Chapter 149: Comforting Each Other with Spit (1)

She didn't know if it was because of the shadow cast in her heart by the slap from Ye Che, but the pain on the back of her hand seemed magnified as Xia Weiyi yelped twice and quickly withdrew her arm, only to nick herself in the process.

Xia Weiyi cried out loud, squeezing her eyes shut and wailing, "It hurts... it hurts."

Ye Che nearly jumped up in alarm, pushed the nurse aside with one hand, and held Xia Weiyi close, stroking her head to comfort her.

"Baby, be good, just bear with it a little. Once you get the shot, it won't hurt anymore, okay? Be a good girl, I'll never bully you again, alright?"

Ye Che's gentle coaxing stunned the nurse for a second, then she saw him turn his head, his gaze turning icy, "Be gentle. If you hurt my wife again, you'll have me to answer to."

Before the nurse could even move, Xia Weiyi wriggled in Ye Che's arms again, rubbing against his chest, her voice laced with misery, "Wuwu—I don't want the shot, no shots."