Translatoe: Shayan_5508

"Who is she?" Liu Ping couldn't contain his curiosity.

"No idea" Old K admitted with a shake of his head.

Qi Lu's expression turned grave. "She's an entity not to be trifled with. I've heard stories... Any monster foolish enough to provoke her in this land has met their end"

As they conversed, something else caught their attention in the wilderness.

The ground trembled slightly.

From deep within the wilderness, hundreds of eerie voices echoed from the earth

"You killed our kin! DIEEEEEEEE!"

An inexplicable aura surged from the wilderness, turning into a gust of wind that swept in all directions.

Caught in this wind, Liu Ping, Old K, and Qi Lu found themselves immobilized, their ability to move nearly stripped away.

One by one, long scorpion tails emerged from the ground.

In a matter of seconds, the wilderness transformed into a dense jungle of endless scorpion tails.

These tails, several tens of meters in length, terminated in thorns emitting an eerie green glow.

"Calm down!"

A sudden burst of flame erupted outside the city walls.


The entire city wall morphed into a barrier of flames, repelling the encroaching wind.

Liu Ping felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

Too powerful.

He silently acknowledged.

—This level of strength is at least that of the Rejuvenation realm.


Old K and Qi Lu shouted simultaneously.

Liuping turned his head and observed the leader of the night's watch rushing towards them with two companions.

In the blink of an eye, He stood before them, gazing out at the wilderness beyond the city wall. His expression serious as he witnessed the countless sharp scorpion tails.

A ring of flame materialized behind the leader as he spoke loudly, "Begone, denizens of the underworld. We harbor no ill intent towards you."

In response, countless voices from the wilderness echoed, "Flesh, we crave your flesh and soul!"

Undeterred, the leader of the night watch remained resolute.

The leader of the night watch waved his hand, causing the ruby ring on his finger to emit intertwining flames, gradually merging into a massive fiery fist in the air.


The sound of bells reverberated throughout the town.

Simultaneously, in the depths of the dark sky, ripples seemed to form.

The monsters also sensed the shifting tides of the world.

"Time... is running out..."

Their voices echoed with extreme disappointment from the wilderness.

In the next moment, the scorpion tails began to blur, as if retreating from the town.

Panic seized everyone on the wall.

"Hurry, change your clothes!" Old K wasted no time and began stripping off his pants.

"Hiss—With this iron armor on, I need help removing it," Qi Lu grimaced, indicating his injured hands.

The leader nodded, and someone quickly assisted Qi Lu in taking off his armor.

Seeing the sudden commotion, Liuping stared blankly and asked, "Boss, what's going on?"

The leader, now taking off his mage robe, tossed a set of plain clothes to Liuping and explained, "The bell we just heard serves as an early warning. It signifies the presence of a hidden space-time near our town. We're at risk of being pulled into it. Get changed."

"You mean... the entire town?" Liuping asked shocked.

He examined the clothes in his hands, a plain embroidered mantle, a style typical of the cultivation world. However, practitioners didn't typically wear such attire.

This was the kind of clothing worn by servers in various mortal realm restaurants and eateries.

"Don't stress it, Hidden Space-Time will automatically assign a name for our town and seamlessly integrate us into it," Old K reassured.


The bell rang again, its chimes growing more urgent.

The leader urged, "Quickly, get changed and be swift about it. These clothes come equipped with nano-level biological fluctuation suppressors. When we're pulled in, we'll all blend in as ordinary folks—"

He glanced at Liuping and elaborated, "Wearing anything too conspicuous will mark you as an evil spirit by practitioners."

Malevolent spirits are dealt with swiftly and harshly.

There was no need for further explanation; Liuping instinctively grasped the situation.

Feeling resigned, Liuping reluctantly wore the mantle.

Looking into the town, he noticed that the streetlights had been switched on, and the bartender stood in the middle of the street, accompanied by a sizable crowd of ordinary humans.

"You lot, head to the restaurant; all the ingredients are prepared," the bartender instructed. "And you, you, and you, escort the ladies to the brothel across the way."

"You, visit the drugstore; you, the grocery store. Remember your roles and lines," he continued, his tone urgent. "Hurry up, everyone!"

In a flurry of activity, the townsfolk changed their attire and dispersed, rushing towards the still-standing buildings.

'God only knows how the bartender managed to outfit so many people.'

Liuping changed into his new attire and observed his surroundings in silence.

The leader had donned a flowing robe, while a few others were dressed as servants.

Qi Lu's imposing stature needed a martial arts uniform.

Old K, with his shrewd demeanor, sported a scholar's robe and fanned himself with a paper fan.

Several pairs of eyes turned to Liuping simultaneously.

"First time?" the leader inquired.

Liuping nodded earnestly.

"Not to worry, I anticipated this scenario and assigned you the simplest role," the leader assured him, handing Liuping a piece of paper.

Liuping glanced at it, finding a menu and two lines of dialogue.

The first line read: "Sir, what would you like to order?"

The second line read: "Sir, your meal is ready. Please enjoy it at your leisure."

After reading, Liuping looked up at the leader.

The leader nodded approvingly. "Your performance in the recent skirmish was quite impressive. These lines should be a breeze for you. I have full confidence in your abilities."

