Celebration of newcomers

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y/n stretched his hand out towards the doorknob and opened it headed inside.

The first thing he noticed was the small black critters running around and cleaning the place up while also fixing the place up to look much better.

y/n felt a chill going down his spine. He let out a sigh from already knowing who it was.

Y/n: hey Alastor

Alastor: well if it ain't my old pal y/n it's good to see you. Where have you been poor Charlie has been looking everywhere for you?

Y/n: where is she right now?

Alastor: last I checked she was in your room

Y/n: my room?

Alastor: Yes, something about maybe you left something in there.

Y/n: Alright thanks we will talk later

Alastor: wouldn't miss it.

Y/n started walking over to his room while walking over he felt something land on his head.

Y/n couldn't see what it was but he saw the black tail land on his shoulder and wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

Y/n: hey keekee you miss me didn't you?

All he heard back was a purring sound coming from the top of his head as he petted her.

Y/n went inside at first. He didn't notice Charlie till he noticed her hooves sticking out from his bed.

He walked over to see her sleeping and hugged his pillow.

He couldn't help but smile a little before he placed his hand on her shaking her body.

She slowly opened her eyes and pushed herself up, rubbing her eyes and looking at him. It took her a moment to realize who woke her up.

Charlie: Ah?!? I-it's not what it looks like y-y/n. I swear I was just tired and your bed was empty so I kinda fell asleep.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and looked at her.

Y/n: hey it's alright I'm not judging you on where you sleep. But anyway I heard you were looking for me.

Charlie when it hit her as she placed her hand on him and touched his body making sure he was alright.

Y/n noticed a slight blush on her face as she just realized what she was doing.

Charlie: I'm sorry I just did that out of nowhere without asking.

Y/n: I get it you were worried about me because of how you saw me last time.

She nodded her head at him.

Charlie: What happened to you? You just disappeared yesterday then you have gone missing for the last five days

Y/n: oh I died that's all.

Charlie: What do you mean that all are you alright?!

Y/n: yeah I'm fine I just spent some time waiting around for my body to be brought back into the pentagram.

Charlie: I'm sorry about how I left you like that when I last saw you.

Y/n: hey it's fine alright you had to make sure the hotel was safe I'm your least concern.

Charlie: NO!

That caught him off guard when she yelled no at him for a moment. He saw her horns and tail start to form before they disappeared.

Charlie: You should be one of my top concerns. I can't let someone who I... I can't have one of my Patreon dying while I'm around.

Y/n grabbed her and brought her in for a hug. He felt tears on his shoulder as Charlie rested her head on his shoulder.

Y/n: hey come on Charlie it's alright really you don't need to worry about it.

Charlie: I can't just actually like that normal y/n seeing people I care about just dying like it was nothing. Maybe to you and the others, it's not much but to me, it scares me. What if one day you don't come back?

Y/n: hey don't worry I plan to see this little project of yours to the very end of it.

Charlie: You mean it?

Y/n: of course.

He felt something slithering on his lap. He took a glance seeing that Charlie brought her tail out as he looked at it reminded him of a succubus in a way.

He couldn't help but inch his hand slowly over to it, His finger touched the surface of the skin, moving his fingers along the base of her tail feeling the texture of her tail.

Charlie's breathing hitched a little as she let out a muffled moan from her mouth that she used her hand to hide behind.

After feeling it for a couple more seconds it finally hit him.

Y/n: oh sorry Charlie I kinda zone out as I kept touching your tail.

He kinda found it funny how they switched roles from when she was touching him not that long ago.

He pulled back, seeing Charlie's face looking slightly red while also panting for air, her face covered in a bit of sweat. Her pupils almost glowed sorts but he found it more strange because her pupils were also slightly heart-shaped.

She looked like she was in a trance of some kind lost in the very moment.

Charlie: "panting" is fine "panting" you can keep "panting" touching it if you want. You are one of the "panting" people who I would let do this."panting"

She turned her back toward him letting her tail move more freely. y/n once again moved his hand toward it but her tail also moved toward him.

Her tail moved up his arm slowly wrapping around it. Almost wanting to keep being connected to him in a way.

Keekee, who had been resting on his head finally stood up and jumped onto Charlie knocking her out of her little trace.

Charlie: huh?

Charlie took a look behind herself seeing what she was doing with her tail. y/n noticed that her eyes were back to normal.

