
Liu Ping raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Wang Cheng couldn't recall the unexpected circumstances of his own demise.

At this realization, Liu Ping flashed a harmless smile and respectfully said, "Greetings, fellow daoist. I too have just emerged from the depths below, unaware of who might have brought about my demise."

Wang Cheng fixed him with a steady gaze and remarked, "...I sense traces of your involvement in my death."

Liu Ping's smile faltered momentarily as he sighed, "It was merely an act of self-defense, fellow daoist. Please don't hold it against me. By the way, may I inquire as to your origins? And perhaps, would you be open to resolving any lingering hostility between us? I am willing to make amends."

Wang Cheng's expression darkened, a hint of menace creeping into his demeanor. "To have a Qi Refinement Stage individual slay one of Foundation Establishment Stage is indeed a peculiar occurrence," he stated gravely. "It warrants my personal investigation."

Liu Ping took a deep breath, his mind racing to find the right words, when suddenly, something strange occurred.

The fierce expression on Wang Cheng's face froze in place, and the surroundings became eerily still. Liu Ping, too, found himself unable to move, trapped in a state of suspended animation.

In an instant, everything seemed to come to a standstill, as if time itself had paused. ...happening?

In Liu Ping's heart, a sense of awe welled up as he witnessed something extraordinary.

Suddenly, within the void, a twinkling script emerged, transforming into countless intricate and mysterious runes that flowed like a cascading waterfall.

In rapid succession, rows of burning characters appeared, each blazing like flames:

[Time: Unknown.]

[First confirmation successful, second confirmation successful, third confirmation successful.]

[Confirmed: Unable to assess the current situation with this Sequence.]

The revelation left Liu Ping stunned, realizing he was witnessing something beyond his comprehension.

[This condition is exceptionally rare.]


[This Sequence will initiate the first investigation.]

[You must make physical contact with a resurrected corpse for this Sequence to analyze it.]

Liu Ping gazed at the lines of burning characters before him, and he exclaimed softly, "Can you be activated then?"

Several more lines of burning characters appeared: "This Sequence must remain concealed; it will not activate."

The situation grew more mysterious and complex, leaving Liu Ping with more questions than answers.

[If you allow this Sequence to analyze a resurrected corpse, it can provide you with assistance without revealing itself,]

Liu Ping murmured, his mind racing with possibilities. He reached for his piggy bank, intent on making the necessary arrangements.

But before he could act, a new line of text appeared in the void, catching his attention.

[Please pay special attention.]

[The entity before you is not Wang Cheng.]

[It is temporarily restricted to Wang Cheng's level of strength.]

[Revealing the piggy bank before it may expose the existence of this Sequence, leading you into a perilous situation,]

the sequence warned.

[To exercise caution, this Sequence will seal all its powers and remain silent. You will be unable to utilize the money box's functions.]

[Naturally, this Sequence lacks the authority to compel you to act. If you feel overwhelmed by the current circumstances, you are free to flee this place immediately. The choice to fight or flee rests solely with you.]

As the small characters disappeared, everything returned to normal.

Time resumed its forward march, and Liu Ping found himself gazing at Wang Cheng.

The prompts referred to Wang Cheng as "it." In other words, Wang Cheng was not a person but something else entirely.

Realizing the magnitude of the unknown entity he was facing, Liu Ping hesitated to confront such a formidable opponent as a mere Qi Refinement Stage cultivator.

The lack of information left him uncertain of what he might be up against. Uncertain of what the outcome of a confrontation might be, Liu Ping decided that discretion was the better part of valor.

Deciding that fighting was not the wisest course of action at the moment, Liu Ping made a quick resolution.

He determined that waiting until his body had fully recovered and advancing to the Foundation Establishment Stage before confronting this mysterious entity would be the best course of action.

With a heavy heart, Liu Ping bid Wang Cheng farewell, expressing his gratitude and requesting not to be concerned for his safety.

"Fellow Daoist, I must bid you farewell. Please take care, and do not worry about me,"

Without hesitation, Liu Ping swiftly retreated towards the Transmission Formation.

However, despite the short distance separating him from the Transmission Formation, Wang Cheng remained dozens of meters away, too far to stop Liu Ping in time.

 "Youngster, if I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to run away."

Before Liu Ping could fully process Wang Cheng's words, the entity surged forward with sudden speed, hurtling towards Liu Ping with alarming velocity.

Realizing he was on the brink of death, Liu Ping paid no heed to Wang Cheng's words.

With determination in his heart, he took a single bold step into the Transmission Formation, clutching the token tightly in his hand.

As the token hovered in the air, a surge of spirit light emanated from the Transmission Formation, enveloping Liu Ping and the token. Within the span of just two breaths, the formation began to activate.

At that moment, Wang Cheng remained several feet away.

