Chapter 58 Poisoning_1

"Please wait over there, I still need to give him medicine and perform acupuncture," Yang Mengchen said as she took out a small porcelain bottle and poured out a pill.

Yang Chengrong brought over a white porcelain bowl filled with some water for Yang Mengchen.

Yang Mengchen took it, dissolved the pill, and then gestured for Yang Cheng'an to steady Hua Ziyu and pry open his mouth. With her left hand, she held the white porcelain bowl to his lips to feed him the medicinal water, and with her right hand, she subtly applied her Inner Strength as she went along with the breathing to help him swallow. After he finished the medicinal water, she handed the white porcelain bowl back to Yang Chengrong.

Yang Cheng'an then helped Hua Ziyu lie back down flat on the bed.

Taking out Black Needles from her bag, Yang Mengchen swiftly and accurately inserted them into several vital points of life and death on Hua Ziyu's body, twisting them slowly, with varying degrees of pressure.