Poem wars

Soon, a few enchanting young women trailed behind Liu Ping as he made his way back to the restaurant.

As they entered, Liu Ping's heart suddenly chilled.

There was tension in the air, a subtle hint of hostility filling the once lively atmosphere.

'—It was bustling just moments ago, what happened?'

Caught off guard, Liu Ping maintained a composer as he scanned the restaurant.

He noticed the disguised Cultivators, all bowing their heads, their previous jolliness replaced by a somber silence, glasses had stopped clinking, and conversations ended, leaving only the sound of utensils against plates.

With a sharp intake of breath, Liu Ping's gaze narrowed.

At another table, opposite the Cultivators, sat a woman—

The woman, also disguised, employed the Breath-holding Technique to suppress any fluctuations in her spiritual power.

Mimicking the behavior of others, she ordered a selection of dishes and engaged in casual conversation.

However, her execution of the Breath-holding Technique was lacking, and her disguise appeared rushed.

With just a simple glance, Liu Ping identified her as "Sister Li," who had arrived in town with several Cultivators previously.

Several other Cultivators had also recognized her long before.

—Her sword resting on the table exposed her true identity.

The woman gazed across the room at the brothel opposite and muttered to herself

"They clearly should have returned here... why haven't they arrived yet?"

The Youths at her table remained silent, heads bowed.

Liu Ping sighed inwardly, feeling a hint of disdain.

—You want to stay hidden, yet you didn't completely disguise yourself. Simply changing clothes won't conceal the sword on your hip.

I bet you wouldn't be able to deceive a bunch of pigs.

Forget it.

Now that I'm only at the Qi Refining stage, I don't want to deal with these people.

Liu Ping continued on his path, leading the girls directly to the table where the Cultivators sat.

The Cultivators, seeing him headed towards them, quickly signaled for him to not approach them.

Liu Ping paid them no mind.

He had observed that Sister Li, although she may lack worldly experience, she also is not naive.

Such individuals cannot be easily deceived as any slight deviation from the norm could catch their attention.

To turn and leave now would be too obvious, it was best to act nonchalantly.

Wearing a façade was child's play.

Among the group, the Senior Sister Li has the highest cultivation level—at least at the Rejuvenation stage.

Glancing once more at the sword, Liu Ping noted the Sword, although sheathed it emitted a subtle aura, quite extraordinary.

Who could dare to provoke her with such a weapon present?

Suddenly, Liu Ping's attention was drawn outside the restaurant.

Approaching calmly was the leader of the night's watch, about to enter.

His gaze falling on Senior Sister Li's sword that she just put on the table.

"Ouch! My stomach hurts..." the leader muttered to himself, stepping back and quickly changing direction, to walk away.


Liu Ping couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the leader's swift reaction.

—Well, can't blame him. With her here it's no wonder you'd want to avoid trouble.

Liu Ping sighed silently.

If even the leader had taken notice, Senior Sister Li must be quite formidable.

Even if everyone banded together to face her—

And, she definitely has a Soul Lamp.

When push comes to shove, a whole sect might come after us, we might not even be able to know how we died!

Better not provoke her.

Otherwise, the fate of Dark Mist Town might run dry.

"Brothers, these are the finest offerings from our town. Introduce yourselves" Liu Ping instructed.

The girls, understanding the gravity of the situation, presented themselves with the utmost respect.

"I am Chu Chu," spoke one of the girls.

"I am a little demon," declared one of the girls.

"Call me Xiaoxiao," another chimed in.

"Hee hee, I'm Yaner. Any takers for a song? I can play, sing, and dance" giggled the third girl, oozing with charm as they approached the group of male ''workers''.

Meanwhile, Senior Sister Li frowned, turning her head away, her gaze fixed on the entrance of the brothel.

She had no interest in their antics.

