Chapter 372 Banquet (1)_1

"Jiujiu has arrived, come and sit close, there's still time before the banquet, keep me company and chat. Bi Xiang, quickly brew a cup of the newly tribute Nanyuan Imperial Tea for Jiujiu to taste." The Empress Dowager was very happy to see her grandson and granddaughter-in-law arrive and teased her grandson, "Momo, wherever Jiujiu goes, you follow. Could it be that you're afraid I, me, will snatch Jiujiu away?"

Long Xuanmo nodded seriously, "Grandson indeed fears Royal Grandmother might snatch Ah Jiu away, hence he trailed behind earnestly, yet Royal Grandmother only asked Ah Jiu to taste the new tea, completely forgetting about her grandson."

With a reproachful glance at Long Xuanmo, Yang Mengchen's cheeks blushed slightly as she took her seat next to the Empress Dowager.

With captivating eyes and a coquettish blush on her powdered face, Long Xuanmo felt a burning desire, his gaze was filled with undisguised passion.