From afar, Wang Cheng's voice echoed urgently, "Fellow cultivator, surely you have mentors, brothers, and lovers. Do you not desire knowledge of their resurrection? I can provide you with that information!"

The concept of resurrection... Liu Ping's mind raced as he contemplated the potential consequences. The dead returning to life could result in the creation of monstrous beings.

In a swift turn of events, the once vibrant auras surrounding the teleportation circle dimmed ominously, signaling a foreboding turn of events.

With resolve, Liu Ping firmly grasped the token, severing its connection with the teleportation circle.

—Transmission interrupted.

Standing at the center of the formation, Liu Ping bowed his head, his gaze steady on the token in his hand.

With a resolute determination, he forcibly halted the transmission, rendering the disposable token useless.

"Master..." His voice choked with emotion as he spoke, a bittersweet pang of longing echoing in his words.

Suddenly, the sky above rumbled with a deafening roar, and a torrential downpour ensued, the rain cascading down like a veil of tears.

As the rainwater accumulated, the potential for flooding between heaven and earth grew steadily. Wang Cheng's gaze bore down on Liu Ping, filled with a sense of superiority and mockery.

"Pitiful mortal," Wang Cheng taunted, his voice dripping with disdain, "your numerous attachments are your weaknesses. They will only serve to expose you to the full bitterness and harshness of destiny."

Liu Ping lifted his head slowly, his gaze meeting the roiling dark clouds above. The rain continued to pelt down upon his face, each drop a poignant reminder of the tumult within his heart.

"You are correct," Liu Ping admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I tried countless methods to save that person from the grasp of death, only for them to ultimately sacrifice themselves to save me... It was my failure."

Wang Cheng's taunting laughter filled the air. "It matters not," he sneered. "I will claim your body and soul, ensuring you taste the bitterness of failure in your final moments."

Liu Ping's response was resolute. "No, I will change that fate."

Wang Cheng's disdainful chuckle echoed, dismissing Liu Ping's defiance. "It is mere wishful thinking. The fates of all cultivators are predetermined."

With a heavy heart, Liu Ping hung his head in silence, his resolve unwavering despite the bleak outlook.

The dim light of the night sank lower, casting a heavy and somber mood over the surroundings as the sounds of wind and rain grew louder, enveloping the world in a cacophony of nature's fury.

In the darkness, Wang Cheng's figure disappeared into the shadows, his movements swift. With each stride, he accelerated, his speed increasing with every moment. Reaching into his Storage Bag and swiftly donned a gauntlet upon his hand as he darted.

The distance between him and Liu Ping rapidly diminished.

20 meters remained between them.

In front of him, not far away—

Liu Ping suddenly brandished a blade in his hand. It was an ordinary long blade, yet it bore faint traces of rough spirit marks, making it slightly superior to regular artifacts.

With a firm grip on the blade, Liu Ping let it hang by his side, its tip tracing lightly along the ground.


The long blade transformed into an afterimage, deftly and swiftly carving runes into the stone of the Transmission Formation. Each stroke of the blade etched out the intricate patterns with precision.

One by one, swift and fierce rifts began to tear through the fabric of space, manifesting as seams in the void.

The once-stable Transmission Formation now faltered, its strength waning as it approached collapse.

With a final stroke, the blade came to a halt.

Liu Ping lifted the blade slowly, taking a moment to steady his breath.

Throughout the entire process, he had not once glanced at Wang Cheng.

As the distance closed to a mere ten meters, a palpable aura of malevolence emanated from Wang Cheng, as though transforming into a ferocious beast.

"Speak your final words," he snarled, a savage grin twisting his features, "or you'll run out of time."

With a silent flicker of his hand, Liu Ping spoke in a low voice, "My actions come at a great cost."

With lightning speed, he tore down his sleeves, the motion deceptive and swift, hiding his true intentions beneath the surface.

In the darkness, the wind and rain intensified, raging with even greater ferocity. The relentless downpour pounded against the blade, creating a cacophony of crowded and slight sounds.

With only five meters remaining between them, in the midst of the torrential downpour, Wang Cheng leaped high into the air, resembling a hungry wolf pouncing on its prey, aiming to strike down Liu Ping.

With both hands clenched into fists, Wang Cheng's palms emitted a faint red light, ready to unleash an aggressive strike at any moment.

Meanwhile, Liu Ping's face was obscured by a hood, rendering his expressions unseen. However, he swiftly retreated into the Transmission Formation, stomping his feet with all his might.

Ka Cha!

Immediately, the formation shattered, and the cracks in the space emanated from the shattered formation, Liu Ping's long blade attempted to redirect them, but they remained intangible, lacking attachment to any solid object.

From the blade, bursts of sharp, fragmented cries pierced the air.

"Speak your final words," Liu Ping murmured softly, gripping the long blade tightly.

