Chapter 467 Critical Condition (3)_1

Mo Yan looked at Xin Er with a bewildered expression. Her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't make out what Xin Er was saying. She opened her mouth to ask, but couldn't utter a single word.

As she watched Maomao fluttering its wings and wailing in front of her, Mo Yan forced herself to calm down. When her brain finally managed to control her limbs, she abruptly stood up, scooped up Maomao, and without minding the shouting of Xin Er and the others behind her, she ran straight back to her room and locked the doors and windows.

The commotion woke the three beasts dozing off in the hut. Seeing Mo Yan like this, they quickly got up, gathered around her, and buzzed and chirped anxiously.

Mo Yan had no time to attend to them. She placed Maomao on the table, her voice trembling and changing in pitch, "Has something happened to your master?"