Chapter 158 The Real Truth About Papermaking That Year (1)_1

"It smells so good!" Weichi Kong suddenly landed beside the flatbed cart and started circling the object. "Jiujiu, quickly unveil the red silk and see what exactly was made?"

The scent of fruit and milk spread all around with the wind. Everyone took a deep breath and felt their spleen and heart relax, naturally growing more curious.

Yang Mengchen didn't keep everyone in suspense any longer and ordered two servants to lift the red silk.

A seven-layer round giant cake sat on the flatbed, its surface covered in a layer of snow-white, delicate cream. Each layer of the cake was adorned with several types of fruit slices or chunks, and blooms of various colors that couldn't be named. At the very top in the center, a red candle was burning, and 'Happy Birthday' was arranged in red dates.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaim aloud in admiration.