Quite a interesting day

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They have been waiting for a good while now after some road rage by blitz, they finally made it to the place's entrance.

The imp quickly put clothes over their normal clothes, some kind of suit.

But Millie caught him off guard; she just took off her top piece of clothes.

Y/n: woah wa-

She quickly covered his mouth before the other could hear. She brought her mouth close enough to his ear so only he could hear her.

Millie: Let's keep this little thing just between us.

She put her finger in front of her mouth motioning to keep quiet.

As she took her hand off his mouth he just watched as she backed up her breast shown in full view. Her red skin tone matches her nipples.

She gave him a wink before putting on the top part of a suit.

She then starts to take off her pants. She first got her tail out of the pants while it was in.

Her tail then moved in front covering her pussy from being seen.

Now he was wondering why she was not wearing anything like a bra but he was not going to question the good view

She slipped on the pants of the suit and he could see that the pants were struggling with her thighs. She then turned to him.

Millie: You think you can help me real quick?

Y/n: uh yeah.

Millie: Just put my tail through the hole.

He did what she asked, grabbing her tail and her body twitched. It seemed like the tail was a sensitive part of the body for them.

He pulled back her pants a bit then pushed her tail through.

Millie:*huff* Thanks and I hope you like the view.

He just nodded at her while blood fell down his nose. He wiped it away and waited for the other as he got out of the trunks.

He walked a few feet stretching his body, his ear twitching as he heard the others finally getting out of the car.

Blitz walked around and opened the front door as Stolas walked out wearing a white shirt red shorts and a weird hat that seemed like it was alive matching his eye.

Mox opened the door with Loona walking out and headed over to y/n.

He was looking at the place.

Loona: something wrong?

Y/n: no just looking at this place you can see how much of a scam this place was.

As he said that one of the letters from the entrance fell onto an imp that was walking into the place.

Via: oh you noticed that as well.

She was walking over to the two not wanting to be embarrassed by her father.

Blitz: alright people let's get going.

The three walked with each other as they headed inside.

Y/n: I mean it is not that hard to see how close this place is to the Lucifer theme park.

Via: agree it's just corporate greed.

Y/n: naw they thought it was a good idea to make a theme park of a sex doll

Loona stayed quiet and just listened as she was not sure what they were even talking about.

Via: yep greed at its finest.

Y/n walked over to a weird robot dinosaur. He had no idea what the fuck he was looking at.

Y/n: I should have brought some meth with me. This shit is hard to look at.

Loona: Tell me about it.

Y/n: what but you are the one who invited me to this

Loona: oh yeah….

Y/n: should have brought some with you.

Loona:" chuckles" Yeah I'll make sure next time.

He looked over at her and her ear and tail went down.

Y/n: look my bad thanks for inviting me now come on let's do some shit already.

Loona: How about that game over there?

she pointed at a weird clown game kinda like the shoot the water into a clown but this version is with morphine.

Y/n: sure why not.

They both walked over and took a seat.

Imp: it would cost you both 5 dollars to play.

Y/n: what is that highway robbery?

Imp: I don't make the rule.

He said that as he was counting the money he had.

Loona: hey fucker why don't you look at us when you say that shit.

Imp: you can just leave if you're poor.

A tick formed on y/n head as he got tired of this guy. He jumps over and hit the imp knocking him the fuck out.

He looked at the control and pushed a button starting the game. Loona took advantage of him being on the other side and started to shoot the morphine into the flow imp.

Y/n: hey that's not fair.

Loona: nothing is fair when in competition.

Y/n: oh really now huh

he starts to shoot the morphine into the clown. He looked over and grabbed at Loona's tail making her jump, moving the thing shot off course.

Loona: hey that fucking cheating.

Y/n: nothing is fair when in a competition.

Loona: hey you can't be saying my shit back at me like that.

As they went on trying to win the game. Blitz was walking over to Millie and Mox.

Blitz: better listen to your hoe Mox how about you both take a break and spend some time together?

Millie's eyes sparkled when she heard that

Mox: really sir?

Bliz: yeah you two go have fun while I take the first watch. Just make sure you do what I said earlier.

Millie: You got it, come on Mox.

She lifted him with ease and started to run away with him.

Mox: uh where are we going?

He looked like he was scared shiftless as she ran him to something that would kill him.

Y/n and Loona finished their game as y/n walked away looking triumphant in his win.

Y/n: So what next?

Loona: I don't know but it's your turn to pick.

He looked around then saw that Mox and Millie were in line for a ride.

Y/n: let cut in line with fatty they are in line for a roller coaster.

Loona: fine then let's get over there.

They head over only one problem though the line was longer than horse dick don't ask how he knows he just does.

