Chapter 198: The Battle Over Formal Attire_1

Ye Che, is there something happening with the company? You can go back if there is," Xia Weiyi said, noticing the serious expression on Ye Che's face and realizing that something significant must have happened.

Ye Che turned his head to look at Xia Weiyi, seemingly hesitant...

Take Yiyi with him? No, the old master has good relations with both the Xu Family and the Wang Family. He would help Wang Qiang and might even push all the blame onto Yiyi, claiming she is causing trouble outside...

But leaving her alone in the mall? With so much happening lately, he couldn't rest easy...

Xia Weiyi seemed to understand what Ye Che was hesitating about and tenderly grabbed his arm, shaking it twice, "You go on. Don't worry about me. I promise not to talk to strangers and not to run around with others..."

"Or I could call Shasha and ask her to come keep me company, would that work?"