Halloween special (lemon)

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Charlie: agh ahhhh~ harder ah!

Vaggie: l-like this?

Charlie: Yeah, just like that~~~ now fast- ah!

Vaggie hit the top of Charile's head, Causing Her to duck down and grab at the spot she just hit.

Charlie: Ow vaggie what was that for?

Vaggie: stop it with the weird noises your making it awkward

Charlie: haha sorry vaggie I just want to mess with you a bit.

Vaggie just shook her head as she walked over to Charile's bed.

Vaggie: maybe next time I'll leave you to put your own costume on by yourself

Charlie: come on vaggie it was just a joke.

Charlie wrapped her arms around vaggie and pulled her in close, hugging her.

Charlie: Come on, can't you forgive me?

Vaggie looked at Charlie, seeing her doing doggy eyes.

Charlie:(image here)

(Hey that ain't no dog?!)

Vaggie was losing the battle of will the longer Charlie kept the doggy eyes going.

Vaggie: come on Charlie you know how I feel when you do that.

Charlie: Pretty, please.

Vaggie: agh fine I forgive you.

Charlie: YAY!

Charlie pulled vaggie in closer with her huge vaggie just sighed and shook her head.

Charlie: Come on let's go show y/n are costumes!

Charlie grabbed her hand and led the way down to y/n's room.

As they reach the door Charlie suddenly stops and lets go of vaggie hand to fix her outfit.

She then knocks on the door waiting a few seconds. The two didn't hear anything on the other side so Charlie tried knocking again and heard once again nothing.

Vaggie: hey Charlie maybe he n-

Charlie: not now vaggie looks like I need to get serious.

Suddenly Charlie grabbed a battering ram out of nowhere.

Door: hey where did you get that battery ram?

Charlie: Y/n I'm respecting your privacy as a friend but as the hotel manager, it is my job to get you out.

She suddenly ran at the door with the battering ram breaking the door down.

As the dust settled from the attack on the door when Charlie realized that no one was inside.

Vaggie: Charlie! As I was trying to say, maybe he was not inside.

Charlie: oh….silly me

Charlie bonked herself with her hand on her head.

Angel: Hey doll what the hell are you guys doing? Are you trying to wake up everyone in the goddam hotel?

Vaggie: It's 4 pm.

Angel: yeah well some of us need extra sleep from the jerking we have to do.

Vaggie: gross.

Angel: Anyway, what the hell are you guys doing?

Charlie: we are on a mission to look for y/n

Angel: and you thought the best thing to do was nuke his fucking door?

Door: please for the love of god end my life just put me into the woodcutter I can't live like this my…my wood is even everywhere. I can't even stand straight anymore.

Angel: Have you guys tried outside? That was where I last saw his doll face.

Charlie: Oh yeah come on vaggie let's go check outside.

The two left making their way to the front entrance of the building leaving Angel and the door by themselves.

Angel: So is it hard?

Door: I'm literally turning into pieces right now.

Angel: Right...would it be soft then?

Door: just fucking burn me already!

*somewhere else*

Charlie and vaggie split up to search the whole front year of the hotel. They spent a good couple of minutes looking before they regrouped.

Charlie: hmm where could he be?

Vaggie: Maybe he's just avoiding us?

Charlie: That definitely is a possibility that I wouldn't hope is reality. Let me try calling out for him.

Charlie: Y/N!

It was quiet for a few seconds before there was an explosion a few feet away from the two.

They watched as a person emerged from the flying dust.

Y/n: what's up Charlie is something wrong? Woah hey cool costume.

Charlie places her hand on her hips trying to give herself a more authoritative look to her appearance.

Charlie: Where have you been? Me and vaggie have been looking for you.

Y/n: oh sorry I have been working on the hotel decoration.

Vaggie: you have?

Y/n: yeah haven't you guys seen the hotel?

The two turned around to look at the hotel that was being worked on by the souls of the damned that followed y/n commands,

The hotel had a slight makeover with a black covering the walls. There were webs connected to part of the exterior of the hotel.

There was even a fucking giant pumpkin that rest on the top.

Charlie's eyes glow with excitement at how the hotel looks.

Vaggie: How long have you been at this?

Y/n: if I was by myself probably a month or so but I got some of the souls to work on it and let me tell you they work fast.

Y/n: extremely fast the only thing was they only responded to the Spanish language look watch and see for yourself.

Y/n looks towards one of the souls close by to him.

Y/n: yo dude work on the webs on the fence.

The soul did nothing, it didn't even look towards him.

Y/n: ¡Oye, quién quiere un poco de alcohol con una perra culona y tacos!

The souls of the damned around him all stopped what they were doing and looked at y/n as he gave a nod at them.

The ones on the building walked off falling onto the ground before getting up and walking away.

Charlie: where are they going?

Y/n: I sent them down to a Mexican restaurant down the road oh shit I forgot to tell them my order 

*somewhere else *

There was a man at the counter wearing a restaurant uniform.

???: hello! And welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family!

???: my name is Gustavo but you may call me Gus.

The group of souls just stared at him.

Gustavo: Now what can I offer you

He just had an aura to himself.

The souls looked past him to what was happening in the back.

Walter White: Come on Jesse, cook that pussy up and get the juices going. Wait where are you touching stop touching my balls.

Jesse: I can't it taste so good Mr.white.