Suddenly, the wind intensified, and the downpour grew even fiercer.

Through the curtain of rain, Wang Cheng soared high, his form transforming as he launched a devastating attack. With a fierce roar, he thrust both fists forward, unleashing roaring flames aimed ruthlessly at Liu Ping's body.

In response, Liu Ping held his blade out, directing the space cracks toward Wang Cheng's attack. The cracks swarmed around the blade, emitting sharp, thin cries as they surged toward the heavens.

In an instant, the two opponents clashed.


A startling crack of thunder ripped through the sky, slicing through the darkness and hurtling toward the distant horizon in a long-range raid. The formidable thunderclap illuminated the dreadful rainwater with fleeting flashes of light.

Shortly afterward, everything returned to its previous state.

One breath passed.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The rainwater continued to fall incessantly, creating a gentle patter as it struck the ground.

Liu Ping stood at the edge of the Transmission Formation, his half-length clothes scorched and his body adorned with numerous wounds.

Kā chā ——

His blade, now in two pieces, fell to the ground, embedding itself fully into the muddy earth. From the broken blade, streams of ice-cold space slits continued to appear, only to vanish suddenly as raindrops crashed into them, creating splashes of water.

Wang Cheng's fist tightened as he regarded Liu Ping with caution. "Destroying the formation array, utilizing the remaining power of the space gap to face me... Boy, are you an array master?"

Liu Ping nodded. "That's correct."

Wang Cheng acknowledged Liu Ping's skill with a nod. "No wonder you devised such a method to deal with me, but... why are you acting like a blind man?"

Instead of answering, Liu Ping responded, "I have something to ask you."

In the past, Liu Ping's blindness was incurable, and he had grown accustomed to navigating the world without relying on his sight.

Now, with his vision restored by the divine pill, he found himself struggling to adapt to using his eyes to confront the enemy in battle.

Blindfolding himself allowed him to bypass the distraction of sight and focus solely on the task at hand: ruthlessly defeating his opponent with undivided attention.

This strategy was not something he felt compelled to reveal to a monster like Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng wore a pensive expression as he muttered to himself, "Despite being in the Foundation Establishment Stage, Wang Cheng has yet to awaken his supernatural powers. With your mastery of formation techniques, his demise is inevitable in your hands."

With a decisive clap, Wang Cheng concluded, "Your combat abilities are rather ordinary. I may have been overly concerned."


As if a dam had burst, Wang Cheng's entire body suddenly transformed into a cloud of blood.

The shattered space blade erupted from his form, whirling like a tempestuous wind with a piercing whistle before dispersing after a few breaths.

Unable to sustain his corporeal form any longer, Wang Cheng collapsed to the ground.

Liu Ping advanced, his voice low as he demanded, "You mentioned the dead returning to life. Is it true?"

Wang Cheng smirked and replied, "Why should I tell you?

Liu Ping's voice turned cold as he declared, "If you refuse to tell me, I will crush your bones to dust and scatter them. Once your body has turned to ashes, I doubt any resurrection ability will be of use."

Wang Cheng's expression darkened with rage as he snarled, "Wang Cheng's body and soul belong to me! You are nothing but a cultivator in the Qi-Refinement realm. How dare you lay a hand on my possessions?"

Liu Ping was taken aback by Wang Cheng's ferocity.

The mention of "body and soul" hinted at the terrifying capabilities of this monster, capable of stripping everything from its victims.

Wang Cheng's monstrous hand rose, pointing accusingly at Liu Ping. "You have incurred my wrath. In the days to come, you will understand the true meaning of regret."

Liu Ping remained composed, seeking resolution. "We have no grudges against each other. Answer me and I will trouble you no further. We can part ways amicably."

Wang Cheng regarded Liu Ping with a mocking smirk, observing his nervous expression. "You're nothing but a tiny ant, unworthy of knowing any answers. Remember this—"

"In the not-too-distant future, I will personally seek you out for further investigation. At that time, you will be forced to witness and endure true pain and despair. And mark my words, it won't be long now."

With those words, Wang Cheng's voice faded away.

His eyes lost their spark, his body lying motionless on the ground as though life had truly departed from it.

The rain continued to fall relentlessly as Liu Ping stood amidst the downpour, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless corpse before him, his mind consumed by silence.

Time passed by in solemn quietude.

Wang Cheng remained lifeless, showing no signs of resurrection.

Liu Ping's brows furrowed in frustration, and he snapped his fingers with determination.

A small ball of flame ignited at his fingertips, a manifestation of the basic five-element spell, the spirit fire spell.

"I am a man of my word," Liu Ping declared solemnly. "Since you refused to provide the answer, I will indeed fulfill my promise."

With a gesture, Liu Ping prepared to hurl the flame at the corpse.

But before he could act, Wang Cheng suddenly sprang to life, shouting out.