Chapter 9: Cut Off Mom's Spiritual Sustenance_1

Xu Ziqing burst into a smile upon hearing these words, coyly leaning on her grandmother's shoulder and sweetly calling out, "Thank you, Granny!"



In another room, Xia Weiyi was hurling pillows and smashing suits, pushing and shouting Ye Che out of the room.

Ye Che lazily leaned against the corridor wall, holding the slip dress that Xia Weiyi had worn, sniffing it at the tip of his nose and occasionally murmuring to himself in amazement.

"No wonder it smells so's been worn by the little miss."

After calming Xia Weiyi, Zhou Yun stepped out and saw her son looking utterly pleased with himself, she couldn't help but jest, "What's this? Were you not fed enough just now that you're holding Yiyi's dress and reminiscing about its warmth?"

Ye Che glanced sideways at Zhou Yun and slowly pulled out a card from his suit pocket, tossing it into Zhou Yun's hand: "Schwarzenegger's exclusive interview, go blend in."

Zhou Yun instantly slipped the dog tag around her neck, dancing with excitement, "Did you really get it? I didn't expect my son to be not only the pride of the business world but also top-notch at gossip paparazzi tricks."

"It wasn't in vain that I risked my old life cooperating with you inside and out, bringing my precious Weiyi to your bed, guarding the door, and then putting on this show in front of the old lady."

"Ah, what a troublemaker you are!"

As she spoke, Zhou Yun held the dog tag close to her chest, rubbing it against her heart repeatedly.

Who would have guessed that at her age, she wouldn't be enjoying mahjong or beauty treatments, but her sole hobby was star-chasing?

From TFBOYS to Schwarzenegger, Leonardo, she was always on the move, chasing stars all over the world!

"You old fangirl, don't just think about meeting your idols, okay? You have one week to finalize the wedding arrangements between me and Weiyi. I don't want to leave room for things to go awry."

Ye Che caressed the nightgown in his hands, a flash of secretive affection dancing in the depths of his eyes.

"Leave it to me!" Zhou Yun guaranteed, patting her chest, then held up her dog tag, pretending to be a professional entertainment reporter, "Mr. Ye, may I ask what exactly happened between you and Miss Xia Weiyi in the room just now?"

"Time, place, people, details, frequency—would it be possible to divulge some information?"

Ye Che gave her a look, one that regarded her as if she were a pig...

Zhou Yun carried on gleefully, endlessly chattering, "And more, how does it feel to be 'coerced, to turn a good woman to ill-repute, to catch adulterers in the act'? Do you feel a sense of triumph for having 'pressured, lured, a virtuous woman into wrongdoing'?"

Ye Che nearly choked, his breath not coming smoothly, and decisively pulled out his phone to dial a number: "Huoda, bring people tomorrow to flatten Zhou Yun's elementary school, and send her Chinese teacher to go farm in the countryside."

"Also, cancel Schwarzenegger's exclusive interview at Yedi. This year, no film company under Yedi's flag is allowed to invest in a single movie!"

Zhou Yun's ears perked up upon hearing this, and she lunged forward, clawing at Ye Che's arm without letting go.

"Son, you can't cut off your mother's emotional sustenance. Your father only comes back a few times a year, and I rely on meeting these idols to get through the boring days..."