(Image here)

The souls of the damned looked terrified of what they were seeing happen in the back.

The one that seemed to lead the group pulled out a sign to Gustavo.

Gustavo: Just put the fries in the bag? We can certainly do that here for you my fine patrons.

*back with y/n*

Y/n: well hopefully they get me a burrito.

Charlie: hey y/n what do you think of my outfit~

She walked over with her hands behind her back and pushed her chest out towards him.

Charlie had her hair tied up and the outfits she was wearing gave off an angelic feel as she had white wings on her back and a small halo right above her that was connected to something in her hair.

Y/n: You're looking quite like an angel today in more ways than you usually do.

Charlie: haha thanks it took me a bit just to squeeze inside. Thankfully I had Vaggie close by to help.

Vaggie walked over beside her and rested one of her hands on her hip.

Vaggie turned her head to the side trying not to look at y/n and crossed her arms.

Y/n: that…some outfit you got their vaggie 

To counter Charile's angel outfit vaggie was wearing small black horns on her head with red wings on her back.

Also to add, unlike Charile's outfit which didn't show much skin vaggie was the complete opposite.

She was wearing a shoulderless top that showed her gray skin that was usually covered underneath. The one thing she kept was her bow.

Vaggie: You got a problem with my outfit?

Y/n: woah of course not it just something I never would have expected you to wear. You look really hot like that as well.

She looked away from his gaze trying to hide her blush; the only sound she made was a tsk with her tongue.

Vaggie: T—thanks

Charlie: So y/n what were you doing out here?

Y/n: well I'm sure it's quite obvious but me and my underpaid souls were working on the decorations for the hotel 

Vaggie: You pay them?

Y/n: yeah of course I do, I'm not a monster. I pay them one cent per hour. 

Vaggie: woah so generous.

Y/n: I know right though they did go on strike to get that one cent but it worked out.

Charlie: I love the decoration y/n.

She wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him tightly. Y/n could feel her breast pushing against his chest.

Vaggie stood off to the side as she watched the interaction. 

Vaggie: yeah…. Nice job

Y/n: haha thanks guys how about we head inside for a bit before the trick-or-treaters start making their rounds

Charlie: sounds like a plan.

The three started making their way inside the hotel.

Vaggie: by the way y/n what is your outfit going to be for tonight?

Y/n: how about I go and grab it from my room and put it on?

The three were walking through the lobby. y/n started walking to his room only to notice something.

Y/n: hey uh guys? What uh what the fuck happened to my door?

He glanced back at Charile and vaggie seeing Charile looking away and doing a guilty whistle.

His door was on literally life support with an air vent and a heart monitor connected to the door.

Door: p-please just kill me already I can't live like this.

His door kept begging him over and over to just end its suffering. Y/n shook his head as he walked over to the kitchen grabbed something then walked back over.

He raised his hand showing a roll of tape and then stretched it out.

*A few mine later*

He took a step back to admire his work. He had put his door back. He built that door brick by brick with his own two hands. The thing keeping it together was the tape.

It kinda reminded him of a PlayStation 4 that was on life support.

Door: why won't you just kill me?

Y/n: shush soon my sweet door.

He walked inside and made sure to close the door behind himself leaving the two girls by themselves.

???: fucking bitch what the hell did you do to my hair!

Charlie turns in the direction of the voice seeing Husk at his bar with Angel leaning against the counter.

Charlie walked over with vaggie following behind.

Husk: fucking bitch what the hell did you do to this thing to make it stay in my hair

Angel: what's wrong huh husky boi having trouble with that bow hmm~

Husk: I know you did something while I was sleeping!

Angel: Sorry but I have no idea what you mean.

Angel shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head before smirking at husk.

Vaggie: up to some trouble huh Angel?

Angel: no of course not dolls I'm just being the good rehabilitated sinner that I am.

Suddenly the four heard boss music playing which confused them. 

*Doom music starts playing *

Suddenly Angel noticed a shadow over looming from behind her. Along with the sound of breathing that she could feel on her neck

She slowly turned around to see an orange suit torso with green on the side. Her eyes drifted upward to the blue visors of the helmet.

(Image here)

Y/n was wearing the Doom Slayer suit for this Halloween.

Angel: I'm so unbelievably wet right?

Husk: keep that shit in your pants.

Angel gave him a side-eye.

Angel: shut the hell up I'm been begging to get fucked in the main chapters for so long so shut the hell up." looks at y/n" this pussy been a bad girl~

She winked over at y/n who was looking over angel dust outfits. Angel's outfit was just like a bunny girl except there were no fishnets for her legs and she had cat ears on her head.

Husk on the other hand looks completely normal besides a pink bow stuck to his head and a bow on his chest.

Angel struts over to y/n and leans against him.

Angel: hey stud this pussy cat is in deep heat and she could use a really good pounding. What do you say we head back to your room~

Y/n stared blankly at her for a moment before grabbing her with both of his hands and moving her to the side.

Y/n: later

Y/n sat down next to the bar with everyone else. While Angel was beaming with excitement, that they were actually going to do it today.

Husk looked y/n over while he was cleaning a glass cup.

Husk: huh not a bad costume.

Charlie: y/n that costume is so detailed did you make it?

Y/n: let's just say that I know a crazy scientist who can open a portal and we kidnapped the guy that the suit belongs to and since he wasn't going to need it I took it.