Nervously, Liuping asked, "What happens next?"

Old K unfurled his paper fan with a flourish. "Generally speaking, a humble town like ours won't attract the attention of cultivators."

Qi Lu chimed in, "Indeed, and we deliberately left many buildings in disrepair, creating a cloud of dust when we start repairing them. cultivators tend to avoid staying in such areas."

Once more, the leader addressed Liuping, "You'll be serving as a waiter in the restaurant. Practitioners rarely partake in mundane cuisine, so your role is quite secure. Head to the restaurant now, the hidden Space-Time will soon unravel."

"Understood," Liuping replied.

As the conversation unfolded, the steel city wall gradually descended and disappeared into the ground, along with the scorpion monsters and the wilderness they inhabited.

Several unfamiliar paths branched out from the town, their destinations unknown.

Liuping hastened his steps, making his way to the restaurant.

The owner of the restaurant was none other than the bartender.

Seeing Liuping, the bartender greeted him with a smile. "Head to the kitchen, there's some food prepared. Grab a bite and then meet me at the entrance."

"No need, I'll wait here," Liuping replied, standing by the entrance.

"Don't be stressed, cultivators won't come here for worldly fare. We're safest in the restaurant," the bartender reassured him.

Liuping glanced at him skeptically.

—Where did his confidence come from?

"My favorite spot to hang out was a mortal realm restaurant aptly named 'Relaxation'.

Those nefarious spirits who enjoy mingling with outsiders also frequent mortal realm eateries.

'...something is not right.'

He inquired casually, "What about other establishments?"

"The others are just regular folks. Whatever they do in the real world, they do here. They simply need to perform their original duties well — you see, I also run this restaurant, taking care of business," replied the bartender, pulling out an abacus and manipulating it with one hand.

"So, have there been any deaths?" Liu Ping inquired.

The bartender's abacus suddenly halted.

He smiled and retorted, "How could there not be deaths if something happens?"

Liu Ping nodded, taking a seat on the cross chair by the hotel entrance, exhaling softly.

Compared to the bio-wave suppressor concealed in his clothes, he had more faith in his own techniques and strategies for dealing with cultivators.

After completing his task, he glanced outward without any sense of urgency.

He noticed that amidst the rubble of collapsed buildings, a swarm of construction workers had arrived, their tools clanging loudly.

The night watchman, donned in a flowing gown, stood with an air of authority.

Meanwhile, the ladies from the brothel fluttered their red sleeves, laughing and beckoning to passersby on the street.

What a bustling scene.


The bell tolled once more.

Interrupted from his reverie, Liu Ping couldn't help but look into the emptiness before him.

Suddenly, a line of small characters swiftly materialized before his eyes:

[The Space-Time connection has been established.]

[Dark Mist Town is on the verge of entering a Hidden Space-Time, becoming one with it.]

[Two hours remain until dawn.]

[Projected duration of stay: two hours.]

The small texts vanished in an instant.

Suddenly, a line of scarlet characters emerged:


[Dark Mist Town is caught between two hidden Space-Times, and it is on the verge of being absorbed into one of them!]

Liu Ping stood in shock, slowly raising his gaze.

Above, two contrasting lights and shadows loomed in the sky.

Within one, lay a vast expanse of land dotted with villages and farmland, where mundane beings lived in peace and contentment.

In the other, the ground was littered with bones, as human armies clashed fiercely with demons.

'— Which hidden Space-Time will we enter?'

As Liu Ping pondered, the bartender knelt beside him, drenched in cold sweat, fervently praying.

"Lord, spare us from entering the S-class wartime space, lest we all perish."

"Please, let us avoid war at all costs, for it will surely bring our end!"

"We beg for mercy upon our fates. 

"Grant us passage into the E-Rank Space-Time, we beg you."

The next moment—

The two celestial spectacles vanished from the sky.

Suddenly, the gates of the small town swung open, and crowds of people poured through its entrance.

Liu Ping observed them for a moment, realizing they were all ordinary folk.

Some carried poles laden with baskets of eggs, others pushed carts adorned with signs reading "biscuits" There were also vendors selling firewood, fish, and laborers seeking work.

A diverse array of individuals bustling about.

Liu Ping glanced at the bartender.

Taking a deep breath, the bartender sank to the ground and murmured, "Thank the heavens, we've been spared from that hell hole."

"Indeed" Liu Ping agreed solemnly, "This town couldn't withstand such a brutal war."

The bartender gestured towards the city gate and whispered, "This is an E-Rank hidden Space-Time. Here, in this desolate realm, most are just ordinary departed souls. When we appear, they'll remember this little town, so they come here seeking livelihoods, vanishing by dawn."

"What does E-Rank signify?" Liu Ping inquired.

"At most, a handful of lives may be lost, some structures damaged, but the town will endure," the bartender reassured.

"We won't be destroyed..."

Liu Ping gazed at the bustling scene outside.

Compared to the other Space-Time, this was truly a heavenly reprieve.

Liu Ping quietly exhaled, a sense of relief washing over him.

He and the bartender sat quietly for a while in the gatehouse of the restaurant.

Before long, a startled voice echoed through the dusky sky

"Hmm? There's a small town down there."