Charlie: oh my god I'm sorry y/n I'm not sure what came over me at that moment

Her tail slowly disappeared again.

She was moving her hands sporadically. She was panicking, embarrassed by what she was doing

Y/n: haha don't worry about it but your tail felt nice.

She was hiding her face away into her hands too embarrassed to be looking at him.

She slowly spread her fingers wide, her eyes peeking through.

Charlie: y-you liked it?

Y/n: yeah it was an interesting feeling. I wouldn't mind feeling it again but only if it's fine with you.

She slowly put her hands down to look at him.

Charlie: o-only if you let me touch your tail.

Y/n: oh I don't mind you can if you want.

Y/n tail flipped to his side resting next to him. She looked at him, seeing him nodding at his tail to touch it.

She slowly stretched her hand out but before landing on it. The door to the room opened with vaggie walking in.

Charlie quickly moved her hand away trying to look normal. But because of the whole thing with her tail, she looked like a mess.

Her hair looked like a slight mess while her clothes weren't neat looking.

Vaggie walked over to the two but she was heading to y/n first.

Vaggie: y/n thank goodness that you are alright.

Y/n: oh hey there vaggie.

He was caught completely off guard by her suddenness of hugging him.

He rubbed her back for a few moments before she hit him on the shoulder.

Y/n: ow what the hell vaggie.

She looked away hiding her face.

Vaggie: That's what you deserve for leaving without telling anyone.

Y/n: I was dead, what do you want me to do about that?!

Vaggie: not my problem.

Y/n:"quietly" man girls are hard to understand

Even though she was trying to hide it he could tell that she cared about him.

She pulled her in for a hug.

Y/n: sorry for making you worry about me.

Vaggie: You better.

Vaggie finally took notice of the weird tensions in the air.

Vaggie: Wait a minute what is happening here?

She looked at the two almost like a mother trying to question her kids.

Charlie stood up from the bed and walked over to vaggie grabbing her hands.

Charlie: everything is fine vaggie we were just taking that all.

Vaggie: You promise me that?

Charlie: Of course have I ever lied to you?

Vaggie: No you haven't.

Y/n: Charlie and I were just talking about... making an official celebration for newcomers.

Charile: y-yeah we haven't done anything to celebrate are a new group of sinners because...

She quickly took a glance at him before looking back at vaggie.

Vaggie tightens her grip on Charile's hands.

Vaggie: "Sigh" Don't worry I know you have been worried about y/n because he has been gone.

Charlie: yeah you're right I was just worried about him disappearing that I started to lack on our other patrons.

Y/n got up from the bed smiling at the two he was thinking about how good they looked together.

The demeanor on his face changed as he looked down thinking about something before he looked back up at the two with a smile again.

Y/n: well what are we waiting for Charlie we have to celebrate these new guys.

Charlie: You guys are the best, you know that.

She pulls vaggie and y/n into a group hug. Y/n let out a small chuckle while vaggie rolled her eyes but had a soft smile on her face.

Charlie let go of the hug as she fixed her outfit and hair.

Charlie: Alright people come on we have a celebration to do.

Charlie led the way as y/n and vaggie followed closely behind her.

As the three walked out to the lobby the only person around was some drunk guy at the bar.

Charlie walked a bit further away from the two as she turned and took a deep breath.


From the way she screamed he almost lost the ability to hear if it wasn't for his regeneration.

It took a moment before the other people came out. The last one was Angel.

Angel: Damn Charlie don't you know a girl needs her beauty sleep

Y/n: come on Angel shouldn't you know by now that we all look good no matter what?

Angel: Well, well, well y/n where have you been all this time you can't leave a girl hanging.

Y/n: I'll perfectly leave a girl behind if it means I don't get aids or other infections.

Angel: don't you know we have to get tested every time

Y/n: say that to Covid

Angel: What is Covid?

Charlie: Anyway, now that everyone is here we can begin.

Vaggie: Holding a moment, Charlie we are missing someone.

Y/n: it definitely is not that demon woman.

As y/n said that Niffty was trying to grab his leg but he was stopping her by having his hand on her head keeping her away.

Angel: I think that one shroom fella friend.

The drunk guy from earlier finally spoke up as y/n got a good look at him. He looked a lot like a cat but the only exception was the black wing on his back and a top hat.

???: who are you calling the shroom lady next time you come for a drink you're getting kicked out.

