Chapter 10: Don't Take It Seriously_1

"Ye Che, where are you going? I haven't finished speaking yet! If you dare stop me from seeing the handsome guy, I will turn you and your wife against each other!"

——Brother's separator line——

When Xia Weiyi came out of the bathroom, the servants outside the villa were still bustling about.

The villa's exterior in the century-old courtyard was lush with greenery, with a large red lantern with gold filigree hanging from every other street lamp five meters apart, filling the air with a joyous festivity.

She had assumed that on that day Ye Che was just minding his appearance and had made a casual comment at the birthday banquet. Besides, considering the grandparents' prejudice against her over the years, they would never easily let Ye Che marry her.

However, she had not expected that after a huge quarrel between Ye Che and his grandmother the next day, Huoda would personally send the old lady to Europe, and then swiftly send out the wedding invitations, stirring up the entire A City into an uproar.

All those businesses that had dealings with the Ye Family and those wanting to curry favor flooded into the old residence with various gifts that symbolized good intentions, to offer their congratulations.

Xia Weiyi, looking at the mountainous pile of gift boxes in her bedroom, tilted her head and spaced out, seemingly unaware of the faint footsteps behind her.

"Little one, what are you thinking about? You'd better rest soon because the designer is coming to make your wedding dress tomorrow."

Ye Che's hands slipped around Xia Weiyi's waist, pulling her into his arms from behind.

The faint scent of perfume mixed with the smell of tobacco rushed into Xia Weiyi's nostrils. His intimate gesture made her somewhat uncomfortable, and she gently pushed away Ye Che's arms, maintaining a polite distance from his chest.

"Bro, why are you here?"

Ye Che ignored her resistance and naturally laid his head on her shoulder, his thin and sexy lips grazing her delicate earlobe.

"Call me husband..."

As he spoke, he slipped the Platinum Ring onto Xia Weiyi's ring finger.

Xia Weiyi looked down to see a large 'Z' engraved with diamonds on the ring. Her finger trembled slightly and she quickly withdrew it.

Ye Che's grandfather had established Gang Z during the war years, dominating most of A City's power. Later, it passed on to Zhou Yun, and then to the Zhou Family, with Ye Che being the sole heir of the Ye Family.

That ring not only represented a powerful backing but also the identity of the heir to the Zhou Family.

Now Ye Che was putting the ring on her finger, did he really want to marry her?

With this in mind, Xia Weiyi broke into a cold sweat, "Bro, I've said it already, everything that happened at the birthday banquet was a misunderstanding. I don't need you to take responsibility for it, really!"

"Just consider it a one-night stand, a fling, an intoxicated indiscretion. Take it as anything you want, but please don't take it seriously!"

Ye Che's eyes narrowed, and the moonlight shone on his handsome profile, exuding a cold and somber temperature.

Xia Weiyi felt as if numerous cat's claws were scratching her heart; she was completely oblivious to the man's gloomy expression as she continued her rant, "After all, you've never lacked female company since we were kids. It's not the first time for you to indulge in reckless intimacy... are you going to take responsibility for every woman you've been with?!"

(PS: Qingge is digging a new story! Beautiful people, leave comments, give recommendations, follow the updates! Only those who are diligent with their hands are good babies!)

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