Chapter 252: Deciding to Make a Small Profit (4)_1


"Haha, this is so much fun!"

Little Fur Ball watched in a daze, vaguely understanding what was happening, like a child discovering a new toy. He rolled around with delight, listening to the crackling sounds of the beans popping, and howled with pride.

Listening to their carefree laughter, Mo Yan's heart felt serene, dispelling some of the negativity that the nightmare had brought. She couldn't resist taking off her shoes and stepping onto the beans with her bare feet.

At first, the stiff soybean stalks were a bit uncomfortable on her feet, and the sharp pods could be painful if she wasn't careful. But after stepping on them a few times, the soles of her feet began to warm up, and the stimulation made her want to continue.

The three siblings, along with a little tiger cub, played like this for quite some time, nearly crushing half of the pods. It was only when it was time for lunch that they reluctantly put their shoes back on.