Charlie: oh

Vaggie: Well at least he was honest about it.

Y/n: yeah don't worry after this day is over I'll give it back to him.

Charlie: at least you're returning it afterward.

Y/n: yeah by the way what the plan for Halloween besides me planning to pass out candy you haven't said much, Charlie.

Charlie: oh well uh you see…..

Vaggie: she forgot it

Charlie: vaggie!

Vaggie: What it is the truth?

Charlie: yeah but you didn't need to tell him that!

Y/n was laughing off to the side at their interaction.

Husk: Why are you passing out candy? I doubt there is anyone even trick-or-treating.

Y/n: not everyone is horrible I mean you got people like me... oh those kids are cannibals and I don't know the hellborn.

Husk: haha yeah right ain't no one trick or treating 

Suddenly there was a knocking sound coming from the door of the hotel.

Y/n: you said.

Husk just rolled his eyes as y/n got up and grabbed a candy bag he was keeping close by to the door of the hotel.

He walked over to the door of the hotel and opened it to see some kind of kid in a ghost costume even though it was just a bed sheet.

Kid: trick or treat

Y/n: sweet costume kid what are you supposed to be?

Kid: your bitch of a mother!


Y/n leaned out of the front door looking left then right seeing no one around before standing normal again.

Y/n suddenly took a step back and then put all of his strength into his right leg and went and kicked the kid sending him about a mile or away give or take.

Y/n: man fuck kids.

He closed his door and walked back over to the others. Husk just gave him a look. y/n responded by flipping him off which Husk just laughed at.

Y/n: hey by the way where is niffty? 

Husk: that crazy bitch I think she left.

Y/n: where did she go?

Husk: how would I know I don't keep track of everyone

*someplace else*

Niffty was running up to a house and started knocking. She pushed her hands out, which were carrying a bag.

A sinner opened the door.

Sinner: oh hey there….. aren't you a bit old to be doing this?

Niffty: just put the candy in the bag and give me it.

The guy sighed and put a piece of candy into the bag before shutting the door on her.

Niffty grabbed the candy looking it over before her eyes widened as she noticed it had a minty flavor.

She stared at it for a few moments before looking at the house and noticed the chimney was open from the smoke coming out.

She quickly climbed up and went down the chimney from the outside the only thing that could be seen was Niffty's shadow popping up from the other side.

Suddenly another shadow showed up across from her.

Sinner: hey what are you doing in here!?

Niffty's shadow appears to have some kind of long shadow piece protruding from her lower body.

Sinner: hey isn't that strap-on...hey why are you coming closer with that thing?

The only thing that could be heard was the scream of a man being fucked by a gremlin.

*back with everyone*

Y/n: meh I'm sure she is fine. What about Alastor, where is he?

Husk: hopefully anywhere but here.

Husk had poured himself a drink and started drinking from the bottle before a pair of red fingertips grabbed his shoulders.

Alastor: It's not so nice to talk about others behind their backs.

Husk jumped a little as Alastor appeared from the shadows behind Husk.

Husk: stop touching me you fucking weirdo.

Alastor: looks like someone needs obedience training.

While they were chatting away y/n was looking over Alastor's outfit he looked like…. Well, he wasn't sure what it was called, it kinda reminded him of a bellboy.

He had a paper talisman resting on his forehead and a small head hat resting in between his ears.

Y/n: hey Al how are you doing on this fine terrifying day?

Alastor: haha well you know me y/n I'm doing just swell on this night so far. How about you? Are you planning to enjoy your gift?

Y/n didn't respond but simply just glared at him while Alastor had his usual smug smile on his face.

Alastor: kidding I'm just kidding y/n you should know by now.

Y/n: yeah whatever.

Alastor: my oh my where did you get yourself such a costume?

Y/n: robbing someone 

Alastor: you know I couldn't help but notice that you are copying me lastly haven't you?

Y/n tilted his head in a confused manner.

Alastor: Let me answer the question for you dear y/n. I noticed you have your own little black people roaming the hotel hall.


Y/n: yeah anyway I got my own little minions now. But unlike you, I treat mine with respect.

Charlie: Speaking of them, where are they? Shouldn't they be back by now?

Y/n jumped a little he forgot that Charile and vaggie were there with them.

Alastor: Be careful y/n it's bad for your health to be jumpy like that.

Y/n: yeah, yeah I know but that was a good question I'm also kinda wondering where they are.

Y/n: but I'm sure they are fine…. Hopefully.

Y/n once again heard knocking at the door. He let out a sigh before standing and walking over. He was hoping it was not that kid from before.

Opening the door he saw to his surprise, a familiar figure of four individuals standing before him.

???: this is a fucking robbery put the candy in the bag! Oh, it's just y/n never mind.

The four individuals were no other than his work group otherwise known as I.M.P.

Y/n grabbed the bag of candy next to the door and turned back to the group.

Y/n: So you're just going around robbing people, Blitzo?

Moxxie: He's kinda right sir we should just do it like everyone else.

Blitzo: shut the fuck up moxxie. I got a bet to win with that rich asshole so no we aren't going to take candy like everyone else.

Blitzø was wearing a costume that seemed really familiar to him; it kinda looked like a vampire but the more he looked the more it actually appeared to look kinda like Stolas.

