Chapter 251: Deciding to Make a Small Profit (3)_1

After all the fruit was sealed and brewing, Mo Yan picked up Little Fur Ball, who had fallen asleep on the ground, and placed it in the basin. It was only after bathing and drying it that she took it out of Space and lay in bed with it, quickly falling asleep herself.

But that night, Mo Yan did not sleep soundly—she began to have nightmares again!

Compared to her previous nightmare, the scenes in this one were even more tragic, filled with the agonizing death of people who had eaten moldy rice and fallen ill.

In the dream, those with horrific death throes were crawling on the ground, reaching out with cold, pale hands towards Mo Yan's direction, as if grabbing her would save them!

"My child, save my child, please save my child!"

"Save us, we don't want to die, come save us!"

"Save us, come quickly to save us!"


All night long, Mo Yan was surrounded by all kinds of piercing cries for help. Those people couldn't get close to her, but she was trapped and couldn't walk out.