot.


(right in front of school)

May: Look who finally finished.

Hubert: *he walks up to the idiot that's walking out from the school* Goddammit you couldn't have been slower, have you!?

Arek: (confusion) Why are all of you here? It's already past 16.

Hubert: C'mon man, you think we'd leave you alone on ice?

Arek: But it's so dark and*he's interrupted*

May: It's all good. And if you worry we were freezing down here then keep in mind that the wholesomeness that those two keep on generating could melt Greenland. *side eyes Aiden&Cynthia*

Arek: *scratches his head* Yeah, you're probably right. *they start walking down the path*

Hubert: So, what do you say we go to the shop and park for a quick walk? And you're gonna tell us all the details.

Arek: Don't you guys have homework and stuff to do?

Hubert: Bro. Who cares about that when your friend just got through his exams. Now it's time to celebrate!

Arek: (buttereyed) You guys. *hard sniff*

Aiden&Cynthia: It's not like we do this every day. You didn't die yet and that's enough to have a little celebration. We should cherish what we have for as long as possible, *they look into each other eyes* because one day it might disappear without a trace. *deep kiss*


Arek: (content) Yup it's confirmed, Greenland would cease to exist if those two were to go there for a second.

But I haven't finished yet, I'm also taking the second exam.

Hubert and May: ... HUH!?

Hubert: *grabs Arek by the shoulders and starts shoving him back and forth* Dude what the actual hell is going through your mind right now!?

May: *shoves Hubert away and does the same* Do you even know why it is only allowed WITH your armor!?

Arek: *grabs May's shoulders* Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. *looks away* I've already seen it a few times before. *makes a concerned face* I know that after it I might be one leg in another world *looks back at May* but it's not as if I was really going to die.

So. *nods and leaves May*

*looks at everyone* Everyone accepted that I'm going on the second part!? Good. *nod*

*smugly closes his eyes* Now then. 

*and opens them back* You better tell me how it went on maths.

Hubert: *ahem*

How in the hell did you know that there was going to be a test?!

Hard one at that. *they slowly go to the shop around the corner*

Arek: *raises his eyebrows and tilts his head still smug as hell* My guts told me something was wrong so I figured out it was maths.

Hubert: Who knows maybe that's your ability, (jokingly) just imagine the titles *poses as he says* "Arek the lucky guesser", or "Arek the fortune-teller".

Arek: *belly laughing he looks at Hubert* Oh shut up. If that would be the case then how would you explain my inability to use armor and the fact that there is no soul power in me?

Hubert: *turns his head to Arek and shakes it delicately* Magic bro.

Arek: Yeeeaaa. Like that's ever gonna happen.


(at the shop)

May: So... what do you want guys?

Arek: (confusion) Umm, what do you mean?

May: *turns to Arek* Well as you probably know I'm *and leans to him* "Rich", so everything's on me.

Arek: I'm really thankful and all but I can't jus*Aiden&Cynthia interrupt him*

A&C: We'll have those. *show a basket full of candy*

Hubert: *drops in the basket bout a hundred more* And I'll take these.

Arek: ...

May: See, even they get it. So, what would you like?

Arek: ... *sigh* 

...I guess I'll just take this. *takes one white chocolate bar*

May: You never learn, do you?

Arek: Guess I don't. But don't forget I have to keep my form. 

Still, thanks a lot.

May: Don't mention it. *May buys everything and they go to the park*


(on way to the park, it's already pitch black outside)


May: (whispering concerned) Hey guys, I think someone's watching us.

Arek: *grabs himself by his heart and sighs in relief leaning forward and opening his eyes widely* Holy shit! Rock just fell off of my heart! *looks left and right at his team* I thought I was hallucinating or something... 

*cogs turning in head intensify* Wait a minute. . . 

*makes a "oh shit we done goofed" face as he starts whispering as well* Holy shit, I'm not hallucinating.

Hubert: *he glances at May and whispers with a slight frown on his face* I'd say there are 7 of them.

Arek: *leans back and looks at May* Hear me out tho. Just think for a second. 

*puts his hands in front of him making therm parallel* Who would be such an idiot to miss a chance on snatching a kid or two, especially if between them is goddamn mercy, iron bender, and time&space? *makes the \/[]\/ pose*

Hubert: *unmakes his frown and says jokingly* And the best Boss in the world.

Hubert&Arek: AYYYY *points fingers at each other* 

May: *looks at the team and stops, everyone fter her* Kay, here's the plan I'm going in front, Hubert goes after me. Time, space you go and clear our backs.

Hubert: Got it. *A&C nod*

Arek: *looks all cute and excited at May with his fists right to his chest* What about me?