Observing her indifference, the youngsters couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But as they watched Senior Sister Li caress her sword, she whispered:

"Brothers, if you ever stoop to the level of these mortals, you'll become the disgrace of our sect..."

"I will personally guide you and ensure you stay on the right path" Senior Sister Li affirmed with determination. "You'll thank me later."

Silence enveloped the room for a moment.

Then, on the table across from her, several courtesans produced fragrant handkerchiefs, delicately wiping the sweat from the brows of their affluent guests.

"Feeling the heat, sir?" Chu Chu quipped playfully.

"Yes, indeed. Why are you sweating so much?" The little demon assisted a man beside her, only to discover his drenched clothing.

The male repairmen sat stiffly, barely managing a smile, unable to find their voice.

Sensing their discomfort, Liu Ping intervened, clapping his hands. "Well, I've brought you all here today because our esteemed guests appreciate poetry, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Please, conduct yourselves accordingly."

The girls exchanged glances, feeling somewhat perplexed.

—Professional skills aside, now you want us to perform poetry, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting?

Liu Ping, sensing their hesitation, smiled reassuringly. "Let's start with a song, shall we?"

Relieved, the girls nodded.


Singing a song was manageable.

They retrieved their zheng, xiao, flute, and pipa, tuning each instrument meticulously before commencing their song.

However, before they could utter a few notes, a loud noise erupted from the table opposite.

All heads turned to witness Senior Sister Li slamming her hand on the table, rising to her feet, her sword brandished with an aura of menace.

What had stirred her?

The others present were gripped with fear, their hairs standing on end.

But to their surprise, Senior Sister Li paid them no heed. Instead, she strode a few paces forward, peering over the railing—

She gazed skyward.

"Have the juniors arrived?" Sister Li murmured softly.

At her words, everyone's attention shifted to the sky above.

A colorful cloud descended from the sky.

From the clouds above, a voice echoed:

"Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor. The fairy touched my head, knotted my hair and received longevity. Misunderstanding of the world's music, quite chaotic. Ninety-six sages, floating clouds with empty names."

As the chanting concluded, the colorful clouds descended, transforming into an old man with a youthful expression.

Radiating an ethereal aura, the old man observed the street for a moment, a profound sigh escaping his mouth:

"The mortal realm, Flies by swiftly like a gust of wind, Birth, old age, sickness, and death, Evoke sorrow and lamentation."

With a casual flick of his sleeves, the old man departed, leaving behind a solitary and majestic silhouette—

Suddenly, his gaze fell upon the brothel situated along the street.

After pondering for a moment, he made his way towards the establishment.

"Master!" someone called out.

Sister Li's shout reverberated as she seized her sword and dashed outside.

—This was an opportunity not to be missed!

Without hesitation, Liu Ping muttered to himself, "That girl is terrifying. I need to get as far away from her as possible."

Upon hearing this, a group of cultivators at a nearby table discreetly rose and made their way towards the restaurant's back door, as if they were initiated.

In the blink of an eye, they vanished.

Liu Ping let out a gasp.

Finally, calamity was avoided!

The girls continued to perform, blowing, playing, and singing.

"Brother, what should we do next?"

Liu Ping smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, girls. They already payed, and I'll reward you after this song."

The girls nodded in understanding.

Together, they sang:

"There are springs in the south and north, yet the gulls arrive day by day. The flower path, untamed by fate, now opens its gates for the king."

Liu Ping furrowed his brow.

What were they singing about?


Compared to the enchanting melodies of the girls from the Seven Schools' Heavenly Note Pavilion, their songs are just unbearable.

Such a shame...

Liu Ping shook off the thoughts and looked outside.

He observed the old man, his benevolent expression softening as he addressed the woman named Li, "Disciple, are you also looking for those wayward disciples like me?."

"Master, have you also discovered their shameful activities recently?" inquired the female Cultivator.

The old man, with an aura akin to that of an immortal, nodded. "Indeed. I am concerned they might deviate, I'm here to investigate their whereabouts."

