
Chapter 2

The beggining

part two


*a slash and splattered blood, in the background you "hear in my way"*

Someone: AAAAAH!!! *he falls and attempts to crawl away from it*

???: Tell me... how does it feel?... *slowly follows him*

Someone: *still crying he keeps crawling away he puts his hands between himself and that thing trying to protect himself from the inevitable* Please!


I'll do anything! But please spare my life!

???: (acting curious) Hmm?... What was that?...

Someone: Please, spare my life, I'll give you anything Master K!*interrupted*

???: *steps forward and leans to him and stops being slow* DON'T YOU DARE USING THE NAME I THREW AWAY!!!

Someone: (whispering loudly) Yes!... I'm sorry!... I'm sorry...


???: *starts slowly pacing around him* Please, tell me something...

Someone: *smiles a bit with a spark of hope* W-what is it?

???: Can you, turn back the time?...

Can you, reverse the destruction?...

Can you... revive all the dead?...

Someone: *that smile washes off of his face* No, I can't b*interrupted*

???: *stops* Too bad for you... because one other thing that I want from you...

*closes the gap between them*

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I think this was the most beautiful sound I've heard in my life... GH! *clutches his heart and kneels gritting his teeth and tensing all of his muscles, staring into claws of mistakes and oblivion*


... *calms down*

*slowly stands back up* No...


*it gazes upon the world* Which part of humanity, shall be next?...

Arek: *wakes up, again terryfied but this time a bit less*


This dream again... Wonder if it means something...


*sits back up as if nothing happened, he says happily* Oh well who cares, for now, it's time to get through the 2nd *stretches his arms to the sky* exaAam! Ahhh. *drops them down in relief*

A-ny-wae. What time it is? *looks at his phon', smiles uncontrollably and says while resisting the laughter* Hm hm.

Nice, nice. *aggressively gets out of bed and takes a few notebooks to his backpack*

One day.

... *packs some moar*

*gets a bit more serious* ONE DAY!

I WILL F-ING KILL U BRAIN! (Narrator: His brain mode up a memory of him setting up the alarm.) *he runs into the hall and almost out the door*

Arek: *steps on the breaks and starts to speed up backwards* Woah woah waaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwaiwai... *runs to the kitchen and grabs one slice of pizza* Now! *then gets out*


(at the hill)

Arek: Ayyy Wolfy! *they clap their hands* How's the day my man?

Hubert: Nothing much Aro. *they let each other go* Just waiting here for you to wake up.

Arek: *scratches his head guilty smiling* Yeeeaaah. Sorry bout that.

Hubert: *puts his weight on rear leg and puts his hand on waist* Forgot to set the alarm? *Arek tries to say something but Wolfy stops him with his hand closing his eyes* Don't say anything, I know the answer.

Arek: *rolls his eyes* Who could've thunk it? *looks at everyone else* What about you guys, any bad news? *tilts his head smiling brightly* I'll also listen to the good ones.

*Aiden&Cynthia make "ok" sign*

Arek: May?

May: *lost in thought she's staring blankly at Arek* Hmm? *finally wakes up a bit shocked* Oh sorry.

*smiles dumbfounded* I was just thinking of something.

Arek: (caring) Family stuff?

May: *she looks away saddened* Yeah...


Arek: *sighs and smiles* Hey May. What does a skeleton say before dinner?

May: What?

Arek: Bone Appetit. *makes himslef crack up*

May: *sighs and smiles a little* Thanks...

Arek: *makes a loop around her* I know that sometimes it might be tough. *stops in front of her and leans to her* We're here alright?

May: *sideeyes him and says jokingly* Oh it's easy for you to say since no one tries to abuse your power.

Arek: *angeryrwy turns at her and points at har* At least you have one, u kno!


Hubert:*whispers to Aiden&Cynthia* Look at that tiger making his moves.

Aiden&Cynthia: *whisper back* You know he'd do the same for everyone else.