Angel: ow oo I'm so scared

???: also don't call him my friend.

Angel: You both aren't? it's hard to tell since you both wear the same color for your outfit and he called you here, didn't he?

???: if you keep pushing it no more alcohol for a week.

Charlie: We are getting way too off-topic. Let me just try calling out to him ahem ALASTOR!

Alastor suddenly appeared right behind her from out of nowhere.

Alastor: You called dear?

Charlie: "Cough" Yes we are having a meeting so you are required to come to these as facility manager.

Alastor: haha sorry Charlie dear I was busy helping clean up a mess outside and I just missed you calling out to everyone.

Charlie: Now that everyone is here I know we are quite late on doing this but I want to celebrate every one of you for joining my hotel.

While Charlie was talking about what she wanted to do to celebrate them y/n felt his phone going off. He grabbed it and took a look.

He was shocked by who was messaging him. He was wondering how they even got his number.

Even though her name wasn't her normal name he knew who she was from her profile picture

O/n: how did you even get this number?

Coolestbitch in hell: Bitch please if I want to know something I can easily get the information.

O/n: So what do I owe the pleasure to this sudden message? Is it to taste my dick again?

Coolestbitch in hell: you have quite the confidence to be saying such a thing to one of the vees.

O/n: yeah well you become more confident when you get a hand job from one.

Coolestbitch in hell:.... Good one but no sadly not I do need you to come in and do a photoshoot.

O/n: oh you actually do need me for something other than pleasure?

Coolestbitch in hell: oh please honey if I want you only for sex then I would have captured you and keep you locked up in the basement of our tower.

O/n: I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.

Coolestbitch in hell: take it how you want just be here tomorrow, oh and bring that little porn star with you.

O/n: what if she doesn't want to go?

Coolestbitch in hell: you just tell her that she won't need to worry about sweet little Val.

O/n: well alright I'll try to get her to come.

Coolestbitch in hell: there we go, good job darling now, remember to be here tomorrow.

O/n: got it.

While he had his phone opened he decided to check to see what else was happening.

He just scrolled through his phone only seeing that Jeffrey Dahmer was opening a new restaurant in cannibal town.

Strange he would have thought that's where it would have already been opened but he guessed not.

Y/n noticed he had another message from a certain Owlet.

Gothchy18: hey y/n

Gothchy18: hey you there?

Gothchy18: Sorry if I'm texting too much and annoying you.

She had sent a few messages while he was stuck with the souls of the damned. He thought about how he should respond to her after all she probably thought that he was ghosting her.

O/n: hey sorry about not responding to you I was busy the last few days but I can message you now what is up?

Gothchy18: oh hey uh well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out like last time just me and you. Is that something you would be interested? You don't have to if you don't want to go anywhere with me.

O/n: Besides tomorrow I'm free to hang out.

Gothchy18: sweat ok yeah is there any day you want to go?

O/n: how about two or three days from now I let you know the day before alright?

Gothchy18: Alright uh yeah just let me know and I'll send you the location of where we are hanging out at .

O/n: will do.

Y/n looked back up to focus on the conversation making sure to tuck his phone away. He started listening to Charile's conversation that she was having with Angel.

Charlie: Alright so Angel, husky and Niffty you guys will be on preparation duty.

Angel: You really leave me here with whiskers over there and that thing.

She pointed with one of her hands towards Niffty who was still trying to grab y/n leg.

Charlie: eh yes?

Even in her tone, she wasn't sure what the best place to put her was.

alastor: don't you worry your little head about her dear she will be on her best behavior isn't that right nifty?

She got grabbed by her collar and lifted by Alastor, almost like presenting her to the group

Niffty: Just leave it to me. I'll have this place cleaned up just to have a piece of him.

She made a grabbing jester towards y/n who shuffled a few feet away.

Charlie: if you do it exactly as you say you would then we can think come back to this conversation about y/n

Y/n couldn't help but feel scared by what she just promised that little gremlin.

He got goosebumps on his arms as he looked at Niffty and she was... staring at him with her one eye.

(image here)

He felt a shiver running down his back as she just kept staring at him

Charlie: Now then the two people on food duty are y/n and Alastor here. I already placed an order at the food place down the street. You two just need to get it.

She went and grabbed something from her pocket. While also grabbing y/n hand and placing a receipt for the order.

Y/n: as long as I'm far away from here then I'm good with it.

