Chapter 11: What Nonsense Are You Talking About_1

Xia Weiyi just wanted to get out of this ridiculous wedding as quickly as possible. She was only eighteen years old, having just graduated from high school. Although she was not yet of legal marriage age, Ye Che had insisted that they first hold the wedding and even invite numerous media outlets to witness their grand marriage feast!

So, as she spoke, she grew somewhat careless with her words.

"Xia Weiyi!" The man, who had been quietly listening to her endless rant, suddenly lost his temper. He grabbed her wrist and forcibly confined her in his embrace. Ye Che pinched her delicate chin, forcing her to look straight into the angry flames in his eyes, "Damned woman, do you even realize the nonsense you're spouting?"

What did she mean by a one-night stand, what was this talk of a fling? Did she think she could just casually sleep with any woman? What's even more infuriating, she seemed to care so little about her first time...

If that night it had not been him, Ye Che, but some other man, would she also be so calm and indifferent, claiming that night was merely a misunderstanding?

"I'm stating the facts. Weren't you recently embroiled in a scandal with some young starlet, what's her name, Xie Yuting? You seemed so inseparable, and the media were all speculating whether she would marry into a wealthy family," she said.

Xia Weiyi's jaw hurt from Ye Che's grip, her eyes red with anger as she glared at him, her aggrieved expression almost irresistibly pitiful.

Seeing this, Ye Che's heart softened. He released her, gently pulling her into his arms while carelessly tousling her hair, his tone growing tender.

"Yiyi, don't be angry anymore. I promise you, from now on I will never associate with Xie Yuting again. No, apart from you, I won't associate with any other woman."

Recently, the conclusion of a blockbuster sponsored by Ye Family's corporation was celebrated, and as chairman, he merely attended the wrap party. Xie Yuting, the female lead, seeking attention and publicity, had taken it upon herself to act as his female companion...

Who would have thought it would upset the little girl? Could it be, she was jealous?

Xia Weiyi sarcastically shook off his hand and smoothed her hair... rub, rub, rub, making it frizzy. Ever since she was little, all he did was pat her head as if she were a pet dog!

"You can have scandals with whoever you like, date whoever you wish, it's none of my business, and you don't need to promise me anything. I just want to say that you enjoy the company of those glamorous female stars, but I have my own favorite boy. We grew up together. Wouldn't it be nice if we just remained siblings?"

"Why insist on forcing two people with absolutely no emotional foundation together just because of a misunderstanding at a birthday banquet?"

"Brother, if it's like this, neither of us will be happy!"

Xia Weiyi shed her pitiable facade, her silliness, and became solemn and serious, her clear eyes earnestly and firmly rejecting the wedding.

Yet Ye Che laughed, a noble's languid demeanor coupled with a mocking despondency, which made him look sexy yet dangerous, "Xia Weiyi, I, the young master, have raised you for over a decade. I provided for you with the best, obeying your every whim. You said it would never rain on a sunny day, that there would never be duck when you wanted chicken. In the Ye Family, who hasn't indulged your every desire?"

"And now you have the audacity to say that you have no feelings for me?"