Sinsmas eve (holiday special)

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(Also quick notice unless said by me technically all holiday chapters are canon to the main story. It just won't be mentioned to much)

Vaggie was sleeping away, her chest slowly and steadily rising with each breath she took.

Her nightgown hugged the curves of her body.

She turned onto her side, facing away from her door, trying to get more comfortable.





Vaggie's eyes widened as she heard a loud bang and saw her door crashing into her wall.

It takes her a split second to realize what is happening as she quickly tries to turn and grab her spear.

However, she was too late as she felt someone grabbing her by her waist and lifting her.

The person starts walking back towards Vaggie's door while holding her high above the person.

Eventually, the person walks her down the stairs and into the main lobby.

She was suddenly placed on the couch, finally seeing who her perpetrator was. 

Veggie: C-Charile?

Charlie: hmm hmmm.

Charlie didn't answer as she walked around, just humming a light tune. Vaggie finally noticed that she wasn't the only one there. Angel Dust was sitting on the other couch with Husk. 

Alastor sat on his chair, humming with Charlie while drinking tea.

Angel noticed Vaggie looking at her. She shrugged her shoulders and raised one hand, making a circular motion at her head and pointing at Charlie.

Vaggie: "Cough" C-charlie, is everything alright?

Charlie: Hmm? Never better, Vaggie, why do you ask?

Charlie didn't stop for one second, not even looking at Vaggie. She responded to her as Charlie grabbed a tree from a storage room.

Vaggie: well, you haven't said anything besides… breaking our doors down.

Charlie: Come on, vaggie, are you saying you don't know what today is? Razzle, Dazzle, bring me the pegs.

Charlie placed the tree beside the fireplace. She did her best to keep it up as Razzle and Dazzle flew into the storage room, returning with wood pegs to keep the tree standing.

She grabbed the wood pegs and started hammering them down into the surrounding ground of the tree.

Charlie: So what is your guess for my reason, hmm?

Vaggie's eyes searched the lobby, trying to get a hint of what was happening.

Vaggie: is it…. Easter?

Charlie froze up at Vaggie's words.

Vaggie looked back at the others seeing Angel mouthing what the fuck.

Angel: bitch she is talking about Christmas.

Vaggie: oh 

Charlie: Actually Angel we call it Sinsmas.

Alastor: "Sipping his tea." vaggie dear, I do say that was the absolute worst guess I have ever heard.

Angel: like, honestly, are you blind or something?

Vaggie: well fuck you, angel. I didn't grow up around holidays.

Angel: Damn, no wonder why your such a grouch.

Vaggie: hey Angel, how about you suck a dick or something?!

Angel shrugged at her comment.

Angel: oh, don't worry once I see y/n later, I'll give him the best head since someone has to make up for your weak tits.

Vaggie glared at Angel, her hand slowly reaching out for a backup spear she had stashed close by.

Charlie: Hey!

The two were suddenly stopped by about an inch from fighting as Charlie got in between the two.

Charlie: Come on, it's Christmas Eve. Can't you guys get along, even if it's only for a day?

Angel: Charlie, you know I love ya, but no one gives a flying fuck it Christmas. We are quite literally hell, and no one cares.

*someplace else*

Blitzo: Alright, people who is ready to kill Santa Claus!

Millie: Let's fucking do this!

Y/n was leaning against the wall, looking at the two imps trying to psych themselves up.

Y/n: why am I here again?

Millie: Come on, y/n, this ain't so bad. Plus, I'm sure this will be a pleasant and fast mission, right, Blitzo?

Blitzo: yeah, and also, you have to be here… remember you work here.

Y/n: oh yeah….I forgot about that.

Blitzo: well, it's great you remember now, especially since you will be doing this for as long as you live.

Y/n: wait, what was that last part?

Blitzo: With that out of the way, it's time to give you a brief rundown of our missions.

Y/n: Hey, hold on. Where are moxxie and Loona?

Blitzo: My sweet baby Looney is preoccupied with something else, so she will only be here to open the portal. As for moxxie…. I have no idea where he is, Millie?

Millie: oh, uh, he is…. I actually have no idea as well.

Blitzo: really, mill?

*someplace else*

Moxxie was walking around in one of the many hell stores run by the imps living there on the pride ring.

She walked by one of the glass containers, looking inside at the jewelry, trying to find something that caught her attention—one that simply told her it belonged to her beloved wife, Millie.

Wally Wackford: well, if my eyes don't deceive me, if it ain't moxxie from that bullshit of a company. Say did something happen you look…. Different 

Moxxie: ugh, hey there, Wally. I didn't know you owned this shop.

Wally Wackford: huh oh well, of course I do. I own about every shop in this pride ring. But that's enough of me. What can I do for you?

Moxxie: Uh, well, I'm trying to find a gift for my wife.

Wally Wackford: Well I do say that I believe I can help with that.

Wally Wackford: of course, but only for the right price

*back with y/n*

Millie: really, I mean it. He simply said he was going out and never said why.

Blitzo: Hmm, well, that's too bad. I'm still going to deduct it from his pay.

