Chapter 388 Death Is Not Far (1)_1

The mysterious figures vanished without a trace as Hai Tang's deep eyes flashed a dark and sharp edge, a strange curve forming on her lips, "Proceed as planned!"

Lv Luo and the other two nodded. Though they appeared to be gravely injured, in reality, they hadn't been harmed in any vital areas, and they quickly dispersed thereafter.

They set off a signal flare into the sky; although it was daytime, and the signal flare wasn't very visible, it was still enough for all the Elite Guards in The Capital to see and relay the message. Right after, Hai Tang immediately pursued the black-clothed individuals.

Chen Prince Mansion.

Butler He Junyuan was instructing the stewards on their tasks. The Prince, using his recent marriage as a reason, still left the management of the mansion affairs to him. He had no ground, nor dared to defy the Prince's orders, and could only reluctantly take on the tasks with a wry smile.