Hubert: *rolls his eyes and sighs* You're no fun.

Arek: *starts to slowly and happily walk towards school* Anyway let's get going, it's really freezing today.

Hubert: *looks at the sky* And no snow.

Arek: (-_-) Depression intensifies.

May: Oh right. Arek. *he turns 180 and looks at May while t-posing* Next week we're having a massive test on geography so better keep up if you don't want any bad grades.

Arek: You guys have it easier since time goes slower for you. (Narrator: All of their physical abilities are at least 1.5 times better, that includes reaction time reading speed, basically everything.)

May: *Arek turns 180 and slows down going in the middle of his team, he puts his hands in pockets* I can help you a bit if you want.

Arek: *looks at May and dennies with his hands* No no no, you have your own responsibilities to take care of. I reaally don't want to take any more of your time.

May: *moves her hand offering something* C'mon, I was healing people for years now, I can easily do it even with my eyes closed. (Narrator: Context here. Every day she gets 100 maybe 1000 people she's healing because she can and wants to.) *puts it down and tilts her head a bit* It's really not a big deal to prepare something you can learn off of.

Arek: *sighs closing his eyes and looking down* ... *he looks and points at May* Okay, but don't feel like you have to do it if you have other things to do, kay?

May: I know I know. *smiles* It's not as if I was going to put your grades before someone's life.

Arek: *nod* Good.

*from far away Arek sees a familiar face, Arek says with a bit of curiosity and confusion in his voice* Hey guys, is that Mark over there?

Hubert: *closes her eyes a bit* Hmm.

Yeah, that's him.

Arek: *tilts his head and scratches it in confusion* For the first time in my life I see him bullying someone 2 days in a row.

Hmm... and no sidekicks, *raises his eyebrows* it just gets weirder and weirder. *atmosphere changes*

*Mark starts to hold someone in the air, Arek smiles devilishly putting his head straight* OH! IF YOU FUCKING SAY SO PAL! *quickly runs towards him* MARK YOU PIECE OF SHIT! *Mark looks back with an evil grin*

Mark: *turns to him slowly with a kid in his hand* Arek.

*he's rolling his eyes and looking around* I was waiting for you for sooo long, and I got sooo bored I just had to acquire some money.

If you know what I mean. *Throws the kid, he runs away*

Arek: (-_-) Okay you can stop now, you start to get a bit too cringe. Even for me...

Mark: *angry points at Arek* Oh shut up!

Arek: (thinking) He's overconfident which brings three obvious possibilities.

Mark: I'm not as fucking cringe as you!

Arek: *puts hands on himself in visibly fake astonishment raising his eyebrows all while trying not tu burst laughing* Me?!


*crosses his arms and shakes slowly his head* Not cool man. Not cool. *smiles and tilts his head poking his cheek with pointing finger* Tho it is true. (thinking) First is that he brought a gun with him. Tho it's super dumb. Nah. He's not that dumb. Nor smart.

Mark: Ungh! You sometimes can be so annoying, *smiles* that I just want to shove my fist in your face.

Arek: („get real bitch" smile is on his face) And yet after whole 2 years you couldn't do it a single time. *laughs* (thinking) The second is that something is wrong with his brain that makes him think he has a chance against me. But that already happened, like come on. I have 3 mythical ppl right behind me.

Mark: You probably also wonder why am I so smug right now.

Arek: *smile washes off of his face* Yea, well, *tilts his head and looks away in curiosity while raising his eyebrows* that's pretty much everything I'm thinking right now.

Youuu *smiles and side eyes him* still succ tho. (thinking) And the third reason...


He has an ability.

I have an ability.

Arek: *sighs and smiles at 11th word* Who could've guessed that the real piece of shit has evolved into an omega piece of shit. (thinking smugly) Ohh, this is gonna be so much pain...

Mark: Well Arek. I hope you brought bandages today. Because you'll leave this fight deformed.