He pointed over his shoulder towards Niffty who was still just staring at him.

alastor: don't you worry about a single little thing about Niffty she wouldn't harm a bug.

As he said that y/n noticed that Niffty was gone. He looked around to see her chasing some cockroach that was running away from her.

Y/n: alright well me and Alastor should probably head out if we want to get there by the time the food is done.

Y/n: come on Alastor we got a bit of walking to do.

Y/n started making his way to the door with Alastor walking behind him with his staff in hand behind his back.

While they were walking something caught y/n attention.

Y/n: hey so I couldn't help but notice the giant fucking creator in front of the hotel do you plan to fix that.

alastor: I believe the hotel has a bit more important things to fix at the moment besides as you say fucking creator.

He wasn't wrong the hotel hasn't exactly been in great shape after all they only had the building for a month and a half or more.

Y/n: ok I guess I should ask the important question. Why are you here helping the hotel?

alastor: for entertainment of course!

Y/n: entertainment?

alastor: of course after all that is why I helped you in the first place. Speaking of how gose, those benefits that you have no. I hope they are treating you quite swell.

Y/n: yeah sure benefit if that is what you want to call them.

alastor: oh please I saw you enjoying them. after all didn't you go and fuck hell royalty?

Y/n: what how did you know about that?

alastor shadow behind him stretched out and started moving around as it smiled at y/n.

alastor: oh please it's a simple trick.

Y/n: uh huh sure anyway that was just because her husband wanted me to get proof of cheating that he could use.

alastor: oh really now then how about that imp hmm what's the excuse there?

Y/n was surprised to hear him talking about him and Millie after all that was only during a target.

alastor: don't you worry y/n I plan to keep this to myself.

Y/n: yeah and what do you want for it huh?

alastor: oh please can't a friend help another by keeping information to himself.

Y/n: sure.

alastor: but still you haven't answered the question how is it treating you?

Y/n looked at Alastor, he didn't have much of a look besides the smile.

Y/n: "Sigh" Good I guess I feel much stronger now than before.

alastor: see and what did I say it benefits you.

Y/n: maybe so but I can't get into an actual relationship because I can't tell if the emotions are real.

alastor: they are as real as they can get. You should know that by now after what happened on September 11th

Y/n: we don't talk about that one remember.

alastor: you are quite right indeed forgive me I got the date mistake up. What I meant to say was after what happened at prom.

Y/n tightened his fist a bit thinking about that time so long ago.

Y/n: like I said I can't tell if it is because of that thing you did now I'm not even sure if I should approach Charlie.

Alastor's eyebrow went up slightly after hearing the last part.

alastor: oh do tell me more about this thing with Charlie.

Y/n: just so you could use it against me?

alastor: come now y/n you should know that I always listened to your problems.

Y/n couldn't help it but knew he was not lying when he said that Alastor always did listen to him.

Y/n: fine to start I'm pretty sure Charlie is interested in me. But because of this curse-

alastor: benefit.

Y/n: yeah sure because of that thing whenever I talk to someone. They instantly start having feelings about me whether I want them to or not.

alastor: isn't that what you wanted?

Y/n: yeah maybe then but now I can't talk to someone fully because I know they only like me because of the deal I made with you.

Alastor oh please even I was not expecting that to happen. but to see it happen right before my eyes when y-

???: hahaha hold it right there Alastor if it isn't me your arch nemesis

Right behind the two, a snake-looking sinner appeared along with a couple of egg things.

Alastor: should I know you?

???: yes you should I fought you a few days ago

Alastor: sorry nothing is coming to mind it must have been a horrific fight for me not to remember.

???: agh! Enough Alastor it is I Sir Pentious!

Alastor: ha ha even that name of yours is quite forgettable as well.

Sir Pentious: Enough! Very well then I must defeat you so I can become the most powerful overlord.

Sir Pentious: egg bois ready your weapons!

Sir Pentious had a smile on his face showing how confident he was in winning the fight.

egg bois1: sure thing boss

egg bois2: anything you say.

egg bois3: then can you shoot me with your ray gun if we do?

egg bois4: I hope he uses his tentacle on us

Pentious grabs at his face showing how embarrassed and exhausted he was.

Pentious: Fine I'll shoot you with my ray gun and use my ten- wait I have no tentacle?

Y/n rubbed the back of his head as he grabbed one of his SMG his other one was still being reconstructed.

