meet one helluva boss

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A female Hellhound was walking back and forth in a room nervous about the day even though she was the one to ask him about it.

She was not really into the idea of going till she thought it would be a good idea to hang out with her friend that she made.

She kept repeating something over and over. Don't mess this up. This was the first time they were meeting up.

They had played games texting and even had phone calls about things but they were going to meet she did not want to make herself look like a loser

She wanted to make a good impression of herself to him. But there was one person who could scare him off: her father.

*somewhere else*

???: sir you can't be serious you can't expect us to be focused on protecting the clients and as well as watch your daughter

???: yeah well you can go suck a dick you both need to.

???: come on mox it alright we can do it

Mox: *sighs* But sir, why are we even bringing another person?

???: simple because my little loony wanted to tag along and said she would only go if her friend came with us. I have no fucking idea about him so it's your job to keep your eye on them.

That is when his phone starts to go off.

???: goddammit shut up everyone.

Mox: but sir you are the only one talking.

???: shut up moxie

He opens his phone and accepts the call.

???: What do you want stolas?

Stolas: Blitzy it's so good to hear your lovely voice~

blitz: flattering is not going to get you closer to putting your bird ass on my face. What do you want?

Stolas: I'm hurt Blitzy I was just calling you to let you know that we are ready for pickup.

blitz: alright then just stay the fuck there we will get there when we do.

Stolas: Oo Blitzy you know how much I love it when you take command~

blitz just shut his phone trying to not acknowledge what he said.

Mox: So what did the clients want?

blitz: well he sure did not want to fuck me which is a good sign and also that he and his daughter are ready to head out.

blitzo: All alright Millie you're going to be the one leading the thing we talked about earlier.

Mox: what but sir why her?

blitz: what's wrong huh with having her take the lead she already does that in your bed.

Millie: yeah Mox what's wrong with me taking the lead?

Mox: what? nothing, it's just that…. I don't know.

blitz: well then since there is nothing else let pack are shit and head out.

Blitzo walked over to a door that his daughter walked through.

blitz: Oh loony, we are heading out to make sure to have the location ready.

The door swung open wide.

Loona: yeah alright got it and stop with the name.

Blitz: ah but you're my sweet little looney.

Loona: ah fuck off blitz.

*somewhere else*

In some apartments, a special someone was lying on the couch eating some demonic eggs.

Yesterday he and Charlie were walking around all of hell for good solid while they were trying to find who owns the hotel on the edge of the circle.

Charlie made sure that Vaggie stayed behind to rest as she needed it more than anyone.

He was pretty tired afterwards with him doing most of the hard work.

Just then the door opens from Charlie's room and she and vaggie walk out. It seems like they've been getting along pretty well.

Charlie: y/n are you still heading out today?

Y/n: for what?

Vaggie: how can you not remember you said you would be heading out today with a friend of yours?

Y/n: oh yeah that fuck I forgot.

He got up and headed to the bathroom, getting into full freshen possible. He came back looking ready and he made sure to grab his gun before heading out.

Y/n: see you ladies later.

Charlie waved him off as vaggie just gave him a nod.

He sent his friend to the spot to pick him up from a few blocks away.

So he was running over there when he turned the corner and accidentally bumped into something or someone.

Before he looked up he could feel a pretty strong aura. But he still looked at the man.

He looked familiar, more like he saw him somewhere. He wore a red suit with red hair and he had elk ears.

He also had a small glass thing next to his eye. But the thing that got creepy was the smile that he was giving. He had a long smile and a long radio cane that he had

Y/n; woah sorry about that.

He just stared at him, for a few seconds before doing anything.

???: Haha it's alright young man come on you shouldn't be lying on that dirty ground

Y/n: woah!

He just grabbed him by the side and lifted him.

???: there we go my young fellow say have we met somewhere before you look familiar.

Y/n: no can't say that I have but you can say the feeling is the same.

???: ah it will probably come to me later.

Y/n: sorry to cut this short but I got to meet with some people thanks for the help and sorry again about the suit.

???: nonsense it's fine now then as you said better get going.

Y/n: uh yeah thanks

The man watches him running away with his grin still as big as it was before. He then brought his finger to his chest and flicked off a hair that fell off the kid.

This feeling he felt reminded him of when he was still alive when something like this happened before….. No matter what he thought he started to walk away with his radio in his hand.

As y/n ran to reach the meeting spot he was thinking about the person he just met he gave a sense of a familiar person but that smile was unnerving.

But he decided to stay focused on the moment he was just laying his back on the build and checking his phone

Then a black truck pulls up in front of him. He hears the door open and the back open as well.

Some small people/orphans/dog dicks look like creatures.

One with black glass was walking over as the two from the back door came over.

blitz: well then you must be y-

He trips on the sidewalk falling into the concrete face first. One of the small creatures went over to help him up.

He finally remembered what these guys were called: they were imps.

It's the smaller side of power scaling but he knows those things are kinda crazy

One of them caught his eye. It was the female she was wearing tight black jeans.

She wore some kind of black chest piece that also had a thing that you put your hand through.

With them being about half of his body height from where he stood he got a great view of her chest from his angle.

She had a white heart on one of her shoulders. One of the things he liked about her was that she had some great thighs.

The imp that fell quickly wiped himself of dirt off his body.

blitz:*coughing* as I was saying before this fucking sidewalk got in the way. You must be y/n right.

Y/n: uh yeah I am Y/n

blitzo: alright good tied him up then.

Y/n: wait what?

The two underlings of his quickly came over and tied him, brought him to the back of the truck, and threw him in with the two jumping in afterward.

Y/n: I'm not into this kind of role play if this is what this is about.