Y/n: yeah fuck this I'm not waiting in line for this shit. HEY MOXIE.

He jumps at hearing his name and turns to see the two.

Moxie: Y-YEAH?


Moxie: W-WHAT NO.

Millie pulled him down for a moment.

Millie: hold on Mox if we do we can keep a good eye on them.

Moxie: But still we have been in this line waiting for a long time already.

Millie: Come on, it won't hurt to have them up here.

Mox: fine my dear.

She gave him a smile at his response.

He got back up and turned to look at the two but realized they were gone.

Mox: huh where did they go?

He turned to look behind himself to see that the pair were right behind him.

Y/n: thanks for letting us cut in the line with you guys.

Millie: It's no problem.

Loona: Yeah, thanks.

Millie: aw you welcome hellhound.

Loona: Sure whatever.

They waited a solid 30 minutes for them to make it to the front of the line. from the looks of it, he was going to be a bit squashed but it would be dealable he turned to look at the two imps.

Millie: MOX we made it to the front. I love this ride. It was my favorite when my mom took me when I was younger.

Mox: oh what's it like?

Mox looked like he was about to die from just seeing the roller coaster. y/n looked over at Loona who seemed like she was in her own space.

Y/n: you alright?

Loona: huh oh uh yeah I'm fine why what's up?

y/n: nothing you just look like you are thinking about something

Loona: oh well I'm fine there is nothing wrong.

y/n: alright well you know you can always talk to me.

Loona: pffs yeah as if.

y/n: hey I mean it.

Loona: yeah I know I'm fine really.

y/n: Right then no more about this mush stuff. How do you like this as it is your first time talking in person?

Loona: meh could be more fun.

y/n: I'm hurt I thought we were having a good time.

She hit him on the shoulder. As he starts to laugh.

Loona: Shut up, of course, I'm having fun now how about we get on it looks like it's our turn to get on.

He turns to see the roller coaster coming and stops moving right next to them. The small doors opened, and he walked in first and sat down. Next was Loona. She saw the amount of space left and then went to sit down.

She went to sit down but she accidentally sat on his leg. Her face turned bright red she bolted and turned to look at him.

Loona: I'm so sorry I should have looked where I was heading to sit.

He started to chuckle and patted the spot next to him.

Y/n: it's fine now, come on.

She looked away embarrassed by what had just happened. She couldn't look at his face, she just messed up big time with her only friend.

Loona: I'm sorry.

Her tail and ears hung down and her hair was almost blocking her eyes. He put his hand on her shoulder and moved the hair out of her face so he could see her face.

Y/n: hey I said I was fine really it was just a small mistake. Nothing wrong with mistakes.

Loona: Thanks for saying that.

He gave her a nod before staring forward as the tracks started to move the cart. Loona was looking at him before a small smile formed on her face and she looked forward.

The cart starts going upwards slowly but the cart starts to shake. The two carts were behind Moxie and Millies. Moxie looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

After a minute the carts reached the top of the place y/n looked around to see all of Loo Loo land. That's when the cart went over and started heading down fast. y/n and Loona were being pushed against each other a few times and the y/n arm brushed against her breast.

Her face turns red every time it happens.

The cart was going through a loopy loop and when it stopped they were hanging upside down.

y/n: is this supposed to happen?

Loona: Who knows?

That was when the bar held them down to the seat let up and dropped them out of the cart. He quickly flipped himself mid-air to be upwards again. He lands in another cart. He looks around to hear something fall next to him.

He looked over and saw Millie. mox and loona land in the cart behind him next to each other

Y/n: what's up millie?

Millie: oh hey y/n!

She waved her hand at him and seemed to have a giant smile on her face enjoying the ride.

Millie: What do you think of this ride?

The carts start to move backwards

Y/n: thought it would be more fun.

Millie: oh you haven't seen the fun part just yet.

The cart starts spinning in circles and heads back up. Y/n took a look backward seeing a cart line shooting upward with no rails.

The cart finally made it to the lunch point and got sent flying up.

He started to think maybe it was slightly better now. Then it starts to fall down fast green flames surrounding the carts.

The cart landed back on the railroad they were heading straight for the ground.

He started to look nervous as he headed for the ground he looked over at Millie. She was having fun.

He just closed his eyes as they were about to hit the ground. He opened his eyes a bit to see what happened as they should have hit the ground already.

Millie: hey come on open your eyes your miss the best part.

He looked around and saw a lot of ducks… toy ducks.

Y/n: uh what's happening?

Millie: We just went through a portal that takes you to a random place in hell. Not sure where we're at though. But this is one of the best parts of the ride.

