Chapter 197: Pet Law Article 38_1

"Take him away, enough chit-chat!" Huoda clapped his hands and gave an order to the bodyguard at the entrance of the alley. Then he glanced at Ye Che, "You take Yiyi and go first, leave this to me."

Ye Che took off his coat and draped it over Xia Weiyi, noticing her slightly swollen lips. His eyes instantly flashed with a cold fierceness.

He pointed down at Wang Qiang, who was limping on one leg, enunciating each word with chilling clarity, "Huoda, I want one of his hands."


Ye Che took Xia Weiyi to a dessert shop, where after eating some ice cream and cake and seeing her complexion regain some color, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the thought of her being cornered in the alley by a few goons and slapped made Ye Che's face darken once again.

"Pet survival rule number thirty-eight, recite it!"

"Huh?" Xia Weiyi, with a strawberry in her mouth, blinked in confusion.

"Huh what? Just recite it when I tell you to, or do you want to get hit?" Ye Che glared at her.