Arek: *cracks up and laughs catching himself by stomach* Deformed! K-hahahaha!

Who the fuck came up with this funny word?! *laughs with his nose*


Mark: (calm) How's it possible that you are chilling after knowing I have an ability.

*pissed makes his hands into claws and leans forward with is eyes wide open* A FUCKING ABILITY!




Arek: *puts on a smug face* Well if you insist. I guess I can only do so.

*it slowly washes off of his face, he sounds serious* Listen closely, to win you don't need so much raw power as long as you have brains to compensate.

If you ever thought I always won ONLY because I was stronger than you. Then you're wrong. I always determine what is the best possible way out of a situation.

And right now?

It is to run.

Mark: *smiles* Don't tell me you're chickening out.

Arek: *smiles and tilts his head* Nah it's just the best thing I can do now. Another thing that makes me so confident is that I never actually showed you my full strength. So you can't determine a lot of stuff. And yet an*he's interrupted*

Mark: (Mad) SHUT!



I thought I'd go easy on ya... But no. I won't just kick your ass now. Now you've done it. *takes a little breather*

*looks into Arek's eyes with mad anger* I will show you just how terrible pain broken bones can give you *puts armor on*

Arek: Hmm... guess it's time for me to put on my armor.

Mark: *confused and scared backs off* Wait WHAT!??! WHEN DID YOU GET YOUR ABILITY!?

Arek: *confused frowns* Dafq?

I never got my ability. *says while reaching to his backpack* I said I was going to put my armor on. Armor means something you can wear to protect yourself. *takes out his brass knuckles and puts them on* Right? Right. *takes out his mp3* Anyway. *puts earphones in his ears* Never got to test them out for real. *prepares* Guys. I want you... no... I order you to stay out of this even if my life would be at risk. *turns to them* Understand? *May and Hubert nod unsurery* Good.

Now then *turns back to Mark* shall we begin?

Mark: Heh. You really are an idiot, aren't you? *Arek turns his mp3 on as Mark throws himself full speed at him*

*Arek does the same, unlike Mark perfectly dodges all of his attacks and hits him a bunch of times, Arek is attacking in a certain beat, he backs up after headshoting Mark*

Mark: *opens his arms* What is it Arek? Are you scared?

Arek: *keeps his position* Course I am, what the hell do you even expect from me?

Mark: I expected a lot more from you, I even have a little present...

*He summons a dagger*

Arek: *wheeeezes roling his head* God fucking dammit. *looks back at Mark* Can this fight get any worse?

Mark: Oh don't worry. It can get quite much worse than it is. That is. FOR YOU!... *tries to stab him many times, all dodged parried, or blocked with gloves*

Arek: I can't hold on like this all day.

C'mon brain, think of something. Hm. Here's the idea *Arek punches Mark in the face and kicks his hand making him drop his knife, Arek picks it up and retreats*

Mark: You think you can just take other people's stuff without paying? *with a snap of fingers he zaps Arek with the knife*

Arek: *a bit burned says as if nothing happened* What about you? You think you can hurt people without any reason and get away with it? *he rushes toward Mark with a knife and stabs him several times, Mark tries to block them, after that Arek ducks and jumps cutting him from bottom to top, and stabbing him in his back mid-air leaving the knife in, it pierced through his armor*

Arek: *backs away and says excitedly* Man, that was badass! Wouldn't you agree?

Mark: Gsh.

No, I don't.

Arek: *closes his right eye* Aw c'mon man. You have to agree with me on at least one thing.

By the way. Haven't your parents taught you not to play with electricity?

Mark: No, if they did, *Mark cluthces his fist* I wouldn't be able to do THIS! *and pulls it down zapping Arek with thunder making a pile of dust to come up.*

Mark: *he backs off exhausted taking a breather, he thinks* God that ability is so costly... *closes his eyes* Heh... Doesn't matter now, I won, and that's all there is to it... *breathes so blissfully* get good... Arek...


