Chapter 193: The Truth About Sterility Powder (4)_1

"I also miss Father Emperor, Royal Grandmother, and Mother very much," Long Yingtong said with a smile. "Once I have my winter break, I will return to the palace to celebrate the festival with Father Emperor, Royal Grandmother, and Mother. After school starts again, I'll come back here to continue my classes."

"What classes?" asked Long YiXuan, who stood beside Long Jingxi with suspicion.

Long Yingtong recounted the various subjects she was studying to both of them.

"So many? You must be tired, Yingtong," Long Jingxi said with a face full of concern.

After the Sixth Imperial Sister's accident, she stayed continuously in Mother's sleeping quarters. When she came of age to begin her education, Mother arranged for a palace maid to teach the Sixth Imperial Sister, but she firmly refused. Left with no choice, Mother had to personally teach her. She also occasionally went to the palace to instruct the Sixth Imperial Sister, but it was only some very basic knowledge.