Mox: eww what do you take us for?

y/n: well considering that a black truck pulls up and I get tied up and thrown in the back of it. I would assume that I'm getting kidnapped or about to get sold to sex trafficking or this is just a really weird sex thing.

y/n finally took a look around the imp got into the driver seat while this giant bird person was sitting next to him. He looked like he was a wealthy person or something.

Then in the middle were two girls, one was a hellhound and the other was some kind of bird person just like the man. The other male imp was sitting in the middle looking back towards the girls and him

The bird girls remind him of the time when a group of sinner hippies started showing up.

Man, he remembers the stuff they said about why they might be there and that was some fuck up shit alright.

Anyway, he was digging her clothes style. The hellhound was wearing something from one of those hot-topic

He could see himself fucking her…. Now that he thought about it, why was he being so observant of the girls here?

It feels like his hormones went up when this truck pulled up and has the urge to drop an f-bomb like one of those call-of-duty matches.

She was looking back at him then Quickly Looked away.

He then felt something land on his crotch area. Catching him off guard he looked down seeing the female imp sitting on his lower body.

Millie: oh sorry there is not a lot of room back here with you in here as well.

Y/n: I mean what do you expect?

He was doing his best by not thinking about her. If he did then he was sure she would feel his member poking her.

stolas: oh interesting idea for some roleplay~

via: Ew Dad!

stolas: oh sorry Octavia I forgot you're in the car as well.

Y/n: so uh why am I here and tied up?

???: Sorry about that, I'm not sure why they did it as well.

Y/n: well I know that voice hey there L.

???: hehe yeah you can call me by my real name Loona

Y/n: It's nice to finally talk to you in person Loona oh and you can call me Y/n

Her tail was swinging left and right it was kinda cute to see.

Loona: here let me see your hands.

He raised his tied hands toward her she used her pointy nail to cut the rope.

Y/n: thanks so who are all of these people?

Loona: alright so this fat imp right here is called fatty.

Mox: hey I'm not fat!

Loona: if you lost some pounds then maybe.

Mox: my name is Moxie you can just call me that

Y/n: sure thing fatty

Mox: agh man now there are two of them.

Octavia let out a small chuckle at y/n comment.

Blitzo: she is not wrong mox maybe cut in a salad here to there.

mox: sir!

Loona: The one driving….(sighs) He is my father blitz.

blitz: and the O is silent so you better not say my name with the O if you do I will cut your fucking balls got it.

Y/n: uh yeah got it. I heard so much about you.

Blitzo: all good thing I hope

Y/n: no I meant that literally.


Y/n: so I just punch her after she tried to take my shit.

Loona: good that's what that bitch deserves.

In the distance, the sound of a person could be heard.

Blitzo: alright everyone meet our new clients

The sound of something flying is heard and hitting something.

Blitzo: as I said are new clients

The sound of something hitting the ground sounds like glass and something Electric.

Blitzo: God fucking dam it moxie do you know how much that cost me.

Then next was the sound of fire.

Blitzo: Fuck me my office!


Blitzo: well then it seems to be all good things do you want a treat?

He pulls out a box of dog treats from out of nowhere he just had them.

Y/n: uh no thanks first of all uh my ears are wolf ears, not dog ones, and I'm not a hellhound.

Blitzo: well that's just fine then more for me.

He flicks out one dog treat and starts to eat it.

Vai: ew

Loona: UGH Your fucking gross blitz.

Blitzo: they are not that bad *munching* they taste pretty good.

Loona: he's pretty fucking weird so don't worry about him

Y/n: sure?

Loona: then back there with you is the old lady.

Millie: hey I'm not that old yet.

Mox: of course, you are not my dear.

Oh, where are those two together? He did not think about that. She turns her head to look back at him.

Millie: you can just call me Millie.

Y/n: nice to meet you mille.

Millie: same to you.

Loona: lastly these are the clients told you about.

stolas: I can take it from here my dear. I am Stolas from the Goetia family. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: oh I think I saw you in the new hell news about you having a divorce right?

Stolas: yeah that's the one.

Y/n: well sorry to hear about that but I want to say it was a pleasure to meet you. You're one of the stronger beings in hell so it's pretty cool to meet someone of your status even if it's a bit questionable.

He must be into some weird shit from what he has said so far it was interesting to meet someone like that.

Stolas: thank you That is something I don't hear much of about the power scaling. But yes we are a very powerful family.

Y/n: that's why it is impressive to meet someone of your status.

Stolas: I can say the same to you. I don't see many sinners around.

Via: oh you're a sinner that's pretty cool.

Y/n: I guess it's cool.

Loona: I never knew that you were a sinner

Y/n: never had a reason to say that I was one sorry I guess.

Loona: no, no you're right you had no reason to tell me.

Y/n: how did you know that I was a sinner?

Stolas: Well, it's not that hard for someone of my status.

Y/n: very true

Stolas: shall we get back to introductions? Lastly, here is my sweet Owlette Octavia!

He looks over to see her just looking unfazed and not interested in what is happening.

Via: you can just call me via it short for my actual name.

Y/n: I like your style of clothes.

Via: thanks I feel it more fits my personality.

Y/n: well then I'm guessing that you are more of a calm person who is in a bit of a rebellious stage of your life.

Via: not a bad observation.

Y/n: you can get a pretty solid understanding of a person after a couple of attempts.

Via: hm interesting.

That was when the car took a full-on stop causing some of the people to get a flug a bit but they were mostly fine.

Blitzo: Oh you have to be fucking me where did all this fucking traffic come from.

Stolas: OO OO via look it loo loo land

Via: I see it dad

Blitzo: buckle up kiddos we might be here for a bit.

Word count 2673

Nice little chapter if I do say so myself. Hope you all like to see some of this group of helluva boss and look forward to some stuff with them

Also wonder who that man was