*The cloud of dust starts to move, a burnt fist emerges from it... perfect headshot, Mark is startled, Arek starts attacking him with all he has while Mark tries to block it, Arek punches him in the face and kicks him few meters away*

Mark: What the hell! how are you still alive?!


*He throws himself at Mark with his fists, Mark hits Arek once in the face making him bleed*

Mark: (thinking) How?...

*Mark falls after 14th punch, Arek kicks him into a pole right after, walks to him, Mark watches him come... Arek goes full auto.*

(thinking) He's... so... powerful... *he defends himself with hands*

*After 45th attack Mark's armor goes off.*

(thinking) Is there nothing I can do?...

*After 53rd Arek stops out of weakness.*

(thinking) Guess... I never had a chance...

Arek: *one leg in a grave, thinks for a few seconds and says with a dead voice* Hm... I won. *huff* ...Fuck... my organs... I was right... pain...

Hmm... good... means I'm still alive. *he falls unconscious, with a glimpse of an eye he saw everyone run towards him*



(later at the hospital, just a regular cell with a window bed and a drawer on which is a bouquet of flowers)

May: *walks into Arek's chamber, his mother and sister are sitting there* How is he doing?

Arek's mom: (concerned) He's better... I think...

May: *smiles kindly* Don't worry he'll be back in his original state in max 5 days. *looks at the idiot on bed with a -_- face* Of course, if he won't do anything stupid in meantime.

Arek's sis: *leans backwards on chair side eyeing May* Don't worry. *May looks at her, Arek's sis closes one of her eyes* I'll strangle him to death before that's gonna happen.

May: *sighs and crosses her arms looking at him* That idiot. He just had to do something that stupid.

(concerned) After he was striked by that thunder... the rage in his eyes... it was otherworldly... As if leaking out of him. In my entire life, I didn't see him in that state once.

Arek's mom: *confused looks at Arek* I never actually saw him angry at all. Maybe he is just like others.

Arek's sis: Everyone is more or less like everyone. He just didn't have a reason to be angry at home.

May: I swear. Sometimes he's too much for me to handle. It's not the first time something this bad happened. Why did i let him do this?


*sighs with relief* Tell me when he wakes up. I still have around 29 people to take care of, (happily) and since I'm in hospital I can do some extra work. *walks out*

Arek's mom: *waits until May goes far enough leans to her daughter and whispers loudly* Have you seen how much she has developed?!

Arek's sis: *raises her eyebrow* You sure look concerned about that idiot's health.

Arek's mom: Of course I am! But there are more important matters at hand!

Areks sis: *nods* Makes sense. *she leans forward and whispers loudly* Yeah I saw it. She's almost as big as me.

Arek's mom: *excitedly clutches her fists* Oh I can't wait the day she'll be my daughter in law!

Arek's sis: *belly laughs* Yeah.

(speaking normally) Anyway. Coffee?

Arek's mom: (same) Coffee. *they stand and walk away*


(A while later, it's just Arek and his sis in the room)

Arek: *wakes up* Hmm?

Arek's sis: *notices him and puts away her phone* Hmm. Finally awake? How did ya sleep?

Arek: Actua*he's interrupted*

Arek's sis: Don't bother responding, I promised someone I'd strangle ya before you fully recover so I'd like to begin as fast as possible. *she stands up* U ready?

Arek: (you can read laughter terror and confusion from his face) Ummm. Sis?

Arek's sis: *she stops at his bed smiling at him all the time with malicious intent* Yes brother?

Arek: *backs away on his bed scared for his life* Heyayayayay, there is no need to be so brutal and violent! C'mon sis! don't you remember the good Times!?

Arek's sister: Tell me...

*gracefully jumps on the bed on top of Arek* LITTLE BROTHER...

Where was that "no need to be so brutal and violent" while you were beating the shit out of that 11-year-old?

