
Liuping found himself engaged in the somber task of burying the deceased.

On the ground, the remnants of the Mountain's impact had been cleared away by his efforts.

Each of the deceased cultivators was carefully placed in coffins and interred in the earth, a task more meticulous than physically demanding.

But there was no other choice—

He had to justify his decision to bury Wang Cheng.

At a certain moment, wiping the sweat from his brow, he reflected on the recent events.

' Should be enough.'

Aside from Wang Cheng's demise, there were other strange occurrences that Liuping hadn't yet had the chance to ponder.


Liuping glanced up at the sky.

Far too long had passed, yet the darkness showed no signs of change.

It should be the afternoon now ...


something is up with this world.

Liuping groaned as he retrieved the string of copper coins from his storage bag.

Most sects primarily provide worldly possessions and meager funds for their low-level disciples, as most practitioners tend to lead an ascetic lifestyle. Thus, this string of copper coins aligns with Liu Ping's status as a Qi-refining disciple of a modest sect.

However, in the world of spiritual practice, copper coins hold significance beyond mere currency.

In spiritual practices, occultism can utilize copper coins for divination purposes.

Liuping extracted six coins and tossed them into the air, uttering some incomprehensible words.

the coins produced a colliding sound and fell down.

To his surprise, all six coins landed upright on the ground. Liuping's eyelids twitched in disbelief.

How could this be? Why couldn't he discern the outcome?

Despite his current status as a peak Qi-refining practitioner, time-counting was one of the most fundamental divination techniques.

Calming his spirit, Liu Ping swiftly gathered the six copper coins back into his hand. Taking a deep breath, he shouted once more, "Like the shadow following the person, bad and good luck from present!"

Once again, the copper coins were tossed into the air.

As they landed on the ground, they emitted a clear sound, yet remained standing erect, showing neither heads nor tails.

A deathly stillness pervaded the scene under the eerie dim light of night, with the six copper coins standing completely motionless.

"Receive" Liu Ping muttered hoarsely.

With a trembling hand, Liu Ping collected the six copper coins and hastily stowed them back into his storage bag.

For the second time in a row, his attempts to seek answers through divination had yielded no results.

"It is too chaotic" he murmured to himself. This was a phenomenon even his Master had never mentioned, something that surpassed the comprehension of ordinary cultivators.

Just then, a spiritual light began to emanate from the transmission formation.

Liu Ping turned his head to observe as the formation emitted invisible fluctuations, rippling like waves. Soon after, a figure materialized on the formation, the same cultivator as before.

Glancing around, the cultivator noted everything appeared undisturbed and expressed surprise, "Fellow Daoist Liu, did you personally bury the fellow cultivators?"

Liu Ping's expression was sincere as he replied, "I felt it was proper to lay them to rest as soon as possible, i had many comrades who had fallen by my side and cannot bring myself to see them not rest in peace even after death."

The cultivator recalled their encounter in the barracks and nodded in understanding.

Apart from Liu Ping, all others had perished. Those severely injured on the battlefield, as long as there was a chance of rescue, wouldn't be sent here, unless a mistake was made by the healer responsible. However, such situations were extremely rare.

The cultivator sighed deeply and commented, "Fellow Daoist Liu, you have a compassionate heart." He then joined Liu Ping in burying the remaining corpses.

The matter concerning Wang Cheng was naturally left unmentioned.

Once all the corpses were buried, the cultivator handed Liu Ping a token and a gourd bottle.

"What's this?" Liu Ping inquired.

"The bottle contains healing medicinal liquid, and as for the token— because your situation has been verified multiple times, the higher-ups have bestowed this token upon you. You must carry this token to the Western Desolate Great Camp, where several commanders will provide you with a new assignment," explained the cultivator. "You must go," he emphasized once more.

"I understand now, thank you very much," Liu Ping responded gratefully.

He opened the gourd bottle and took a whiff of its contents before drinking the medicinal liquid inside. Then, he carefully examined the token.

The token bore an engraving of a miniature spatial joining formation plate, embedded with six spirit stones to provide energy to the plate. It contained two sets of coordinates: one for the current graveyard and the other for the Western Desolate Great Camp.

