Good times

Streams of light started falling from the heavens, illuminating the town below.

Several youths clad in pristine white garments, appearing to be in their early twenties, stood tall pride emanating from them. Brandishing different weapons, they examined their surroundings from the heart of the town.

"Let's go, these mundane tasks are not interesting," remarked a disdainful female cultivator, her delicate features wrinkled in distaste as she covered her nose.

"Indeed, Fairy Li is right. Let us do that," echoed a male cultivator.

"Why linger in this barren? If Sister wishes to go away, then so be it," added another cultivator.

"Agreed. There's nothing here," chimed in a third.

"Let us move then. There's no purpose in staying" affirmed a fourth cultivator.

With graceful motions, they ascended into the sky, swiftly disappearing into the distance.

Liuping observed their departure with a pondering expression, noting the inferior quality of their weapons.

In the Cultivation world, weapons are divided into 5 ranks. Common, Treasure, Spirit, Dharmic, and finally, the pinnacle—Law.

To ascend to the skies like these youths did, one must be at least the Golden Core cultivation stage.

The hierarchical progression in the spiritual realm ranges from qi refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Rejuvenation, Divine Transformation, Saint, and finally, Divine Reflection.

Once the Divine Reflection is attained, Then one can ascend.

Most practitioners who show off valuable treasures in their early twenties and possess a cultivation level of at least the Golden Core Realm are predominantly martial arts secs disciples.

In essence, these individuals hold considerable status.

The female Cultivator appears to wield significant influence within her sect, otherwise, why would they all submit to her?

Perhaps they are all vying for her favor?

Placing a comforting hand on Liu Ping's shoulder, he reassures "These cultivators may underestimate our town, but fear not, we are safe."

Liu Ping responded with a faint smile.

The arrival of these Cultivators signifies an underlying issue.

Is it not true that every action has its consequences?

Liu Ping suddenly realizes that these outsiders possess a limited understanding of what it truly means to be a cultivator.

Ordinary individuals often seek wealth, companionship, or inner peace.

If they attain their desires, they find contentment. Even if they fall short, they simply sigh in disappointment and carry on with life.

Cultivator, however, pursue a different path.

They aim to transcend Mortal suffering and achieve Immortality.

They dare to seek immortality!

—Thus, they are perhaps the most ambitious group in the world.

People like them would not squander their time in places like this town.

Just then, customers entered the restaurant, took their seats, and called out, "Waiter, over here."

Liuping, with a warm smile, approached the table and inquired "What may I assist you with, esteemed guests?"

The guests placed their orders.

Liuping memorized them and proceeded to the kitchen to relay the dishes.

The meals were promptly served.

The guests indulged in their food and beverages.

After a while, the scene continued.

A group of young people entered the restaurant.

Liuping approached them with his customary smile and asked, "How many guests will be dining with us today?"

The youngsters perused the menu and placed their orders.

As Liuping turned to leave, one of them stopped him.

"Waiter, may I ask you something?" The young man's voice was hushed.

"Certainly, please go ahead," Liuping replied.

"Which girl at the brothel across the street do you think is the most beautiful?" The young man's voice lowered further.

Liuping was taken aback.

Nearby, the bartender's gaze narrowed.


Liuping had only recently arrived in Dark Mist Town and was unfamiliar with the local customs, let alone the brothels. How could he possibly recommend girls to these individuals?

"Sir, you're asking the wrong question," Liuping said with a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The young man raised an eyebrow.

"Everyone has their own perspective. To the youth, every girl in the brothel may seem beautiful, but as an esteemed guest, your standards may differ. What appears ordinary to you might be exquisite to others" Liuping replied, casting a meaningful glance at the bartender.

Having just heard Liuping's explanation, The bartender, unsure if he should help or not.

"Brilliant! That makes perfect sense!" the man exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

His companions joined in laughter.

"I agree. To us, most of the women here seem rather common" one of them nodded in approval.

"This calls for a toast."


Several glasses clinked together in unison.

Liuping's gaze narrowed imperceptibly as he observed the group.

...They are all disguised.

...and they've concealed their spiritual power fluctuations.

How could Liuping not notice such concealment?

As subtle as it was, he still felt it.

"This level of concealment technique... not only masks spiritual power fluctuations, but also changes one's appearance, making them seem ordinary yet striking... this audacious method, why does it feel so familiar..."

"Huh? This appears to be the Jade Tree Facing the Wind Aura Concealing Art that I compiled. I recall it being quite a hot seller at the time, with many users" Liuping mused aloud.

"But a few years later, pirated versions of jade slips appeard. I had to make numerous improvements based on this version and sell it again..."

Silently, Liuping thought to himself, slipping his hand into his sleeve and discreetly activating a hidden technique.

Suddenly, within the depths of his consciousness, his spiritual awareness underwent a mysterious transformation.

In the blink of an eye, he penetrated the technique used by the individuals at the table to conceal their breath, discerning the fluctuations in their spiritual power.

...Judging from their spiritual power fluctuations, they appear to match those of the young cultivators who passed through here earlier.

So, it was them!