Moxxie was wearing some kind of….. noble men.

Behind those two were Millie and Loona. Millie had some kind of bee outfit while Loona was wearing a….he actually couldn't believe she wore it.

Loona notices him staring intensely at her and she looks away trying to hide the small blush on her face.

Loona: What do you think of my costume?

Y/n: woah it's something alright you look beautiful.

She smiled a little at his comment.

She had a blue witch hat on her head that covered one of her ears while she was wearing a blue witch kind of dress.

Her dress left a bit of a view as the top part of her breast was not covered completely which let her show a bit of cleavage.

However, that wasn't the part that shocked him it was what the outfit was from.

Y/n: I can't believe you actually dressed up as a witch version of Kiriko from Overwatch.

Loona's ears bent in a slightly submissive way as he could see her tail wagging behind her.

Loona: well it is your fault

Y/n: me?! How is it my fault?

Loona: Well you said during one of their late-night gaming sessions that you really like her and her skins that she has so I thought you would probably like it.

Y/n: *sighed* well you're definitely right about me liking it for sure.

Loona: So this is where you live?

Y/n: hm oh yeah this is where I live. Home sweet home.

Blitzø makes coughing sounds which pull the two out of their talk.

Blitzø: we need to keep going if we want to beat that rich prick.

He starts walking away with the two other imps following behind with Millie waving at y/n while they walk.

Loona didn't follow them, she just looked back at them and then back at him.

Y/n: do you want to come in? I can show you everyone else.

She looked excited for a moment before her tail went flat and she looked back at Blitzø. She lets out a sigh before looking back at him.

Loona: I better stay with them. Someone has to make sure they don't get in trouble.

Y/n: you better stay out of trouble as well or else.

Loona: or else what hm~

Y/n: you would have to find out first to see what else is.

She let out a small chuckle before she moved a strand of hair out of the way.

Loona: see you later y/n.

Y/n: you too

He waved her off before heading back inside.

As he walked back inside somehow in a matter of minutes the lobby went from its normal self to a Halloween-themed lobby instead.

There were spider webs along the railing of the second floor. There was a witch cauldron with a spooky mist coming out from it.

There was even a small snack bar with Halloween-themed snacks.

Y/n walked back over to the others who were now sitting on the couches with Husk staying at his bar.

Y/n: what did I miss in the last uh 6 minutes for this place to have a complete makeover?

Alastor: "Place hand on chest" Well I don't want to take all the credit.

Charlie: Well I felt bad for leaving all the work to you for the decoration so I ask a favor of Alastor if he could do anything to make the place look more spooky.

Alastor: I just happened to have some stuff lying around. So please go help yourself to the stuff I set up.

Y/n: So then you made the treats?

Alastor: oh heaven no of course not Charlie dear here had already been baking some stuff up I just sat at the table that all.

Charlie: Now that y/n is back we can begin!

Y/n looked around at the other stuff that was set up. There was a cotton candy machine set up in one of the corners with another one having a small paint pumpkin.

Finally back with the couch vaggie went and put on a Halloween-themed movie.

He watched as vaggie and Charlie walked over to the pumpkin paint area.

Y/n decided to head over to the witch cauldron. He looked inside seeing green mystery water with apples floating around on the top.

While looking inside the cauldron he heard footsteps approaching him.

He looked at the source of the footsteps and saw Angel strutting over to him with a stride in her steps.

Y/n: someone looks excited.

 Angel: oh how could I not know that I'm finally about to get dick down by you. Even if it is not mentioned in the main story

Y/n: yeah well at least you got a lemon before the actual plan one.

Angel: fuck yeah you know it. But anyway what are you up to?

Y/n: I think I'm going to take my chance with the Apples 

Angel: You know people don't usually wear a helmet when doing this.

Y/n: yeah I know.

Y/n grabbed the side of his helmet and took it off. At least it was colder since the suit was incredibly hot to wear.

He grabbed onto the side of the cauldron and dunked his head. He moved his head around for a few seconds doing his best to grab one.

Eventually, he felt and saw an apple float close by so he went and bit down onto it.

He pulled his head out of the cauldron and did a quick swirl with his head trying to shake any water off of his face.

He moved his hand through his hair for a moment before opening his eyes to see Angel looking at him with a small hint of excitement behind her eyes.

Angel: Man this pussy needs a good fucking later.

Y/n just rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

Y/n: if this kitten keeps being such a slut then maybe she won't get a fucking.

Angel: hmm~ just the words I like to hear keep talking dirty to me you're getting me more turned on.

Y/n couldn't help but feel like a discord moderator after he said kitten.

Y/n: no but for real keep it in your pants or else I won't fuck you.

Angel: oh I can be a good kitten for you.

Angel rubbed herself against y/n like a cat showing affection toward its master.

Y/n: alright I get it "sighs" Hey how about you take a try at the apple bobbing?

Angel: Sure why not? Time to show these apples what this mouth can do.

She walked over and did the same thing that y/n was doing not so long ago.

Her head was submerged for a couple of seconds before she pulled herself out. She arched her back as she leaned back with the Apple in her mouth.

She was giving y/n a side-eye look and while she had the Apple in her mouth he could tell she was smirking underneath.

She moved both of her hands through her wet hair as the water dripped down her body making some parts of her outfit more revealing.

Angel: Did you like my performance?~

She smirked at him with her lustful eyes of hers.