Arek: *he just keeps staring at her* Sister please there is no other option than that in times like those.

Sister the executioner: *closes one of her eyes and tilts her head a bit acting cute* See? We even agree on one point. *puts her hands up his throat, he grabs her arms trying to protecc himself*

Huber: *suddenly&happily bursts into room taking all the eyes on him* AREK ARE MY EARS LYING OR YOU ARE FINALly Awaaa...ke... ummm... deep breath. bad timing Hubert, baaad timing *his exprasion slowly changed to something opposite to a smile, he walks away*


... *Arek and his executioner look back at eachother*

Executioner: Now then, where were we?

Ah yes.


*you can hear strong footsteps in the background, May bursts into room*

Arek: *looks at her* May! Please help me! *May looks at Arek's sister angrily*

Arek's sis: *rolls her eyes and sits down with a WHEEEZE!* Fine fine. *gracefully jumps off of the bed and walks past May* It's not as if I was going to kill him anyway.

*waltz out lifting her hand as if she's about to say toodaloo* Have fun you two.


May: *clearly angry she looks at Arek, he looks to his left and right with vacantly before he looks back at May and smiles so brightly*

... *sighs letting her head down and closing her eyes* You have no idea how much pleasure it would give me to strangle you right now.

Arek: *scratches his head* Hehe sorry... it's just th*he's interrupted*

May: *looks away* I know I know. It was your fight and I won't be arguing with th*she's interrupted*

Arek: (serious) Listen. May.

May: *looks back at Arek* Hmm?

Arek: I didn't just want to shove my superiority over him right in his face.

I had to win this battle so he will respect me. If he does, he will stop being such a piece of shit, and even if not, now I can at least interact with him and talk him out of it.

Or. That's at least what I hope for. *May tries to hold her laughter*

*frowns in angery* And what's so frckn' funny?! *she bursts into laughter*

May: Sorry I just PFFF HAHAHAHA, no!... *covers her mouth with hand* I'm sorry!... I can't do it, I just can't. hmhmhmhm. This is too much for me to handle. *a tear even goses down her cheek*

*deep breath*

*regains her composure and stands straight holding her hands behind and smiling at Arek* Okay, I think I'm better now.


Arek: ("seriously?" face) Wow... anything else?

May: *scratches her head in guilt* Sorry about that, it just shocked me a bit. I wouldn't guess that you'd go for such lengths to help him. *leans to him* Though I'm still mad at you a bit.

Arek: *keeps staring daggers at her* You're not the only one. (Narrator: He means me. Heheh. Fuck u Arek! XD)

May: Well then, what do you say both of us say sorry to each other?

Arek:*looks at her with dis face =-=* ...Why are you always so good?...

*looks away tilting his head* Not that I'm complaining tho.

Both of them: Sorry.

Arek: Anyway, what happened when I was out?

May: Well, first of all, you are late for the exams.

Arek: Duck. Now I'm ducking mad. For duck's sake. (Narrator: You have angered the duck gods.)

May: *cracks up a bit* Don't worry you can do them next time. *walks Arek with a chair and sits down on it* Another thing is that maybe the higherups will consider your victory against Mark and you'll have bigger chances of getting to the arena.

Arek: *rolls his eyes to May with a head tilt* Or ban me for doing it.

May: *she puts her head on her hands* I don't think that it will happen since there are practically no rules for the arena. And about Mark, the police FINALLY took some steps to prevent that from happening again. Wonder if they'd actually do it if my mom wouldn't interfere.

Arek: (curious) She did?

May: Yup. *she sits straight again* But it's mostly for my safety. She might do a lot of horrible stuff but, she does know the limits to some things... Probably... (Narrator: Spoiler alert! Jk. No spoilers. Maybe small ones. And hidden ones too. ;p)

Arek: *looks at a wall* Guess even she has some feelings.

May: *she looks at a window* I'd say it's more like, *Arek looks back at May* "family comes first", thing.

