Chapter 160 Academy Relocation Unprecedented Genius (1)_1

"Ms. Yang, the two academies have been completed. Please inspect them," Feng Gong reported respectfully to Yang Mengchen.

Yang Mengchen smiled and nodded, "You've all worked hard!" Accompanied by her four maids (Shao Yao had already recovered), she followed Feng Gong to the academies.

One was named Yangshan Academy, and the other, Yangshan Girls' Academy, both of which were named by Yang Mengchen.

Yangshan Academy was divided into sections for preschoolers, elementary, university, and adult education. The preschool section enrolled boys and girls aged three to six, with girls moving to the Yangshan Girls' College after the age of six.

The academic building, laboratory, office building, sports field, cafeteria, and dormitories for teachers and students were all clearly marked, and the windows of the academic and laboratory buildings were twice the normal size to ensure ample lighting and ventilation.