Y/n: 10/10 would definitely recommend it to others.

She let out a small chuckle.

Angel: that performance was especially for you so no sharing

She wagged her finger at him like she was denying anyone else from ever seeing such a thing.

Y/n: alright I get it no reason to wag your finger in my face.

Once and hopefully last time he heard a knock at the door.

Y/n: well I'll see you later tonight I better get this.

Angel winked at him while he was walking away but he had a final remark to make.

Angel: can't wait to get filled up with your cum snookum.

Y/n simply just had a small laugh at her comment and simply just rolled his eyes.

Y/n walked up towards the door and grabbed the doorknob as he turned it he was expecting some kind of normal outfit.

(Image here)

Y/n reaction:(image here)

Y/n quickly shut the door not even waiting for the other person to well he didn't know what they were trying to do.

He heard footsteps coming from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder seeing Charlie.

Charlie: Is everything alright?

Y/n: yeah why do you ask?

Charlie: Well for starters you close that door really fast.

Y/n: uh well you know…. Just because?

Charlie walked closer and went to open the door.

(Image here)

 As the door opened only a few inches wide. She could see why he suddenly closed the door as she did the same but this time she slammed it shut.

Charlie reactions:(image here)

Charlie: yeah sorry but fuck that you on your own.

Charlie started walking away leaving him by himself.

Y/n: what…..what the fuck Charlie!

He took a moment to calm down before trying the door one more time but this time on the other side he saw Stolas.

Y/n: for fuck sake Stolas are you trying to give me a heart attack.

Y/n made a grabbing motion at his heart jokingly.

Stolas: oh I'm sorry I did not know your human heart could be so fragile.

Y/n: well you did just show up at a door looking demonic.

Stolas: well pardon for my sudden surprise visit my sweet Octavia said she wanted to see you on this sweet Halloween night.

Y/n: via is here?

Just as he says that Via walks out from behind Stolas. She seemed really shy of showing her outfit to him.

Her outfit was just like Loona's outfit but she was more reserved as her whole chest was covered up. Her witch costume was purple, unlike the blue that Loona had.

Stolas was wearing devil horns on his head his outfit still kept a nice sleek design of his nobility.2

Via: Dad stop it you're embarrassing me!

Stolas: oh I'm sorry my sweet Starfire

Via: Dad stop it!

Stolas: haha fine very well I leave you both be. I have to beat my sweet Blitzø at this little contest we are having for who can get the most candy.

Y/n: why don't you just buy the candy?

Stolas: because that is no fun and I want to beat my sweet Blitzø fair and square. Now if you excuse me I better be off I'll be back in a few.

His body quickly got engulfed in a black substance that fell to the ground leaving him and Via behind.

Via: agh I'm sorry about my father.

Y/n: it's no problem really I just thought it was kinda cute he had a nickname for you what was it called again…. Oh right, it was Starfire.

Via: please don't start using that name as well.

Y/n: how come hmm?

Y/n said that in a teasing remark.

Via: it's just the name my father liked using when I was younger and well I'm almost 18. 

y/n: yeah that makes pretty good sense my sweet Starfire 

Y/n said in a mimicking way.

Via: agh please just stop.

She was giving him a side eye before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

Y/n: fine I'll stop.

Via: So what do you think of my outfit?

Y/n: I think it's pretty cute considering your personality type.

She simply looked away from his eyes while her arms were still crossed.

Via: thanks.

Y/n: so did….oh shit I just remembered something very important

Via: hmm?

Y/n: I totally forgot to give Blitzø and the others some candy.

Via: oh that weirdo was here?

Y/n: yeah they were I think it was about 30 minutes ago.

Via: So how was that?

Y/n: meh went as well as you can expect.

Via: oh I see by the way I like your costume.

Y/n: oh thanks I stole it from some guy.

Via: hehe must have been tough to get it.

Y/n: uhhhhh


Y/n got fling across the room hitting his body into a wall.

He weakly got up on his feet and stared at the guy in the suit pretty intensely.

Y/n wiped away the blood that was sliding down from his mouth.

Y/n: I can do this all day.

Afterward, he ended up getting beaten incredibly badly but somehow won in the end


Y/n: yeah it was definitely something. But anyway I meant to ask why are you trick or treating? I didn't think you were one for doing that.

Via: I didn't even want to come out here and be doing this but it was the much better option of being away from my mother.

Y/n: yeah we'll just remember you're always welcome to hang out here with me if you ever want to.

Via smiled a little at his comment about staying with him for a bit.

Via: maybe I'll take you up on that offer sometime.

Suddenly without warning the black substance from earlier rose from the ground showing a demonic owl as it formed into its normal appearance.

Stolas: via look at all the candy I got!

Via: " sarcastically "Wow Dad that sure looks like a lot

Stolas: I know right, however sorry to interrupt you two but I think we better be off via we have many other places to go to.

Via: "sigh" Okay Dad well I'll see you later y/n

Y/n: you as well Octavia.

He waved her off as the two seemed to get swallowed by the black substance leaving just him there.

Y/n looked around for a moment before nodding his head at the thought that the author was having a really bad time trying to get this special chapter out.

But he just shrugged and walked back inside. This time instead of the Apple bobbing area he walked over toward Charlie and vaggie.