Arek: *raises his eyebrow* Guess that's a good thing?

May: *shrugs* As long as noone dies.

*nod* Anyway, back to your "little stunt". In two days you will be taken by police for interrogation. *she slowly spins her hand in the air* And at some point, all of the witnesses will be called to court and now that I look at your smug face you will protect him. *smiles* Right?

Arek: (smug) Yup you've guessed it.

May: You sure sound like you're proud of yourself. *gigles*

Arek: *closes his eyes and nods to himself in this ungodly ammount of smugness* Good. Means my message was readable.


... *looks at May confused* So umm... *tilts his head* you're not gonna ask me why I'm going to defend him?

May: I already asked you back 8 years ago on something else.

Arek: (=a=) 8 yea-whaa?...

May: Don't tell me you don't remember.

Arek: *tilts his head twice and looks at May* Yeeaaaaa-nooo.

May: (gigling) Ouch.

You hurt my feelings Arek.

(normal) 8 years ago some kid, and no, it wasn't Mark, got into a fistfight with you. And after that when the teacher stopped him from fisting you... *realization*

Arek: (nodding&smiling) Beautiful word.

Kinda kinky tho. *cracks up*


May: *eyes closed, deep breath* From hitting you. He was scolded like hell, but you instead of putting more wood into the fire stood before him and said *she leans forward and looks at the cieling with buttery eyes and with the most comedically begging voice she says* "teacher, pweeaase don't be so hawd on him, you shoudn't huwt peopwe, instead you should teach them not to do that again".


Arek: I will... *struggles to say the next word* NOt... kill you...

May: (proud of herself) Hm. Gocha.

Well. With that you shut her for good, it was beautiful to see a teacher struggling to say something to a kid, (gigling) she was about to say that sometimes you need to punish someone. But then she realised that my guards were nearby and she was just so dumbfounded! *she covers her face as tears appear in her eyes* Pff-hahaha!

*deep breath* Back then I was still higher than you. I kinda miss that. I asked why you stood up for him and you said "it doesn't make sense to create more and more pain for something that isn't even our fault" and I said "but he was the one who punched you so it's his fault" and you said "and who raised him in a way that made him the way he is" and I said "then it's his parents fault?" and you said "And who raised them in such and such way that mode them raise him in such way, we could talk like that for very long until we would come to the beginning of this world. That's why I believe it's the fault of whatever caused this world to exist. Do you see it now? Also, nobody wants pain. So why create more?".

I still can't believe that a kid could come up with something like that.

Arek: *with raised eyebrow scratches his head* Me neither.

May: *points it out to him* Well. But you did.

It was messed up for me at the beginning. But just a bit later, after a few more actions you learned that sometimes to teach someone about something you need to punch them in the gut instead of just taking all the hits.

*smugly tilts her head a bit* You became really brutal you know?

Arek: (tired) That's my sisters fault u kno.

May: *closes her eyes smiling brightly* Don't change it, it suits you. You look really badass when you face people so much more powerful that you.

Arek: *looks away* I mean.

*and back at May* You're always behind my back so... *smiles kindly* Thank you for that.

May: *smiles back* You're welcome

*adorable silence*


Arek: What time is it anyway?

May: More or less 4 pm. *checks her phone* Mm-hm. 4:09.

Arek: Crap... Well, at least I have my second part of the day. *tries to get up but May quickly pushes him back down and says*

Oh you are not going anywhere. (pun) I may be the mythical healer but it doesn't mean I can do everything I want just yet.

*points her finger up* First of all, I've taught myself to work on a massive scale so I can heal all the bigger injuries but I'm not that good at a cellular level. *and then closes the gap between her and Arek, she takes his head and delicately spins it counterclockwise and touches Arek at his sphenoid bone* That's why I've healed all of the life-threatening injuries but there are still other wounds that need time. *she sits back down And looks at Arek giving him the finger, Arek is not content* And this means no getting out of bed for the next two days.