May: You stay right here and look the best you possibly can.

Arek: *watery eyes intensify, he takes deep breath and sighs*


May: *saddens* I'm sorry Arek bu*Arek interrupts*

Arek: *still simling he puts his weight on his rear leg while putting his hand on waist* Nah chill.

I get it. *and raises the other hand* I really do. I'd only slow you down anyway.

May: *sigh* Okay. 

One more thing tho. 

*leans to Arek* If you're going to have such a sad face you won't look the best you can.

Arek: *cracks up hands down, and makes a confused pose* Wa do u mean? *points at his face with both hands* I've been smiling here all this time?

May: Hm.

*straightens her face* Alright, enough chit-chatting. On three.

(focus 100) One...


(preparation 100) Two...


(excitement 100) THREE! *they burst whilst turning on their armor*


*Hubert shoves his enemies with metal from thin air, shoving them into the ground blocking any way of escape, May is binding them with her whips and shoves one into another, their armor activates, she shoves them again and again until their armor turns off, time and space perfectly synchronized destroy their enemies with their swords slicing them one after another, until there's no one left* 


Hubert: And here I thought they would put up at least a bit of 

May: They were probably new at this. *Hubert looks at her*

Aiden&Cyntia: (to themselves) You were beautiful there sweetheart. The same goes for you my honey. *kiss*

Arek, May, and Hubert: *deep breath* So wholesome.

May: Anyway. It's time to celebrate.

Arek: Lesss GOO! *on their way to park... again* 

*looks into the sky with a glimmer of hope* Tho I must say. 

I wish I will fight like you one day.

Hubert: *he looks at Arek* Don't worry, *Arek looks at him* I'm sure you will boss.

May: And if you don't I'll become so rich I'll buy you an ability. *gigles*

Arek: *elegantly puts hand on his chest closing his eyes* Why thank you.


*a limousine arrives with two other cars, the cars open and May's personal guards surround her in defending position, a butler opens limousine doors, and from it comes out Lisa Vayle (Narrator: May's mother.)*

Lisa: (agressive, tyranic, controlling, you get the idea) May what are you doing in that filth! Get here this instant! I've told you to come home right after school because of the roaming kidnapper.

May: *looks away and whispers to herself* God must she really do everything to ruin my free time.

*looks back at Lisa* I know. It's also kidnapperS not kidnapper. 

Let's just say that they have been... (jokingly) "taken care of".

Arek: *cracks up and gigles* Nice, nice.

Lisa: *embarassed puts her hand on her nose* Ungh... *looks at her daughter* What did I tell you about those stupid jokes?! Behave like a lady is supposed to!

May: *puts her weight on her rear leg and her hand on waist* First of all. It's not stupid if it's funny. 

Second of all. I am not some lady.

Lisa: (had enough) If you won't come here in three someone is going to pay. *closes her eyes a bit* That someone isn't you...

May: *she clutches her fists and grits her teeth... but... she sighs and gives up, and looks down sad*

*looks at her Mother* I... *sighs and looks down for a second bofore looking at her again* ...I'm coming.

*turns to her friends* Sorry... It's just that*Arek interrupts* 

Arek: Come here *he hugs her making her stutter in a bit of a shock*

*he takes a deep breath* Listen. 

It's not your fault. You're a kind person. *wags his head around* Kindest in the world if I do say so myself. *and turns his head to May* And your mother is just taking advantage of your kindness. 

We know what you have to do and we accept it. 

We are here for each other and no one else. 


Aren't we?

May: (tears in eyes) Arek.

Arek: I hear you.


May: AND YOU STILL ASK WHY WERE HERE BY YOUR SIDE ALL THE TIME! *pushes him back and faces ground closing her eyes, tears flow down her cheeks*

*she opens them slightly* You're stupid...

Arek: (sad) Yeah. 

You're probably right. 

Sorry. *hugs her again*


*she hugs him back*


*and tightens it*




*before it finally ends*

May: *sighs and steps back looking down all the time* Guess I'll be going.

Arek: *smiles kindly* See you tomorrow then. 

May: *smiles* Hm. *she slowly steps toward the limo*

Hubert: Tomorrow we're celebrating Arek's second victory so make sure to be here.

May: *turns back* Don't worry, I'll be there for sure. *Lisa gets in the limo, May right after her and drives away, same with guards, Arek looks to her with a bit of sadness*


Hubert: (Narrator: You know what's going to happen.) Come here my dearest please let me kiss you. *kiss kiss kiss (he does it on air)*

Arek: *flustered makes a wall out of his hand* Oh shut up.