Charlie looked up at the sound of y/n footsteps. She had a huge smile on her face like a little kid really excited about something.

Charlie: Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!

She kept repeating his name over and over trying to get his attention even though he was only a few feet away from her.

Y/n: what got you so worked up Charlie?

Charlie: Look at my pumpkin!…. So what do you think?

She turns the pumpkin towards him showing an incredibly cut outline of what seems to be him and vaggie.

Y/n: Woah wait, how did you do that?

Charlie: It's just a small trick.

Vaggie: also known as getting your servants to do it for you

Charlie: vaggie you weren't supposed to say anything.

Vaggie: Well you were the one who wanted to cheat and get them to do it for you.

Charlie crossed her arms and looked away from vaggie her face and cheeks were slightly bloated as she started pouting.

Vaggie just grabbed at her head and sighed at Charlie's tantrum.

Y/n: well besides that how's yours coming along vaggie?

Vaggie: oh well I think it coming out not so bad.

She grabbed her pumpkin and turned it towards him revealing a beautifully cut-out Charlie figure in the middle it barely looked like it was connected to something to keep it standing up in the middle of the cutout area.

Y/n: that's some pretty impressive work there how did you do that?

Vaggie: I'm just really good with knives.

As she did that she was spinning a knife standing up on her finger.

Y/n: was there a theme or something for your pumpkin carving?

Vaggie: Charlie wanted to carve your favorite person as a theme.

Y/n: oh I see I'm hurt that I wasn't chosen.

Vaggie: yeah well you're probably my least favorite person here.

She had a more serious look and was glaring at him.

Y/n: damn I see how it is.

She quickly changed the look she was giving to a small smile.

Vaggie: I'm just fucking with you y/n don't take it so seriously. If I had to say you're either tied with Charlie for first or my second favorite person.

Y/n: aw thanks vaggie that means a lot from you.

She was taken back slightly as he wrapped one arm around her hugging her slightly.

She stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh of relief smiling softly and hugged him back.

Charlie: OOOO! Are we having a hugging party? Let me join!

She appeared out of nowhere and wrapped her arms around the two.

Y/n chuckled softly at how Charlie always seemed to be optimistic or happy whenever something was happening.

Y/n: you couldn't choose one could you Charlie?

He was looking back over at her pumpkin.

Charlie: Of course I couldn't you both are my favorites and you were there for me for this dream of mine.

Y/n patted her back before pulling out of the huge they were doing.

Y/n: I think I better turn in for the night.

Charlie: all ready?

Y/n: well I did wake up early to start decorating the place. Do you think you can take over for passing out candy?

Charlie: Of course I can. Me and vaggie got this.

Charlie grabbed vaggie by the shoulder and pulled her close as she stretched her other hand out.

Vaggie: huh? I didn't ag-

Charlie: come on vaggie let's go pass out candy.

She was basically pulling vaggie by the arm leading her to the front door.

Vaggie looked back at y/n for help but he simply waved her off.

That is when something very important hit him. 

Where was his burrito?

*sometime later*

Y/n did a quick stretch after finally leaving that tight costume he was wearing.

He was now in much more comfortable clothes. He sat down for a moment on his bed grabbing at his head.

He took a few deep breaths before he heard the sound of knocking at his door.

Y/n: it's open.

The door opens a few inches wide before….nothing. 

Nothing or no one peered inside his room. He walked over and grabbed the door knob.

He swung the door wide open revealing angel hiding behind it.

Angel: BOO! Haha did I get you?

Y/n: " sarcastically" Ahhhh I'm so scared.

Angel: yeah, yeah, I get it you don't need to pretend.

Y/n: is that a more relaxing tone I hear Angel?

Angel: yeah well you asked me to try talking more well like myself instead of the fake persona I have on all the time.

Y/n had walked back over to his bed and went to lie down on it as he watched Angel walking around his room.

Angel: You know I don't think I've ever seen your room before.

Y/n: well it's not much to look at but go ahead and be my guest

She didn't spend much time really looking around. She glanced at a small spot next to y/n on his bed.

She walked over towards him and sat down at the edge of his bed.

Y/n: getting wet feet are we?

Angel: haha as if it's not like I even get fuck much anymore not since you ***** beat ****** ****

Y/n: yeah well he ***** it ****. But let me guess your sexy talk was more explicit than normal because you're not really getting to have sex?

Angel: yeah well my lube got pretty high from all the sex I do for work and well my lube is full and ready.

She saddled onto him and slowly and steadily started grinding herself against his crotch.

Y/n: dam not wasting time are we?

Angel: Well you have been teasing me all day about this and I could really use your dick in me.

She had one of her hands slide down her stomach all the way to her crotch just stopping a few inches away. She spread her fingers in a way that it kinda resembles a pussy.

Y/n smirked a bit as he slammed his hands onto her thighs feeling her white smooth skin against his fingers and feeling the heat coming off her body.

He hadn't realized it before but Angel also had a cute cat tail behind her that seemed kind of reactive to how Angel was feeling.

Y/n: seems like this cat is in heat

Angel: I was a bad pussy and I think I need to be punished.

Her stare was full of lust and full intent behind it. She started grinding slightly faster against his pelvis area.

Y/n grabbed her chest piece and pulled it down revealing her white Breast that wasn't actually fluff but was actually full on breast.