*smiles with malicious intent* But don't worry. *she bends down and grabs something* While I was on my breaks I've prepared quite a lot of material for you to learn from. *throws a "crap ton of paperwork" at Areks desk, he looks at it with terror in his eyes, he then looks at may and furiously&scared shakes his head* I still have a few people to take care of, after I finish healing them I'll be back and we'll see how much you've learned. *she smiling nods back to him* But that's for later.

See ya and good work. *stands up and waltz away to the door*

Arek: Bye... thanks for the effort... I guess...

May: *smugly stops in the door and leans out to Arek* It was My pleasure. *leaves*


Arek: (to himself) Hmm... sadistic today... *smiles* Why do I like it?


*performs karate chop on himself* Ow.

No horny u idiot.


Guess... I should start learning?... *takes the papers and actually learns* That doesn't sound right...


*in the background you hear "in my way"*

???: *it's walking through endless plains* This life has no value...

Unless that feeling is valuable...

But if it has value...

Why can't I be happy to have so much of it?...

It feels... as if it was endless...

... I... will give it all...

no matter...

if they want it... or not...

I'll share with them... every last bit ó̸̸̸̷̴̵̶̢̡̨̟̹̦̪͖̰͇͗̏͗͆́̈́͌̎̋͘f̶̴̸̸̵̴̷̷͓̩͈͇̼̫̳̰̜̗̆̂́͛͂̄̆̾̏̅̀̉͘ͅͅ ̸̸̴̵̵̵̴̸̴̡͓̦͈̯̠͖̬̪̯̼̿̾̀̍̍̌̓̎͆̀̿̇͌͠ͅṗ̴̶̸̷̶̸̸̶̭̗̹̜̩̰͎̖̺̩͈̩̂͒́̽̀̎̊́̾̈́̏͜ͅã̷̷̴̵̶̵̴̛̼̪̙̗͚͚̩̫̘̖̑̄̍̏̒͆̽͐̾͋͝͝į̷̵̸̵̸̵̸̶̛͎̠͍͎̲̺̬͕͍͈̻͙͇̒̑̈̾͊̀̅̆͐͘͘͝n̸̴̷̴̵̶̸̛̲͓͈̬̮̥̪̬͖̟̓͊̓͐̈́̉̓̆͜.̷̸̵̵̸̶̵̨̭̞̯̜̱͉̘͙̖̘͕̄͌̈̒̾̌͂̀͘͝͠.̶̷̸̶̷̷̴̸̢̢̨̥̖͍̮͔̟͇̠͐̅͂̏͆̐̅̂̽̿̚̚͜ͅ.̵̴̸̷̴̶̸͖͎͖͕̹̝̜̳̣̘͗̾͋̀͂̑͆͑́̉̓

Arek: *wakes up calmly opening his eyes*


3 days in a row huh?... *he frowns angryrly*

*points his finger to the ceiling and sits down* Alright! Bring it on world! I'm ready when you are! *crack sound comes from his spine his expression changes to "oh shi, I fucked up"* Oww...


*scratches his head* III'll take that as a yes?

Anyway *looks around* I'm still in the hospital...


Normally I'd be helping around the house but, I'm here... *closes his eyes and raises his eyebrows* and there's no way denying it.






*starts to complain* And yesterday was so frckn' hard. *smiles and boasts jokingly, gracefully putting hand on his chest and turning his head* Too much to learn for someone as responsible as me. (Narrator: „Responsible"...) *he goes to sitting normally* Alright, if excitement won't come to me. *excitement 100* I'm coming for it instead. *jumps from bed putting on the flipflops* I'm out of here. *puts his hand on the doorknob, but suddenly* (A horrible chill goes down your spine)

*concerned looks at different parts of the floor with his deadly piercing eyes thinking intensely* No... something's not right...

*looks at the door* Someone... is behind this door... And that someone...