Aiden&Cyntia: *smile maluciously* How cute and wholesome you two were.

Arek: (flustration intensifies) AND WHO SAYS THAT?!

Hubert: Aanyway. We still do some fun stuff or*interupted by Arek*

Arek: *he's looking towards May again* We go on.

Hubert: *confused puts hand on his waist* Hmm? Didn't expect that from you.

Arek: It's just... I think May wouldn't want us not to have fun because of her.

Hubert: Yeah. *looks where Arek does* 

I think you're right on this one Aro.



(in the limousine)

Lisa: Ungh. What were you even thinking, going outside into such filth! Don't you know this might lower family status if it were to leak out?! *May is looking out the window with no care in Lisa*




(at Arek's house) 

*Arek opens the door gets in and locks it*

Arek's mom: (she's super tiny, she also looks way younger than actually is and is really cute) Areeeek *says happily while running towards him* 

Arek: Hi ma*and hugs him with all her might* you're finally home *the hug tightens*, you have no idea how worried I was when you didn't come as planned. Especially because of the roaming kidnapper! *the entity called Arek soon shall burst into pieces* But don't worry, you're aaall-forgiven.

Arek: *on last breath he says* Mom... can't... breathe.

Arek's mom: *stops hugging him and grovels* I'm so sorry, I still sometimes forget you are weaker than others!

Arek: *grovels back* I should be one saying sorry! I forgot to call you when I decided to go out for a while with my friends!

Arek's sis: *pulls both of them up by clothes and says with weirdly aggressive voice while looking once at Arek and once at her mom* C'mon we all know both of you feel sorry. *puts them in standing position* The dinner's ready so get your three letters down here. *says while going to the kitchen*

Arek&Arek's mom: Coming! *they follow her*

Arek: *sits down excited* So, what's for dinner?

Arek's sis: *smile* Surprise! It's pizza. 

Surprise again! *it washes off her face, it was fake* You ain't getting any until you finish your lunch.

Arek: *"nooo, sadge" is written on his face* Awww come onn...

Arek's sister: *domination fills her voice as she looks at Arek with deadly piercing eyes* Did I stutter?

Arek: *he's cold and hard and petrified, he backs off* N-n-no.

Arek's sis: Good. *they start to eat*

Arek's mom: (excited as always) Tell me sweetie how was school today. And most importantly how did the exams go!?

Arek: (mouthfull) Well the school wasn't bad, there was a hard test on maths so I might have dodged a bullet. *smiles with superiority and smugness while closing his eyes* Lucky me. I only was on my first three lessons. And then the exam. It was super easy, I got S+ on everything.

Arek's mom: That's fantastic!

Arek: *points fork at his mom* But It's not everything, I've made a deal with the examinator that if I were to get the highest grade on everything, She would let me go on the second part of it, so tomorrow I'm taking second exams.

Arek's sis: *concerned but not really she raises her eyebrow and looks at Arek* Are you sure about that. It wasn't that easy even for me.

Arek: *tilts his head* Well. *and to the other side* It's not like it's going to kill me or anything like that *straightens it happily* so I'll at least try.

Arek's mom: No, I do NOT agree with something as dangerous as that!

Arek: (doggo eyes) Mom pweeeeease.

Arek's mom: *tries to denny* mmmMMM... OKAY YOU CAN! *fails*

Arek: (sarcastic but not really) From the bottom of my heart you have my gratitude, my mother dearest.

Arek's mom: But it's not fair you use such cheap tricks against your mother. *turns away* humpf.

Arek: *finishes his food and stands up* Welp. Thanks for the food I'll be going now. *waltz away*

Arek's mom&sis: (confused confusing confusion) Wait you're not eating the pizza?!?

Arek: Eh. *drops his hand*

I'll eat it tomorrow morning, I'm full now. 

I'm also kinda tired so I'm taking a quick bath and I'm jumping straight to bed. *waves as he disappears* See ya tomorrow.


Arek's mom&sis: *suspiciously look at each other* Something's wrong.


*sometime passes...*


Arek: *casually jumps into bed with a smile and takes deep breath* Ahhh. 

That was nice. 

I finally passed the exam. How long has it been since I started dreaming of this day to come, *raises his eyebrow* 6 years? 

And then they waited for me... and celebrated with me... and then mom and sis even made pizza for me... 

*bathes in glee* I truly can't wish for a better life. 


I mean. I can. 

But what I have is way more than enough for me. And tomorrow... will be a better day.

...I just wish May could enjoy that happiness with us... 