Footsteps could be heard coming into the room. The carts started to be pulled back through the portal.

Just before they got pulled through the door opened revealing a short person who was wearing a lot of white for both skin and clothes.

He reminded him of Charlie for some reason.

He noticed them just as they were gone before he could do anything they were gone.

As they were back the ride moved back to the starting area and the carts opened.

He stood up and walked out. He followed behind Millie as she was patting Mox's back.

Y/n: that was not a bad ride.

Loona: meh could have been better.

Y/n: true

He looked around for the next thing they could do but he saw via crying about something she was running away.

Y/n: hey I'm going to be right back

Loona: alright

She flipped her hair and leaned against the railing and pulled out her phone playing a game on it.

He started to jog after her. He followed her to a weird clown-looking place. He heard a voice behind him. He turned and saw Stolas looking around and calling for Via.

He turned back and headed inside. It was like a parkour Place. Looks like it could have been fun.

He shook his head. He should focus on what is happening now.

He followed the sounds of crying to some kinda of apple tea cup.

She crawled up like a ball crying. He took a step, the floor creaking. She looked up and saw him put her face back into her sleeve.

He slowly approached the apple cart and sat down by her.

Via: "crying" what do you want?

Y/n: nothings I just saw you crying and thought I thought I should check what was happening

Via: it is nothing that you should be worried about. You should just leave.

Y/n: I could but then there would be no one here for you to talk to trust me, I know what it is like to not have someone.

Via: you don't even know me.

Y/n: your right but that doesn't change the fact that you could use it to talk to someone.

Via: if it means you leave then fine.

Y/n: So what is wrong?

Via: my life fucking sucks that what is wrong I didn't even want to come to this.

Y/n: Then why did you come to this?

Via: because I did not want to stay at home with my mom. She fucking sucks even at my own home it doesn't feel like home.

Y/n: I know how that feels. You feel like no one cares about you because your parents are angry with each other so they aren't focused on you and it just sucks to be there.

Via: yeah how do you know?

Y/n: you don't end up like me with a happy life.

Via: really?

Y/n: yeah look I know we don't know each other but if you ever need to talk to someone I'm here.

A small smile showed up on her face.

Via: Thanks

She came closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back.

Y/n: I'm sure I'm not the only one as well.

She pulled back away from him. looking at him confused he pointed behind him to the way he came from.

Her father was peeking into the place watching.

Via: ugh!

He put his hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: hey look just tell him how you feel about this whole thing.

Via: yeah… your right thanks.

He nods at her before getting up and walking away. Passing by Stolas.

Stolas: thank you for talking to her.

It was quite hard to hear what he said but he heard it just close enough.

He walked out of the place taking a deep breath of air.

He met back up with Loona who was lying on the beach. She noticed him coming over and got up.

Y/n: I think we should head out looks like this place is…. What the fuck happened here.

Loona: oh yeah I think my father got into a fight or something.

Y/n: uh alright let's head out.

Loona: sure.

They walked to the entrance talking about games.

Loona: So where are you living now?

Y/n: why are you trying to know huh

Loona: uh" blush" for no reason. Just interested in your new setup.

Y/n: I'm just fucking around. I'm living with the two girls I told you about though one of them is trying to set up a hotel so maybe I'll crash there.

Loona: oh well that's good then we can play some games again when you're set up.

Y/n: for sure

Two people came walking out of the place. Stolas had his daughter in his arms and dropped her down.

A loud explosion rang out from the park and some imp landed in front of them.

A demon Chihuahua came over and started to pull Millie

Y/n: yo Mox your girls are being taken.

Mox: hmm what where is she?

He got up slowly and looked for her. He limped over after her.

Via came over to him.

Via: hey thanks back there for the talk.

Y/n: it's no problem.

Via: I was wondering if I could add you on instahell

Y/n: oh sure

Loona watched from the side she was making a small growl at her. It pissed her off for some reason about what him adding to her.

After adding himself to her phone he opens his phone and adds her back.

Stolas: well then how about we get going to that place you want to go via? Come on, imps.

Blitz used his arm dragging himself to the car.

*Time skip *

Y/n: That's the end of my day. What about you guys, what did you do?

Charlie: Well, we got the approval of the hotel.

Y/n: oh so you finally own the place now.

Charlie: yeah! I can't believe it.

Y/n: well believe it you are one step closer to doing what you want to do.

Vaggie: He's right you should be celebrating this.

Charlie: aww thank you guys.

He was back home spending the rest of the day with the other two girls just hearing what was happening.

That was a pretty eventful day if he said so himself.

Word count 3277

Found it kinda funny at 800 words. I just wanted to get the chapters done but somehow it ended up being 3277 words which is funny to me