*closes his eyes a bit* Would be very pleased with my presence...

*closes his eyes letting his head down still thinking* I should not go through this door... It would be very very dangerous...

To do so...


*opens his eyes careless and smiling a bit* Oh well, who cares. *slowly opens the door... his sister... is sitting in front of them... with a big, sadistic, smile on her face, Arek stops opening them*

Arek's sister: Hey brother...

Arek: (cri&smiling nervously) I... I regret my life choices *slowly closes the door... his sister puts her foot in it*

Arek's sis: (normal) Let's talk for real now. *opens them*

Arek: (same) What's up?

Arek's sis: *crosses her arms* As you probably know May couldn't stay in hospital for... obvious reasons, so she asked me to keep watch of you in case you would try to escape. *leans to him* And luckily I have a free day today and next few days. *smiles tilting her head* So thank you for ruining my free time.

Arek: *it's his fault but he's still gonna complain, his sis puts her waight on her rear leg* Aw c'mon. What am I even supposed to do?

Arek's sis: That's an easy one. *face changed to "she's going to kill the entire world"* Learn.

When May got out she said that you don't know basics in geo.

Arek: (begging) It's only because they teach us so much and I can't possibly keep up.

(Narrator: It's actually true, although he could learn a bit more at the moment.)

Arek's sis: If you can't keep up then change school. There are two in our area you know?

Arek: But I want to be with my friends.

Arek's sis: *uncrosses her arms and opens them* Sometimes you have to choose the better evil. *puts them at her waist* In any case, if you're not going to get those grades up you can say bye-bye to your free time. Mom's words. Not mine.

Arek: *turns 180 angrily shooting his arms up* Fine fine!

*shakes his head going to the cell* I'll go learn.

Arek's sis: Good.

And don't even think of sneaking out of here, I'll be in here all the time watching you. (Narrator: She left this place right after she finished talking.)

Arek: *turns his head bored&exhausted* Can you at least tell me what time it is?

Arek's sis: It's 30 past 8,

Arek: WHAT, this is so late. How did I sleep for this long? I normally wake up at 7 automatically.

Arek's sis: (genuine) Guess that has to do with your fight. *raises her arm opened* But look at it from the other side, *points at Arek* even your body tries to tell you that you need to recover.

Listen Arek, if you try to look at something from every single perspective and it always looks more or less the same then it means something.

... *looks down thinking*

Arek: *sigh* Can't disagree on this one. Fair enough sis.

Arek's sister: *annoyed crosses her arms and looks at Arek spitefuly* And can you finally start calling me by my name?

Arek: Okay okay.

*deep breath* Amy.

Amy: Good. Later.

Arek: Later. *she closes door*


(whispering) Boring...


*he looks at the door and says* She seriously doesn't have anything better to do. Does she?

... *looks at papers*


My destiny is before me... but I'm scared of it... so much... *frowns and closes his eyes, he knows what's coming for him* I can already feel the brain pain after learning... *huffs and looks up*

Nothing else to be done. *walks slowly towards the "crap ton of paperwork"* I truly can't believe that this will be my entire day. (Narrator: It wasn't. Everyone came in here just a few hours later.) Anyway, how many pages are left. *takes a look at the "crap ton of paperwork" but...* Heh, *smile* would you look at that.

*bends and goes through the pages in a blink of an eye* Seems that the crap ton of paperwork has evolved into a bit of paperwork.

*tilts his head raising his eyebrow smiling constantly&delicately* Or maybe I should say devolved?...

*sigh* let's just get this over with. *takes the "bit of paperwork" and sits down on the bed as the beautiful morning sunshine fills the room*







Narrator: Aaand that's how my little legend begins.




I guess that this is more or less what you can expect from the rest of it. It's not always going to be super exciting. But looot of weird shit's gonna happen so.



Hope you enjoyed yourself.

Anyway. I'm going to play some flash games.

You do whatever it is that you want to do.

C ya!