(at Mark's house)

Mark: *he's doing pushups* That motherfucking piece of shit! I will beat him so hard not even Mythical healer is going to help him! *falls*

I! won't! fall! *tries standing up* I WON'T LOSE! *ends of his hair slowly change yellow* I! won't! fucking! give up! *a bright light flows out of him as he stands up* I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM! *emotions overflow him, he puts his armor on*

Hmm? What is this? Feels so... powerful. *looks all over his body* Oh. 

Hm, hm, hm. 

I see. 


If you can somehow hear me.

Don't go to school tomorrow. Because if you will... 


Someone in the other room: MARK! SHUT THE FUCK UP!









Narrator: Well. If you guys do want to hear all the important stuff then. *the video starts again at the moment where Arek meets his friends*

Here's what I wanted to say but realised that it'd break the whole... consistancy?...


Yeah. something like that.

So! Where,-to,-be,-gin?... I think I'm just going to throw all the bullshit at you.

In this world, everyone who is max 12 years old, gains random ability and will be able to put on "armor" at will, or if emotions overflow them, it's more or less something I have but everyone has different designs.

*he's walking with his friends to school 2 girls 2boys*

When people of this world get in their armor their physical power, and ability power increase x5 for common abilities x5.5 for uncommon abilities x6.5 for rare abilities x7.75 for epic x9 for legendary and x10 for mythical. Who knows maybe there are other ability levels that we don't know about just yet.

*2 of them seem to be a pair*

Of course, when they gain their ability they also gain some bonus power without armor, bout 1.5 times but that one depends on their soul power, the more soul power, the more bonus strength. Easy maths.

*they talk and laugh, just like any other good friends*

The abilities come from their souls. At the beginning of everyone's lives, all have the same soul power, but as they grow depending on the environment they live in their soul grows stronger and modify.

ALRIGHT! That's enough of that, time for our mc and his friends.

The girl on his right, her name is May.

How should I explain her ability...

Has anybody played overwatch?

She's basically mercy.

The level of her ability is mythical.

She's a real beauty, not only when it comes to looks, she is one of the most caring persons in the world, that's probably one of the reasons she has THAT ability.

She has brown a little bit curved hair and pink at the end, oh yeah one more thing, the ends of everyone's hair is the same color as the lights on their armor, same with their eyes... well... there are a few exceptions for this one.


Her height is 161 cm and her age is 14.5.

Also, Arek has a huuuge crush on her.

Next, the guy on Arek's right, his name's Hubert height 162cm age 13.8 brown hair, armor color is silver.

His ability is iron... and gold... and silver... basically he has control of almost all metals, aaand if he focuses enough he can turn one metal into another, well, he can even create metal out of nothing... so yeah, his ability level is legendary.

And he's Arek's BFF, it's as if they were brothers from other mothers. *ba dum tssss* Heheh.

I am a professional comedian.

On Arek's left side are "The Lovers" also known as time, aka Aiden age 14.2 height 164 armor, and space, aka Cynthia age and height same as Aiden, even the birth date and the hour, the HOSPISAL!... they're also neighbors, one thing with which you can differentiate them with is their hair and eyes since Aiden has a very long black hair and his armor color is deep blue while Cyntias hair is also black but a bit shorter, and her armor color is deep violet.

I think this says everything about them, the level is of course mythical because, you know... time and space...


You probably got that on the first try.

All 5 of them know each other ever since they were all the way in kindergarten... well except Aiden and Cynthia because they know each other ever since they were born, the world really did everything it possibly could to get those two together, hadn't it? Aaaand ever since then, those 5 were almost impossible to separate.

Oh right, I almost forgot about our mc.

The IDIOT you are looking at right now is almost 13 without f-ing ability.

Impressive if I do say so myself, he is the ONLY human over 12, without, any, ability, nor any trace of soul power... Well, he's not the only one without those two but when people are talking about him they always say something like "oh look, the only human without an ability" or something like that instead of "Look! The only human with a soul that doesn't have a power at age of 12.", it's way faster. But the important thing is that he HAS a soul, unlike others that don't have their abilities. And now you probably wonder how a human without a soul is created.

I'll tell ya later.


His height is 165cm even though he is so young, he has quite a lot of muscles. That's because life was really on hardcore mode for him. But all this time his friends and family were with him. That's why he does everything he possibly can to repay them. Their kindness taught him that he should help those in need.

Or did it? Heh. Hell if I know. I'm only here to say the story.

But sometimes he can't keep his feelings in tact... *in far away you can see some kid getting bullied by 3 other guys*

And when his feelings overflow him... *Arek turns and goes towards them*

He might do something... stupid...


But you already know what happened. *the tape goes out the tv as the screen goes black, Narrator grabs it*