If Liu Ping held the token and stood within the graveyard's Transmission Formation, it would automatically activate and connect to the coordinates embedded within the token, transporting him to the Western Desolate Great Camp.

The process could be reversed as well.

However, the token was single-use only.

Liu Ping glanced at the token and couldn't help but turn his head to inspect the Transmission Formation. Why was it broken? Could it still be functional?

The cultivator addressed Liu Ping respectfully, "Our task here is finished, so I must depart."

"Where are you heading?" Liu Ping inquired.

"There are new developments on the frontline, and all second-line personnel have been reassigned—I and my Younger Uncle-Master are among them" the cultivator explained.

Liu Ping was taken aback.

Liu Ping's mind raced as he swiftly contemplated, then he asked, "Fellow Daoist, could you please wait a moment? What time is it exactly?"

The cultivator sighed and replied, "It's about 8 in the morning"

Liu Ping slowly looked up at the sky. 'No matter how you look at it this is not 8 in the morning'

The cultivator turned to walk into the Transmission Formation, then turned back to look at Liu Ping deeply, saying, "Let me give you some advice, it's best if you leave immediately. It might become dangerous soon."

Liu Ping was startled. What did that mean? In an instant, a flash of spiritual light appeared, and the cultivator had already been teleported away.

The graveyard became quiet, just like the silent depths of the sea, enveloped in infinite tranquility.

"I understand. We'll meet again," Liu Ping said with a respectful gesture toward the now-empty Transmission Formation while contemplating the token in his hand. He stood there, lost in thought for several breaths.

The flow of fate was chaotic, making it impossible to discern fortune from misfortune.

The sect had been destroyed.

His master, having not consumed the Nine Revolutions Reviving Good Fortune Pill, had now met his demise.

In the past, I traveled the world with my master, forging friendships with people from all walks of life, engaging in countless adventures, and secretly accumulating wealth every year, all in the hope of awakening this.... Sequence.

'There are so many memories, but I can never return to them.'

'From this moment on, I am alone in this world.'

'Liu Ping took a few moments to compose himself, suppressing his emotions.'

'Nevertheless, he knew he had to report to the Western Wilderness Camp first.'

Compared to the cemetery, the camp is undoubtedly safer.

Moreover, the token in his possession was a military order.

As a Qi Refinement cultivator from a small sect, I know that disobeying orders during wartime meant execution on site.

The decision had been made.

Liuping took a step and quickly approached the teleportation circle.


The flashing characters transformed once more into a line of small words.


[The death of the Pursuer seems to have triggered a chain reaction.]

[The laws of space and time are starting to become unstable.]

[This Sequence determines the current situation as follows]

[Some unknown entity is invading the Current World.]

Liu Ping wondered aloud, "A chain reaction? What does this mean?"

While his mouth voiced the question, his movements quickened even more, and in just a few dozen steps, he arrived at the Transmission Formation.

The next moment—

A rustling sound emanated from the distant graveyard.

Liu Ping froze in place.

Slowly, he turned his head to look.

In the distance.

The graveyard.

Wang Cheng crawled out from underground, the soil and coffin that had buried him pushed aside.

A chill crept up behind Liu Ping.

Suddenly, he recalled the words of the cultivator just moments ago:

"I'll give you an advice, you'd better go right away, and it will change later."

Could it be that the other party knows something?

Indeed, when Wang Cheng appeared for the first time, the other party happened to avoid him.

The more Liu Ping thought about it, the more peculiar it seemed.

Wang Cheng had been resurrected for the second time.

In the Cultivation World, such an occurrence is unheard of.

Even in my own experience, I took a divine pill while on the brink of death, undergoing a rebirth to alter my fate.

but in reality there can only be one divine pill.

Moreover, a divine pill couldn't possibly resurrect corpses that have already turned cold.

Is this what they call a Pursuer?

Sha... Sha... Sha...

From a distance, Wang Cheng walks steadily towards Liu Ping, his voice low and deep as he asks, "Were you the one who killed Wang Cheng?"