what a angle dust?(vote at the end of the chapter)

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It's been a couple of days now since y/n's a little outing to the loo loo land.

Y/n day starts like any other waking up on the couch.

He sat up and looked around seeing no one around. He got up from the couch and headed over to the restroom.

He walked over to the door and went to open it. Taking a step inside he noticed that someone else was in there.

Standing there in the middle of changing her clothes was vaggie she had her shirt off showing her gray breasts.

They stood there staring at each other. After a few minutes, her face turned red.

Vaggie: why the fuck are you standing there to get out.

Y/n: Yeah my bad sorry nice tits though.

Vaggie: Get out!

He took a step back and made sure to close the door. Vaggie watches as he closes the door before looking down and grabbing her breast thinking about something.

her face turned red and she looked away and stopped holding her breast.

He stood there dumbfounded by what just happened. He let out a sigh before heading over to the kitchen and started to make some good old coffee.

Charlie walked out of her room stretching as she was in her suit without the red part on. Her chest pushed against the fabric making it pop out.

Afterward, she walked over to the kitchen with him.

Charlie: Good morning.

Y/n: yeah good morning to you two do you want some coffee?

Charlie: That sounds good right now. Oh, can you make it like how you did last time?

Y/n: yeah I can do that.

Charlie: fuck yeah uh wait I mean sweet.

Y/n: you know it alright to cuss right it not a sin to speak.

Charlie: yeah but still I prefer not to.

After grabbing three mugs he places them on the table and pours the coffee into them.

He then got some sugar and a lot of sweets put them into Charlie's coffee and mixed them around.

He handed it to her and she took a sniff of the smell and smiled before taking a drink of it.

Charlie: ah that's stuff I have no idea how you make it like this it's so good.

Y/n: haha thanks it is not that impressive though.

Charlie: Come on, give yourself some credit, it's really good.

Y/n: fine, fine.

Charlie: See there's the spirit.

Vaggie finally came out she was wearing the shirt

That he gave her. It's been a couple of days since he gave it to her. He found it weird that she was still wearing it.

She walked over to the two giving him the side eye.

Y/n: here is your coffee.

He passes it to her and looks at it for a moment before grabbing it.

Y/n: so you're done with the hotel right? Do you have everything you need?

Charlie: almost I just need to do some final paperwork

Y/n: I take it you would be with her for that as well?

He looked over at vaggie.

Vaggie: got to make sure she doesn't make a horrible deal that would affect this whole thing.

Charlie: That's why I need your help with this other thing y/n.

Y/n: Sure, what do you need me to do?

Charlie: Well I'm sure you remember when we went to the hotel in what state it was in. I need you to go pick up some stuff from this place.

She passed him some paper

Y/n: Breaking Bad Inc?

Charlie: yeah I was there before they had the stuff we needed to fix up the hotel.

Y/n: alright

Charlie: Thank you so much for doing this.

Y/n: it's alright really.

After some more talking he left to go find this place. It took him not too long as they lived in a trailer so they were easy to find.

The name and place remind him of that show that was up for a while.

He walked up to the door and knocked on it.

It was quiet for moments before he heard movement inside.

(For your information I have never seen the show so I have no idea what they are like besides some memes I have seen)

???: fuck it the police hide the shit. Hurry the fuck up, Jesse.

???: don't fucking rush me you were the one who wanted to fuck smoke some of that good shit on the dog.

(Image here)

Y/n stared at the door confused by what the actual hell is this place.

???: Wait, we are in hell there are no police.

???: Damn it old man, you got me scared about that.

???: stay here I'll go see.

Some sound of chains on the trailer door could be heard getting taken off.

The door opened slightly with one chain still holding the door from fully opening.

???: Yeah, what do you want?

Y/n: I'm here for an order that was placed.

He looked me up and down.

???: you got the receipt.

He pulled out the paperwork that Charlie gave to him. He grabbed it and looked at the paperwork.

???: All alright, got it.

He looked behind him at the person he was talking to.

???: Jesse, go get the shit for the order for 69.

Jesse: Alright Mr white.

The old man turned back to the young man.

Mr.White: alright wait there he will pull up with your shit in a couple of minutes

Y/n: oh… alright the.

The old man closed the door as y/n walked over to wait close by the place.

Y/n looked around now that he was waiting he saw a meth table on the side

He could tell that these guys were no amateurs at it. A car pulled up close by he couldn't see inside as it was filled up with so much smoke.