Fortunately, the bartender didn't intervene—

The bartender maintained an indifferent demeanor, likely assuming them to be ordinary guests.

Practitioners are proud, being publicly ridiculed by mortals, even if left unspoken, would undoubtedly wound their ego.

'It's better not to confront them if not the town won't be able to bear the consequences.'

After all, these practitioners don't seem to be mere wanderers.

They belong to a sect.

In the realm of spiritual cultivation, martial arts organizations operate on a hierarchical structure—

'If they can handle the situation their senior brothers chime in, if senior brothers can't handle it elders come in, and if elders can't then their ancestors might wake up from their graves to handle the situation'

'We face it together' mentality is not something that Dark Mist Town can handle.

Liuping sighed inwardly, contemplating countermeasures.

Though this might seem over the top, they unfold fast.

As the group finished their glasses of wine and returned them to the table, Liuping refilled their cups and stood nearby, jug in hand.

One of them remarked, " I've been longing to visit the brothel for some music, with beauty by my side, to loosen a bit."

Another chimed in, "Indeed, the journey is long. Without a balance between work and leisure, we'll burn out before long."

A third, holding his chopsticks, added, "Come now, let's feast! Consuming the same fare day in and day out becomes tiresome. How can we savor life with such monotony!"

—These individuals are genuine, with decent temperaments.

They shouldn't stir up trouble.

Liuping thought to himself, a smile gracing his lips as he addressed them, "Esteemed guests, if there's nothing else, I'll attend to my duties. Please, enjoy your meal."

At the outset, the man produced a silver ingot from his cloak, setting it firmly on the table. "You're a clever one, just bide your time here, and this young Master will surely reward you handsomely!"

Liuping cast a fleeting glance at the silver ingot.

Money, how mundane. I have no fondness for it whatsoever.

Unless it's a pile of Spirit Stones, I wouldn't spare it a second thought.

But in the mortal realm, where peril lurks at every corner, it's not prudent to broach the topic of payment directly.

—Life takes precedence.

"Thank you, kind sir!" Liuping exclaimed, promptly tucking the silver ingot into his pocket.

He then refilled the cups of the practitioners one by one, discreetly signaling to the bartender.

He was just about to approach, but catching Liuping's gaze, he hesitated momentarily before returning to his post behind the counter, pretending to be engrossed in his work with the abacus.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, within a courtyard.

The leader of the night's watch halted, his voice lowered, "Bad news, the bartender has sent word that Liuping seems to have stumbled upon trouble."

"What should we do?" Old K inquired in a hushed tone.

"Patience is key. Deploy an Energy Displacer," the leader instructed.

Several individuals swiftly retrieved a small device, opened it, and passed it to their leader.

He stashed the device in his pocket and activated it.


In the next moment, his magical aura condensed into spiritual power, emanating outward with distinct fluctuations unique to practitioners.

—He had transformed into a Cultivator!

"By the standards of the Cultivator realm, I approximate the level of the Rejuvenation stage. Only I can manage the situation if I step forward," the leader declared solemnly, donning his robe and stepping out through the door.

Back in the restaurant.

"Don't get too excited, this silver is merely a gift. The gentleman here has a question for you, and if you answer satisfactorily, there may be further rewards," the man stated.

"Please, go ahead," Liuping replied.

"You, as the second-in-command here, must have encountered numerous people and learned various things" the man continued, his tone flattering.

The words resonated with Liuping, who nodded in agreement. Indeed, as a shopkeeper, he had interacted with many local characters and witnessed various aspects of life.

—Why do you single me out?

"Tell me, how can we, as newcomers to the brothel, blend in seamlessly and avoid being seen as novices?" the man inquired in a hushed tone.

At the nearby table, the other Cultivators continued to dine and drink, seemingly indifferent, yet their ears were perked up, attuned to the conversation.

Liuping was taken aback by the question.


It turned out they were a group of youngsters Coming out to play.

"Wasn't I nervous and shy when I first came out to play?"


"Hahaha, you've asked the right person. It's simple, but it requires money," Liu Ping grinned.

"Don't worry about the funds, let's discuss," the man replied.

Liu Ping suggested, "Order a few more dishes and fill up two pots of wine. I'll head to the brothel, and bring some girls over to sing and entertain. You can drink and chat with them. Once they're comfortable, the rest will fall into place. Easy, isn't it?"

"What about the rest?" the man inquired, puzzled.

"The girls will take care of it. Once you're inside the brothel, they'll take you straight to their rooms," Liu Ping explained.

"Excellent!" the man exclaimed.

Several others echoed his enthusiasm.

The man promptly placed a bag of silver ingots on the table.

"Take the money and hurry!" he instructed.

"Very well."

Liu Ping accepted the silver bag, smiling as he did so.

He made his way outside the restaurant, encountering the bartender head-on.

The bartender looked at him, his face betraying a mix of confusion and doubt.

'I'm just a waiter in the shop. How did I become a pimp?' Liu Ping thought to himself, casting a disdainful glance at the bartender.

'As a cultivator, I shouldn't underestimate the other party. If I don't intervene, who knows what might happen' he pondered.

Crossing the street, he entered the brothel opposite