Chapter 233 Persuasion by the Truth (1)_1

"The first time was an assassination attempt on the young master and Meng Huiru," Qiu Yue answered. "That year, several men in black captured Nan Dong and forced him to reveal the secrets of 'The Twelve Masters of Xuanmen' (the Nangong family's secret power), and also pressed him to assassinate the young master and Meng Huiru. That idiot Nan Dong, despite enduring all sorts of cruel torture, refused to comply;

I hated the young master for his indifference and even more for Meng Huiru stealing him from me, so I took the initiative to approach the man in black. Although I hated the young master, I could not bear to see him die. I told them that as long as they did not kill the young master, I would help them and even pass on messages. The man in black agreed and let me take Nan Dong back;