He grabs one of her breasts firmly but with intent. He used his thumb to circle her nipples as she let out a low moan from the sensitivity of her body.

He grabbed her by her choker and pulled her down low enough that he could whisper into her ear while still groping her Breast and nibbling on her ear.

Angel: ahh~ god you're still good in bed just like last time aghhh~

Y/n: I think this kitty cat needs a good pounding.

Angel: only if you think you can tame this cat.

She moved her hand through her hair while staring down at y/n who had a grin on his face.

He quickly flipped her over and pinned her down to his bed.

He could tell from the way she was looking back up at him that she was excited about what was to come.

Y/n looked at his hand that was resting on her chest. He slowly moved it up to her neck.

Angel: my safe word is y/n.

He lifted an eyebrow at her for the word she chose.

Y/n: wouldn't that be hard for me to tell what time you say my name is real and what is fake?

Angel: That's the point.

She smiled mischievously at him while he just sighed as he lowered his head down and started licking and sucking her Breast feeling how hard she was in that moment.

He felt her wrapping her leg around his waist as his grip around her neck loosened slightly.

He moved his fingers downward across the bodysuit feeling the rubber suit before reaching her thighs.

She slowly parted her legs open for him in an inviting way. Y/n moved his head from her breast to her neck and started biting softly which sent a nice shocking feeling through her body.

It wasn't like anything she experienced even though she is in the porn field this felt completely different. She could get addicted to the feeling.

He kept biting on her neck which made her twitch slightly as she closed her legs and trapped his hand right where it was.

Which was in her inner thighs. He slowly moved it up to where her legs met.

Y/n: why don't you open your legs like a good slut for me would you.

Angel: mhm~ agh~ You know I love it when you say such dirty language to me.

She would usually hate hearing such words being called towards her but for y/n it made her feel more aroused than normal.

She stared with lust-filled eyes as she was sure while his hand was trapped he could probably feel how wet she was and that it was able to leak through the bodysuit she was wearing.

Angel wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer to him.

Angel: why don't you agh~ show me what such a monster like you can do with your "friend"

Y/n: well since you asked so nicely.

Y/n grabbed at his pants and lowered them revealing the massively impressive dick that he had. 

He was pretty sure he was the only one in hell to have such a dick some even say that the king of hell isn't that big.

He usually wasn't so violent when it came to sex but ever since he received the powers from the deal he felt he became more rough.

The only good part was that he had the willpower to control himself.

Y/n: put your ass in the air like the cat in heat that you are.

(I suck ass when it comes to dirty talk)

Angel: hmm~ kinky.

Angel let go of y/n and compiled as she turned over and laid down on the bed and arched her back up with her ass in the air.

She looked over her shoulder with a grin on her face.

He shuffled over towards her and placed his hands on her ass which she wiggled in front of him trying to tempt him.

The cat's tail swung around in a sexual way like it was trying to keep him focused on it.

I slid a finger in the fold and slid my finger down just stopping before her pussy. He slowly moved it to the side 

As he moved it to the side there were strands of her wetness connected to the bodysuit.

Angel: fuck I need this so bad please put it inside me into this naughty pussy.

Y/n smirked a little as he lined his dick up just a few inches away before moving forward and sliding his cock against her clitoris.

Angel: agh~ I think *huff* you missed.

Y/n: no I didn't, I just think you're not ready yet.

Angel: huh?

Y/n pushed her legs together and started moving his dick back and forth each moment it teases Angel as y/n dick goes in and out of her thighs.

He was thigh fucking her.

Angel: F-Fucking teaseeeee~ 

Her body was shaking slightly as more of her juices slid down from her pussy and onto his dick.

He could feel how wet she was getting with each thrust.

Angel let out a few low moans when he kept teasing her clitoris with the thrust he was doing.

She could feel the warm sensation in between our thighs as her juices made it easier to slide in and out of her thighs.

This was the first for her she had never been thigh fuck before but what she did know was it was fucking tease ass move to do.

Y/n had his hand on her upper back to keep her face down as she buried her face in his pillow.

For y/n it was an interesting feeling to feel as he was using her thighs like a pussy pocket.

Feeling her soft but smooth skin was making him close to the edge but he stopped at the last second pulling his dick out of her thighs.

He smiled a little as he smacked her pussy a few times with his dick.

Angel looked back at him with her red heart-shaped eyes. She had a faint blush on her face and was panting slightly.

She was slightly covered in sweat the smell was almost intoxicating it made him just want to fuck her brain out right there and then but he chose to play around first.

He kept tapping his dick in a teasing manner.

Y/n: come on beg for it since you've been thirsting all day for it.

Angel: hmm~ ah~ f-fine please put your dick into my wet sloppy pussy.

Y/n simply raises an eye and smirks a little before rolling his eyes.

Angel: tsk fine please master this kitty needs to have her pussy fucked so bad look it's even ready for you.

She had one of her arms in between her legs spreading the folds of her pussy.

Y/n: well then kitten whisker since you beg so nicely. 

He lined his dick up with her entrance and was leaking out her juices he could almost feel the heat coming off her pussy.

He finally thrust forward a bit his dick slowly going inside of her feelings, her walls clenching down around his dick almost like it was trying to remember the feeling of last time.

Angel let out a low moan as she felt his dick sliding into her.

Y/n: fuck I forgot how tight you are

Angel: ah!! f-fuckkk I forgot how much you can fill me up with your monster of a dick.