Before he could raise his gun Alastor raised his hand in front of his chest y/n looked at him. Alastor was looking back at y/n showing a smile of reassurance.

Pentious: just attack him you fools before he is ready for it.

egg bois: okey-dokey boss we get him.

The four egg bois started charging at the two. Alastor tapped his radio staff on the ground and black tentacles shot out next to him.

It smacked into the egg bois sending two flies grabbing the other two and smashing the two together.

egg bois 2 mix 4: uh sir I think he scrambled our insides.

Suddenly one of the tentacles smacked into them shattering them.

Alastor: now then next up to die

He turned his focus onto Pentious who looked nervous about what would happen.

Y/n: hey come on Alastor you can't kill him.

He snapped his neck to look at y/n

Alastor: why not hmm there no one around

Y/n: because that what Charlie would have wanted and he is part of the story for later.

Alastor: very well then I'll have some fun then.

He snapped his fingers with a sinister smile on his face.

(image here)

the tentacles went at the guy wrapping around him before violently throwing him into the sky.

They stood there for a moment before Alastor flicked his staff and put it on his back again.

Alastor: I don't know about you but I'm Starv Let's continue our walk now.

Y/n: right

The two kept heading forward, not caring about what had just happened.

Y/n: you know your suit looks better in person.

Alastor: haha thank you for the very great tailor that I know.

Y/n: really?

Alastor: quite and you know you and the other could use much better suits if you want to look official at least.

Y/n: oh yeah I guess we should.

Alastor flicked his finger at him with a green flame turning to paper.

Y/n grabbed it and checked on what it was. It was the address card of a tailor.

Y/n: oh uh thanks

Alastor: don't mention it.... No really don't.

Y/n: oh hey I think this is the place right here.

Y/n was looking at the store seeing the name matching up with the receipt that Charlie gave him.

Alastor opened the door and let y/n in first and walked in right behind him.

Y/n walked over to the counter and gave the sinner there the receipt. He looked at it for a moment before heading into the back and coming back with a few dozen boxes of food.

Y/n: I don't think we can carry that by ourselves.

Alastor: Whatever you mean, I already have it under control.

He snapped his fingers again with a few black creatures popping out of nowhere and walking over grabbing the food.

Y/n: well looks like you have it from here I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick.

Alastor: very well.

Y/n walked away from him looking around for the restroom in the place. There weren't any signs around. He walked up to a door and just hoped it was the restroom.

He grabbed the knob and turned it, opening the door.

His eyes widened at what he was seeing. The room looked at the people sitting wearing white robes over their bodies.

For some reason the American flag and the wall with maybe different kinds of flag

Y/n was pretty sure he was in a very wrong place.

Finally, the people inside noticed the door was open and then turned around to look at him.

(image here)

He felt like he entered a room full of racist people

Y/n: oh uh wrong room sorry uh please don't hurt me.

Y/n slammed the door shut feeling his heart beating fast. Not because of what he just saw but because he could get canceled for putting this in the story.

Alastor: So that was quite an interesting surprise don't you think?

Y/n: oh fuck don't be fucking weird Al. This book can get canceled for including this shit

Even though he still had a smile he could tell that he didn't like that name.

Alastor: don't ever call me weird Al got it y/n. But anyway, we should be fine, it's just a joke and I'm sure the readers will understand.

Y/n: I hope so

Alastor: Now come on we have quit the mouths to feed back at the hotel, don't you agree?

Y/n: yeah ok right behind you.


They were a few feet out as they were almost back and something caught his attention.

Y/n: hey Al do you know what happened to the sign?

Alastor: oh that I felt that happy hotel was such a horrible name that I came up with one much better and Charlie loved it.

Y/n: oh I see well we better not keep them waiting.

Y/n pushes the door open with Alastor walking behind him with his little shadow minions behind him carrying the food.

Y/n: hey we are back everyone.

Y/n walked over, helping the little minions and placed the stuff on the table.

The others came over to the two.

Charlie: So how did it go, were there any problems?

Y/n: no I don't think so well besides that one weird snake guy.

Vaggie: What snake guy?

Y/n: from what it sounded like. It's the guy from a few days ago with the blimp.

Vaggie: That guy again you need to do something about that Alastor if he starts coming here we can't keep cleaning up that mess he makes.

Alastor: don't worry I have it under control there is nothing to worry about.

