Chapter 150: What Are You Freaking Out About_1

"Huoda, how many times have I said it? I'm not going to the company today. Did you go blind, or did your ears go deaf?"

"What's this about a technical stakeholder? What about game development? Can't you make decisions on these without me needing to go there?"

On the other end of the phone, Huoda's ears were almost blown out by the blast. He pulled the phone far away and explained, "But, but the person in charge on the other side is..."

"I don't care who it is, even if it's the emperor himself, I will not meet!"

Ye Che abruptly cut off Huoda's unfinished words and slammed the phone onto the table.

Feeling a gaze from behind him, Ye Che slowly turned around and saw Xia Weiyi tilting her head, looking at him with a puzzled expression on her face.

The harsh lines of Ye Che's face softened considerably as he set down his coffee and walked into the bedroom.