Chapter 159 The Real Truth About Papermaking That Year (2)_1

"Yay!" Luo Jingyao jumped up excitedly.

Long Yingtong also revealed a joyful smile, her large eyes sparkling with a crystal light, and she even proudly glanced at her third brother, knowing that as long as her sister agreed, her third brother would naturally not oppose.

The Yang brothers and siblings from the Wu, Liu, and Shen families were very happy.

Luo Jingrui was all smiles, as Jiujiu had just said that it includes all her brothers, which of course, included him.

Nangong Lingfei's eyes were full of envy. Why couldn't Ms. Yang be his sister? Or should he, like the Luo family, acknowledge Ms. Yang as his sister?

His eyes slightly squinted, Long Xuanmo's expression was cold, his heart filled with intense jealousy and silent resentment.

"Jiujiu, hurry up and cut the cake!" Facing such a good-looking cake, Weichi Kong's eyes gleamed, clearly salivating.