After a few seconds of slowly pushing it deeper and deeper into her, he felt his tip hitting what he was assuming was her womb.

Angel: oh fuck me.

Y/n: Well since you ask

He started thrusting his dick back and forth into her as angel juice leaked out with each thrust that he did.

Her liquids were dripping out of her as the sheets that the two were on became wet from the two actions.

While y/n was thrusting his dick into her he looked at her bare back finally noticing that the cat cat she was wearing wasn't connected to her hips.

It was coming out of her ass. It must have been a plug-in tail which gave him an idea for later.

His smile on his face showed a hint of mischief.

He moved one hand down her back which sent shivers down her spine.

Angel's hands were underneath the pillow that her face was against. She was staring back at him with a flustered look before she quickly changed it to a more feisty look.

She used her four hands to push herself off the bed and pin y/n down, basically reversing the position.

She leans in close to him and talks in a low tone almost in a whisper 

Angel: you're not the only dominant one here~

She lowered herself to his chest and stuck her tongue out moving it against his chest.

This was a very interesting situation that he had gotten himself into.

He let Angel take the lead with how they were.

She scooted herself up towards his face, her pussy just. A few inches away from his face.

He could see how wet she was with her pussy leaking her juice on his chest.

She placed two of her lower hands on his head. She had one eyebrow lifted with an excited look in her eyes.

She never once had been in a situation where she got to take the lead. She knew that y/n was letting her do this because he would have already reversed it back to her.

The thoughts going through her head almost made her light-headed.

She got herself into position as she pushed y/n head into her pussy.

Once his face made contact with her he started licking in between her folds.

She tightened her grip on his head and arched her back as she felt his tongue slipping inside of her.

She jumped a little as she felt him grabbing her thighs and pulling her even closer to him.

Angel: oh! God, move your tongue faster!

While she couldn't see his face he was grinning underneath.

He moved his tongue, circling it around her clitoris before biting down slightly on it.

Angel: F-Fuck!

Angel brought one of her hands up to her face as her gaze was stuck on him

Her lower body was twitching slightly as she got closer to climaxing.

She pulled y/n head out of her lower region. She was panting quite heavily.

She kept her hands down on him stopping him from getting up.

She moved herself lower down his body and grabbed his dick lining it up with herself.

Y/n sighed a little as he thought she was basically blue balling him but it looked like she was going to let him finish with her.

She slowly lowered herself onto his dick taking it slowly to not hurt herself.

Y/n slammed his hand onto her thighs which made her jump from the smack.

Her eyes were on y/n for a moment before looking back down at his dick still lowering onto him.

Y/n helped push her down onto his member feeling her walls tightening even more as she got closer to the edge.

She started lifting herself off and onto his dick going faster than she should but she didn't care at that moment.

As she just wanted to cum right there.

Y/n grabbed one of her breasts in the palm of his hand squeezed and playing with her nipples.

She started moaning more and trembling as her walls contracted more like they were trying to squeeze out his seeds.

Y/n felt himself getting closer so he moved one of his hands reaching out to something that was behind Angel.

Angel: Fuck I think I'm am going to…. CUMMMING

Y/n smiled a little as he was also close feeling her walls tightening even more he started to cum as well but not before his hand grabbed the tail behind her and pulled on it.

Angel jumped a little as she got even more adrenaline pleasure from the sudden feeling of the plug in her ass being pulled out.

Y/n start cumming inside of Angel he felt his seed spreading around inside of her.

He could see her body twitching from the pleasure before seemingly fainting on his chest.

There was a pop sound as his dick slid out of her with a few more strands of cum coming out.

Y/n took a deep breath as he looked down at Angel who was somehow fast asleep on his chest

He had a gentle smile before kissing her head which it seemed Angel felt as she smiled.

Y/n grabbed at his head for a moment just thinking back on how the day went.

He was spent after such a tiring day of working and of course, the sex they just had.

He thought about everyone that he saw that day and their costumes. They all seemed to be having such a great night

The picture that y/n was thinking about of everyone:

(Image here)

*Bonus scene*

The souls of the damned were cowering in the corner while using a table for cover. They were scared of the scene that was happening before them.

Walter: Stay away from me Jesse!

Jesse: I can't Mr. white you smell so good.

Walter: You just stay the hell away from me you monster.

Jesse: no one can stop me Mr.white I'm the most powerful person here no one can save you now bring me your ass.

Suddenly the door to the restaurant burst open as the door got sent into a wall.

???: wow hey there I heard you're pretty strong. 

They couldn't see who the person was because of a white light that was feeling the room.

As the room light faded the person became more apparent with their orange clothes.

Jesse: you won't be able to stop me from getting Mr.white ass.

???: oh I don't care about that. What I do care about is a strong opponent.

Jesse:??? Who are you?

???: Hey there, it's me Goku!

The group of souls looked at the leader they had and he put up a peace sign and started fading out of existence.

Word count 9380

Hey everyone sorry about how late this chapter took. I actually want to have this come out on Halloween but of course, it took much longer to do and well I was spending time with family and had school work to do as well.

It didn't help that I also over-extended myself by trying to finish a hazbin hotel short that turned into a full chapter and well the harem list for murder drones.

Also, quick notice the next chapter won't be out till three weeks from now because of a vote I did.