The window opened letting out some smoke before a guy got out.

???: Man shorty this is some of that good shit make sure you pick up some more alright.

shorty: ah foo don't worry I know that the good shit man I'll be alright just stay out here.

The man walked over to the trailer door and knocked.

shorty: yo man you got any more of that good shit.

As that was happening another car pulled up well more like a van.

Some older people came out.

???: are you ordered 69

Y/n: I guess so

???: All alright man everything is in the truck just make sure to return it afterwards and if anyone asks no there is no free candy in the car.

Y/n: uh alright.

???: good alright see you later than man.

He walked away head to the door with that person still there.

Y/n walked over and got up in the car looking in the back he saw tools and material in the van.

Y/n drove it back to the place as he was supposed to but on the way there he took a quick break to grab some food he was just chilling close by looking around.

He noticed someone who was sitting down on the sidewalk. They just sat there looking at the puddle.

He was not sure what was going through the person's head but he felt maybe he should say something.

Man how is he in hell he feels like he does nice things too often ...oh yeah because of the shooting I remember now.

Fuck it, he thought as he walked over and sat down next to the person.

The person lifted their head to take a look at who sat next to them. Y/n saw into their eyes they looked depleted of anything. He had seen that look before one he was all too familiar with

Their body was all white they wore a suit with pick black and some red.

Now this didn't matter too much to what was happening but he could tell what gender they were looking a bit feminine but they dressed more like a guy would.

???: what are you looking for someone to fuck?

Y/n: no just saw you and looked like you could use someone to talk to.

???: haha yeah right your probably one of those who get a person to drop their shield around others so then you can fuck them.

Y/n: meh you can think all you want but you just look like you need someone to listen to.

???: fine you want to listen to what I have to say. I work in the pornography field alright so you get it alright.

Y/n: not really I can see that working in that field sucks but there is more.

???: my boss fucking sucks I can't do anything to him because of a contract but he can do anything he wants with me.

???: oh go and stick 10 dicks into you oh go and suck off 30 oh you don't want to do it anymore well you got no say.

Y/n: dam your boss does fucking sucks.

???: I know right? Anytime I don't do what he wants he just pushes me around like a fucking hoe even the drug he gives me doesn't stop the pain anymore.

Y/n: sounds like this guy should probably get fucked up by someone by now.

???: as if he is a fucking top dog around here no one would fuck him up honestly.

Y/n: what is his name if you mind if I ask?

???: as I care he is Valentino you know one of the v's

Y/n: oh one of those over-rate fuckers who believe they're the best and shit.

???: yep that one.

Y/n: well if anything just say fuck him he can do his shit!

???: if only it was that simple. I originally joined because of the money but now it is not worth it even now I don't have enough to fuck rent a room anymore.

Y/n: so that's why you're out here.

???: yeah I just needed to take my mind off of that.

Y/n: hmm a place to rent you say.

???: Yeah, what about it?

Y/n: what if I said I know a place that might give you a place rent-free?

???: really

He fucking make this up as he went it was not a bad idea he thought they do need someone who could show proof of her thing working.

Y/n: yeah only one thing you would probably need to follow some rules if you want to be there.

???: anything I swear I'll suck your dick any time you need me to.


(Image here)

He let out a cough.

Y/n: no I'm good. Anyway I'm supposed to meet with the person right now if you want to come along that might help your case

???: I need that place right now.

Y/n: All alright then come on

He held his hand out to them.

They looked at it for a moment then grabbed it.

Y/n: by the way, what is your name?

???: Wait, are you kidding me? you don't know who I am.

Y/n: no I don't.

???: I thought this the whole time you did. But it doesn't matter, you can just call me angel dust. Angel works by itself as well.

Y/n: alright come on then angels.

He went over and got into the van. Angel got into the seat next to him

Angel: So do you have any candy in this van?

Y/n: what no why would you ask

Angel: because you got a sign saying you do.

Y/n: god damn it

Anyway, after that whole thing was done with he drove the van to Charlie's place

Vaggie and Charlie were waiting for the van to pull up. As it did y/n walked out the two saw the white person in the car.

Vaggie: y/n! Who the fuck is that

Y/n: didn't even give me time to say anything first.

Charlie: he's right let him speak the first vaggie.

Vaggie: fine

Y/n: so I was thinking that if you want to open a hotel to fix sinners then the best way to do so is by having someone who would show that it is possible to repent.

