Chapter 389 Death Is Not Far (2)_1

Although this move has led to some chaos in the Capital, leaving the citizens in a state of panic, apart from a few with ulterior motives, the vast majority have cooperated fully, without any complaints. The citizens even burned incense and prayed, hoping for the safety of Princess Chen.

Prince Duan and Prince Jing held secret discussions in their respective studies with their staff officers, guessing who was behind this and what their purpose might be.

In the posthouse.

Princess Yashuang and Princess Qiulu were extremely anxious, repeatedly pleading with their imperial brothers, "Let us also search for sister Mengchen!" They didn't want anything to happen to their newly acquainted sister.

"This is Dong Chu. If we rashly intervene, it will certainly draw criticism," said the Third Prince of Nanping, Xiahou Muyang, shaking his head.