Vaggie: You better be right.

Charile places her hand on vaggie shoulder making her take a glance at her seeing Charile. making a lower motion with her hand saying to calm down.

Charlie: Well it seems like everything else went well so I call that a successful outing for you two so go rest if you want.

Charlie: But since the food is here it's time to begin the celebration. I just want to say I'm so happy to have you all here and I look forward to seeing you all be redeemed.

Y/n started clapping his hand with a few others also doing that.

They all split away with y/n heading over to the couch and sitting down trying to relax a little.

He had his eyes closed for a moment when he felt someone sit down next to him. He opens one of his eyes to see Charlie

He noticed that she had some of the food that they just brought back. He sat up a little to talk to her.

She suddenly leaned her shoulder against his.

Y/n: you seem to be in a happy mood now.

Charlie: I'm just happy to see everyone getting along and just seeing that this idea of mine does have people interested in this.

Y/n Well there are a lot of sinners so there must be one that is interested in the idea. Though I have to ask you. Do you even have an idea of how a sinner can be redeemed?

Charlie: "Sigh" No I don't but I'm sure if a person can change their actions and feelings about things then there must be a chance.

Y/n: well it's good that you have such an idea of caring about us all even when some don't deserve it.

He felt her body leaning slightly more onto him as he felt her staring at him. He felt something slithering behind him then onto his right side next to his lap. He looked down seeing that her tail was out again.

Charlie: Thanks for not leaving me....

y/n: hey come on I said I wouldn't leave you.

He let out a small chuckle while turning his head towards her. He placed his hand down on her tail. He watched as she squirmed a bit in her seat next to him.

She was very slightly panting under her breath. She brought up one of her hands to almost cover her mouth but kept her hand not too close.

Y/n: but still you don't need me, you have great people by your side. People who are much better deserving to be standing with you on this path of yours.

y/n noticed her lips scrunch up a little like she just tasted something that she didn't like.

She suddenly stood up and turned to him.

Charlie: Y/n don't talk about yourself like that everyone deserves a second chance and you are one of the few people who I need. I need you with me to help me with this hotel!

y/n's usually calm demeanor changes to that of dislike of something he just heard. He noticed some of the others were looking at him. He put up his usual smile and grabbed Charlie's hand bringing her to sit back down.

y/n: hey I get it alright don't worry I'll be here to help you as long as this is going. But hey I'm going to go check up with the others now alright you should go talk to vaggie.

He quickly got up and left before she could even say anything. y/n didn't want to corrupt her very being anymore with him being around.

He walked over to Angel who was just chilling at the new weirdly ported bar. On the very walls and floor, the redwood changes from its normal self to a grey look.

He sat down next to Angel.

Angel: What was that about?

y/n took a look back before turning back at her.

y/n: you know how Charlie is she just got a bit worked up about my disappearance that is all. But anyway who is this new guy over here that you've been talking to? "Playfully Angel, are you finally moving on from me? I'm hurt by that.

Angel: "Playfully" Yes y/n I finally found someone who likes me for who I am. Nah I'm kidding as if Whiskers here is just the bartender to our hotel here.

Y/n took a look at the guy seeing him up close seeing his hat and bowtie as well as his overalls.

???: quit it with the fucking nickname before I strangle a little sense into you.

Angel: Oo keep talking dirty to me and you have me soaking wet for you.

???: kept that kind of shit in your pants lady

Angel: It already is.

The person turned towards y/n and passed him a drink.

???: the name is Husk and you better be able to keep your share of your drink down you hear me I don't want to be fucking cleaning up throw up here.

Y/n: uh yeah don't worry about me sir I can keep it down.....

He looked down at the drink feeling a bit nervous as he grabbed it. He brought the glass to his lips and took a few gulps down.

He placed it back down and the table hard, making a bit of a slamming noise.

Y/n: holy shit this stuff burns fuck me.

Angel and Husk looked at each other for a moment then back at him.

Husk: that only had 2 percent alcohol in it, you know that right?

Y/n: fuck really?

Angel: oh y/n can you not handle a drink hmm? Maybe I'll keep that in mind for next time.

Angel brought his thumb up to his mouth and licked it while staring at him.

Y/n: look fine I never drank alcohol before alright that was it.

Husk: damn you could have said something and I would have made a great first alcohol drink for your first time.

