Chapter 371: Long-standing Arrangements of Deep Affection (3)_1

Yang Mengchen received the brocade box with both hands, her eyes misting over with tears, as she was moved and happy deep in heart.

"Keep this jade ring safe," Meng Jingqi said, spreading his fair right palm out before her, where a sparkling and translucent blue jade ring lay quietly, "If you ever run into any trouble, you can show this jade ring at any One Superb Pavilion in the four countries and their managers will follow your commands!"

"Brother Jingqi, I can't accept this jade ring," Yang Mengchen shook her head.

Clearly, One Superb Pavilion was Meng Jingqi's network of secret resources across the countries, and now he was offering it to her without hesitation – the sentiment was far too precious.

Beside her, Meng Hanyue was momentarily surprised, but her expression quickly relaxed with eyes and brows softening with understanding, showing no jealousy or resentment.