Chapter 192: The Truth About Sterility Powder (3)_1

The second batch of finished products was distributed by Yang Mengchen. Some were given to Old Hai and other teachers and female scholars, to enjoy themselves or to send to their families as they pleased. He also sent some to the couple Xiao Hongtao and Doctor Luo, as well as to Luo Jingrui and his brothers. Yang Chenghong and several others received some too, along with the Hua family, the Situ family, and some were sent to Long Xuanmo.

Upon receiving the news, Nangong Lingfei immediately sent Shopkeeper Lin to place an order, which was promptly shipped to The Capital.

In the following days, Yang Mengchen had to inspect the old factory, guide the new factory workers in their operation, develop new products, occasionally visit several villages to check on the situation, and oversee the progress of the commercial street in town, Fairy Lake, and the Martyr Shrine construction, keeping himself incredibly busy.