Chapter 59 Xuan Mo Apologizes_1

Like lightning, he arrived in front of Yang Mengchen; Long Xuanmo gripped the armrests of the chair she sat on, trapping her, and looked down at her with pitch-black pupils that revealed not a trace of light but seemed as if flames were fiercely burning within, resembling the ghostly fire of the netherworld, fierce yet ice-cold, exuding a bone-chilling coldness that made one's heart tremble with fear.

The title of Juvenile War God wasn't something that was simply conjured up; it was forged through countless battles and carnage. Many people could not withstand such blood-soaked murderous aura.

"What did you say?" Each word seemed to be squeezed out from between Long Xuanmo's clenched teeth.

Lifting her eyelids slightly to look at Long Xuanmo, Yang Mengchen wore an indifferent expression, completely unaffected by the murderous aura and chill emanating from him.