Chapter 468 Critical Condition (4)_1

"Aoow—" Little Flower understood her master's intention, obediently nuzzled her hand with its large head, and then called out to Maomao.

To save a life was as urgent as putting out a fire, and Mo Yan dared not delay any longer. She quickly left the Space with Little Flower and Maomao.

The room's door was being banged fiercely, accompanied by the anxious shouts of Xin Er, Mo Wu, and others. Mo Yan swiftly opened the door, and under the astonished gaze of the crowd, Maomao, with wings fluttering rapidly, soared into the high skies, and soon became a small black dot that disappeared under the blue sky and white clouds; Little Flower was no exception, spreading its hooves like a speeding Arrow, and ran out of the yard following the direction Maomao had flown, quickly vanishing from sight...