Chapter 234 Persuasion of Truth (2)_1

"Over these years, no one in the mansion, including Meng Huiru and that bastard child Nangong Lingyao, realized that I was no longer Sister Mu. I never expected you to see through me, leading to my ultimate failure,"

Although she hated Yang Mengchen to the core for ruining her plans, Qiu Yue dared not show a hint of this hatred in the face of Long Xuanmo's menacing gaze.

A figure flashed by, and in the blink of an eye, Nangong Yelin was in front of Qiu Yue. He grabbed her throat without mercy, his cold eyes staring at her as she struggled and twisted. "Speak, who is the man in black you colluded with?"

Qiu Yue, her throat seized, gasped for air, trying to pry Nangong Yelin's hand away, but it was futile. Her face quickly turned ashen, and her eyes began to roll back. "Ugh… Young… master… ugh…"

Just as Qiu Yue seemed about to pass out, Nangong Yelin suddenly released her, towering over her as he looked down and demanded again, "Who is the man in black you colluded with?"