"But seems like they're not here. They might have gone elsewhere for amusement, or maybe they escaped under our nose" lamenting, her voice tinged with disappointment.

"Ha-ha, you worry too much. They are all virgins, thoroughly examined by the elders themselves. No need for concern" the old man reassured.

(TN: damn you didn't have to do them like that bro XD)

"Ah, I see. Master, you're truly wise. could you please teach me this examination method?" the female cultivator asked, her face brightening with joy.

The old man's expression froze momentarily before he redirected the conversation "Do not dwell on such matters. Focus on your cultivation. Since they're not here, maybe they've come to understand the true path and have returned. Let's return to the mountain. They've likely already made their way back."

"I will listen teacher" the female sister replied respectfully.

Together, they ascended into the sky on their clouds, disappearing without a trace.

Liu Ping waited patiently.

After about half an hour had passed, the street gradually returned to its usual state.

Nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

Liu Ping breathed a sigh of relief, turning to the girls. "Alright, take your payment and return home."

But before he could finish speaking—

A colorful cloud drifted down from the sky.

From within the clouds, a voice intoned:

"Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor. The fairy touched my head, knotted my hair and received longevity. Misunderstanding of the world's music, quite chaotic. Ninety-six sages, floating clouds with empty names."

As the chanting concluded, the colorful clouds descended, transforming into the old man with a youthful countenance.

'He's returned! And what's up with this nonsense chanting?'

The old man exuded a radiant aura, resembling a deity as he made his way towards the brothel.

Liu Ping stood in the restaurant, his brows furrowed.

He couldn't help but glance at the girls beside him, only to find the courtesans observing the scene outside with disdain.

What a disgrace!

This man truly tarnishes the reputation of Cultivators!

Liu Ping cursed inwardly.

It seemed necessary for him to quickly advance his cultivation level.

Otherwise, he would continue to stay as a night watchman, enduring the indignity of cleaning up after others.

Constantly fearing for his life, this notoriety threatened to ruin his reputation.

At that moment, the old man appeared to sense something amiss and swiftly soared back into the sky with a "swish," disappearing in an instant.

After a moment.

A vivid auspicious cloud appeared in the sky.

From within the cloud, a voice sang:

"Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor. The fairy touched my head, knotted my hair and received longevity."

' Again with the chanting!'

As the cloud dispersed, Sister Li's figure emerged.

She entered the restaurant, coming to a stop in front of Liu Ping, her gaze studying him carefully before she sighed softly.

"With lips like vermillion, teeth like jade, and a demeanor as elegant as a willow in the breeze, today I am fortunate to encounter a rare gem amidst a sea of mediocrity," she remarked. "I sensed your presence earlier. If I hadn't come to introduce myself, I feared that malevolent forces might have taken an interest in you."

"The divine beings are present, why do you speak of malevolent forces?" Liu Ping questioned, his voice trembling.

Senior Sister Li smiled softly. "Once I ascend to Sainthood, I'll be able to safeguard you. Then, I'll bring you to the mountains to cultivate and attain sainthood as well."

"To become a Saint? Is that truly possible for me?" Liu Ping asked in disbelief.

"If you refuse to let go of this strand of blue silk, I can promise you a path to immortality," Sister Li replied.

With those words, she reached out, tying the strand of blue silk around Liu Ping's wrist. "I was observing you just now. I felt that if I didn't come to get to know you, there might have been dire consequences."

As she finished speaking, she gently pressed her hand against Liu Ping's face, tracing his eyebrows, cheeks, lips, and chin.

—It seemed as if she held her breath, her body subtly rising and falling.

Then, she turned abruptly and swiftly exited the restaurant.

As she departed, her soft voice could be heard singing:

"Pengdao still requires an escort on its journey, for reaching the Azure Cloud Peak is no easy feat."

With those words, the auspicious clouds rose once more, swiftly carrying her away into the sky.