Angel wrapped one of her arms around him, grabbing him by his shoulder.

Angel: Baby we have to take you to a real bar and get you first blackout. Agh not to be mean to are currently a bartender

Husk: hehe eh I don't mind I mean this place is very limited but hey if you do just make sure you take me along I need an actual drink and not the one we have here.

Angel: it's a deal baby cake

Y/n: oh Angel I almost forgot velvet somehow got my phone number and messaged me.

Angel: Really now, what did she need? is to lube up her entrance to the building.

Angel made a jerking motion.

Y/n: no not this time she actually wants you to go as well.

Angel: me as well really?

Y/n: yeah she wants me and you to do some dress shoots for her.

Angel: eh I'm not sure if I should y/n. I don't really want to be in the building besides work.

Y/n: she said that you didn't need to worry about Val while we were there.

Angel: I'm still not sure y/n

Angel started rubbing her other arm. Also like she was shaken up by something

Y/n: hey you alright Angel did something happen last time?

Angel: no yeah I'm fine everything is fine don't worry about it.

Husk, who was silent and cleaning his cup, finally spoke up.

Husk: fake ass bitch

Angel snapped towards him. She almost looked like she had a personality change all of a sudden.

Angel: (coldly)don't say that to me.

Husk: just saying what we can see.

Angel: Just don't call me, fake got it!

She pushed down both of her top arms onto the table and started walking away to the stairs.

Y/n: a-angel are you alright?

Angel: I'm fine y/n don't worry I'll be in my room for the rest of the night ok and don't worry I'll be there with you.

She started walking away.

Angel: See you tomorrow alright?

Y/n turned to husk wondering about why the suddenness to call her out.

Husk: You know she is lying right?

Y/n: of course she is but still you didn't need to call her out for it.

Husk: her one piece of advice I'm giving you y/n. It is better to tell them upfront about what their problems are.

Y/n: I know that husk but just doing it like that can make people ticked off.

Husk: yeah well she can say that to my face. Anyway, it is not so bad meeting you.

Y/n: "Sigh" Yeah you as well.

He stood up and looked around, seeing the rest just relaxed or talking to each other.

Y/n just walked over and sat down next to vaggie who was also with Charlie.

Y/n: So what's going on with you two?

Vaggie: nothing much Charlie was just talking about how she is ready for the next sinner we get.

Charlie: Yeah, because unofficially everyone who joins us is technically just staff.

Charlie: Besides that the only official sinner we have who is here for redemption even though everyone is part of it as well.

Charlie: The only official sinner is Angel and well you y/n.

Y/n: So you're telling me that this whole time I've been doing all this work just to be a sinner who is on a path to redemption?

Vaggie: Well you did agree to help Charlie as well.

Y/n: I'm just kidding. I don't mind helping around when needed

Y/n: oh by the way Alastor gave me this card to a clothes tailor he thinks that we all need new outfits to look more presentable.

Charlie: Well he's not wrong, we could use some better clothes.

Y/n: some more than others

Vaggie: what?

Y/n: I just think that since you're one of the people on upper levels of management I think it's time you switch out of that shirt I gave you.

She looked down grabbing at the modified shirts that were once y/n's

Vaggie: You sure?

Y/n: yeah I mean why not it is your shirt now so you can decide what you want to do with it. But you should get something new that is more toward you in a way.

Y/n: maybe you would even look hotter with whatever outfit you pick.

Vaggie had a slight small blush in her face hearing y/n compliment her about how good she would look.

Vaggie: m-maybe you are right I should get something better than this. But I'm still keeping it. It will probably be a night outfit for me.

Y/n: you do whatever you want with it.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain from his tail.

Y/n: Ow what the fuck

He looked behind and grabbed his tail, lifting it seeing that he was missing half of it.

He looked back forward just to see Niffty running away with his tail.

Charlie got up and started walking after her.

Charlie: nifty you shouldn't do that.

Vaggie: Will you be alright?

Y/n: yeah no I'll be fine.

Vaggie: You know you had me worried as well when you just disappeared like that.

Y/n: sorry I didn't expect to just die at that very moment.

Vaggie: no it's my fault I should have protected you better.

Y/n: hey come on you couldn't have known that would happen after all we are human inside.

He patted her back as he got up and walked after Charlie leaving vaggie there at her spot. She looked down with her one eye.

Vaggie: yeah human....

Word count:6809