Vaggie: So you want this person to be the first person?

Y/n: yep. Also, I might've said they can stay at the hotel for free….

Vaggie looked down while looking exhausted by this whole thing.

Charlie: that is completely fine but wait are you saying that you got us our first customer?

Y/n: yeah pretty much

In a fast movement, she was in front of him and hugged him, somehow lifting him. He thought how in hell was she this strong?

Charlie: oh my sin oh my sin thank you thank you so much y/n.

Y/n: yeah no pro-blem please pu-t me down

She dropped him down on the ground and he was trying to recover his breath.

She walked over to the person in the van. As y/n was still trying to catch his breath vaggie walked over to him.

Vaggie: hey *sigh* great job on getting the stuff and making her happy.

y/n: what are friends for right?

He got up and walked over and got into the van vaggie, opened the side door, and got in with Charlie behind her.

As they drove there Charlie just kept talking to Angle about the thing she wanted to do. Angle was slowly backing up to the car door. Looking like they were about to jump out.

Y/n grabbed her shoulder and she looked back at him

Y/n: not so fast you're going to scare them off.

Charlie: Yeah, you're right thanks y/n.

Angel: So what are your rules that I have to follow?

Charlie looked over at y/n to which he just nodded his head.

She tried to clear her throat before saying anything. She seemed to have a much more serious tone than before.

Charlie: if you are to live for free then you must follow these rules.

Angle: oh please these rules can be worse than my job.

Charlie: *ahem* rule one no drugs, be clean, and stay out of trouble.

Angle looked at her like they just met the devil.

Angle: what no please anything but that

Charlie: Sorry but no if you want to leave here for free that's what you got to do.

They looked over at y/n trying to do puppy eyes. Y/n just shakes his head to signal to them that they are on their own.

They looked down for a moment almost thinking about something.

They slumped down in the chair.

Angle: fine I'll stick to your rules. Why are those the rules though?

Y/n did not stop her this time Charlie's eyes lit up like fireworks about to explode.

Y/n just came out the whole thing focused on driving to the run-down hotel.

After making it to the hotel they all took a step out of the van to take a look.

Angel: woah this place looks like fucking shit.

Y/n: sure is but it's our shit.

Vaggie: please don't ever say that again.

Charlie ran forward in front of the group before turning around to look at the four.

Charlie: Welcome to the happy hotel!

Y/n: that is some name alright.

Angle: That is the worst name I have ever heard.

Vaggie: got to brainstorm some better names Charlie's

Charlie: haha yeah I guess so come on y/n help me get the stuff out of the van.

Y/n: All alright.

They spent a good time fixing and cleaning anything that needed cleaning.

There was an interesting moment that happened though.

Charlie was on a ladder swiping away any dust on the wall. She went and tried to get a spot that was

Y/n was mopping away at the floor. As he did his ear perked up hearing a sound almost like a creaking noise. He looked over and saw Charlie. he quickly ran in the direction of Charlie.

She almost got the spot before the ladder lost balance and started tipping over Charlie looked at the ladder falling.

She won't react in time so she closed her eyes waiting to hit the ground.

But it never came. She felt something grabbing onto her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw y/n he was holding her in bride style.

From her angle she was looking up at him; he was looking down at her, concerned by what just happened. She did not move as she liked the feeling of the warmth of his body.

Y/n: you alright?

A small blush formed on her face not trying to look him in the face.

Charlie: yeah I'm good thanks for catching me.

Y/n: you got to be more careful of this.

Charlie: Yeah, you're right.

He moved her so she could stand up.

Y/n: if you need someone to watch you for this I'm here alright.

Charlie: got it and like I said thanks.

Y/n: it's no problem alright what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you when you were about to fall

Charlie: Yeah, a friend…..

The rest of the day went by like nothing y/n was resting on one of the couches with angels close by lying down on the table.

The two stayed there in silence.

Angel: So you sure you don't want me to suck your dick.

Y/n opened his eyes and said that the silence was gone now.

Y/n: before even thinking about that I need to know your gender.

Angle: oh so what you're saying is that it is not out of the question.

Y/n: just let me sleep already.

Angle: All alright fine enjoy your little rest.

Word count 3089

So the vote will decide if we should keep Angel dust as male or should we have him be female. If yes then they will join the hearm if no then he stays male and won't be a part of it.

Yes, make him female.


No keep him a male