Chapter 199: Ye Che's Main Card_1

Following that, without waiting for Xia Weiyi to speak, Xu Ziqing pointed at the dress and said, "No need to try it on, just wrap it up for me and I'll pay directly with my card."

While saying this, Xu Ziqing took out a gold card from her purse and deliberately flaunted it in front of Xia Weiyi a couple of times.

That gold card bore the English inscription 'YECHE—' and also featured the Yedi Group's logo; Xia Weiyi recognized it at a glance. It was Ye Che's personal gold card, which allowed unlimited overdrafts in all shopping malls owned by the Yedi Group.

As it happened, the mall they were browsing through was one under the Yedi Group.

Xia Weiyi had a card like that too, only hers was a silver supplementary card in her purse, while Xu Ziqing held the primary card.

When Xu Ziqing came out with her shopping bags, she didn't forget to offer a hypocritical explanation in front of Xia Weiyi.