Y/n: Ah, well, that explains that. Now then, let's hear the reason for killing the great Santa Claus, then.

Millie: Actually, Blitzo, I have a question: why are we about to kill Santa Claus?

Blitzo: if you people would let me speak, for fuck sake, then I would tell you.

The two go silent as they stare at Blitzo, making him slightly nervous now that they aren't talking.

Blitzo:" Cough" alright, so some weird ass kid came by the name of Stuart or Stewie. It was something like that, and he wanted us to kill the jolly Redman.

Y/n: Okay, so let me get this straight some kid wants Santa dead?

Blitzo: yeah, that's about it. Now, let's get going!

Blitzo and Millie start making their way to the other room where y/n assumed Loona was in.

Y/n: Man, we are cooked if we are really looking for someone who isn't even real.

Blitzo stopped walking and slowly turned to look at y/n.

Blitzo: what did you just say?

Y/n: Santa is not real?

Almost instantly, Blitzo was suddenly right in front of him, pointing his gun underneath his chin.

Blitzo: You take that back to this instance. Do you hear me?

Y/n was taken aback by Blitzo's speed when he mentioned that the Santa Claus was not real.

Blitzo: He is real.

Blitzo clocked his gun back while putting it in his coat. He then made his way back to Millie before heading into the next room.

Millie walked toward Y/n with a sway in her hips. She wore a winter outfit to keep herself warm, making her figure pop out.

She stopped right before him, placing her hand on her hip. Her tail was almost curving right beside her.

Millie: Don't take what he says too seriously; he just had a bad experience with him.

Y/n: really? 

Y/n raises one of his eyebrows at her with his arms crossed.

Y/N: I'm sorry, but no way in hell has Santa ever been real, especially given how long I have been alive. 

Millie: Come on, y/n, you just need some imagination to see how real he is.

Millie jabbed her elbow into y/n's side.

Y/n: My chances of seeing him are as real as my chances of banging one of the female deadly sins.

Millie: With the rumors being true of your dick size, I find that chance to be pretty high, especially since I've seen your dick and been fucked by it.

Y/n: You know, I still have no idea how that rumor started.

Bilzø: Hey, you cheating couple, hurry it up! I don't want to be late for Christmas Day!

Bilzø's voice rang from the room over. Causing the two to stop their conversation. Y/n looked at Millie, smirking a little before shaking his head.

Y/n: Come on, we better not keep him waiting.

Millie: Right behind you! Let's go kill ourselves, Santa Claus.

*Sometime later*

Y/n was slowly marching through the cold, snow-covered ground, which caused him to slow down because of the weight he dragged along.

Y/n could feel that he was slowly freezing to death every second he was there.

He rubbed his hands together, trying to warm them up, even for a second.

He looked at his right hand for a moment, remembering that he was wearing a glove, so he couldn't warm his hand even if he wanted to.

He sighed at the thought of it. He could see how cold his body was from how he could see his breath. 

He tried looking forward to see his path but couldn't see anything from the snow blocking his vision.

Y/n: Bilzø! How much farther!

Bilzø: How the fuck should I know? It only says to head north!

Bilzø's voice rang out like he was right beside his right ear from how loud his voice was.

Millie: Uh, Bilzø, maybe we could have waited until this blizzard was over?

Millie's voice came from slightly above her usual body height.

For whatever reason, Bilzø made the wise decision for them to adventure into a blizzard that was hitting the North Pole precisely as they began their mission.

It was only thanks to y/n having a furry tail and ears that he could deal with the weather slightly, but it didn't entirely stop the cold.

Y/N: " Sigh," guys. I said you could, but I didn't mean for you two to piggyback off me.

Millie: Aw, come on, y/n. You're pretty comfy, and we're keeping each other warm as bugs.

Blitzø: uh yeah, what she said.

Blitzo was clinging onto y/n head like a kid getting piggybacking onto their parents while Millie clung onto his Waist inside his jacket.

They were sharing their body heat to keep warm, mainly since the hellborn aren't used to the cold like y/n was.

They had been walking for some time but had made little progress. The terrain remained the same no matter where they walked.

Y/n: I am not trying to sound like a whiny kid, but are we there yet?

Blitzø: No

Y/n:…. Are we there yet?


Y/n:...…Are we their-

Blizø: if you ask one more time, I swear I will turn us around faster than your mom urges to cheat on your father.


Y/n had the idea to do the dumbest thing he could imagine; however, someone else beat him to it.

Millie: Are we there yet?

Bilzø: Millie! I swe-

Before Blitzø could finish his sentence, a sudden wave made everyone feel weird.

Y/n started to fall forward. Y/n quickly wrapped his arms around Millie, ensuring she didn't get hurt as he crashed into the ground.

blizø was knocked off of his head as he was sent flying a few feet away.

Y/n: agh, is everyone alright? I'm not exactly sure what just happened.

Y/n pushed himself up only to realize he wasn't touching the snow. He was instead touching grass and didn't feel a single ounce of the cold that he was feeling a few minutes prior.

Y/n: what in hell?

Millie: "Muffled"

Y/n felt something squirming underneath his stomach. That was when it hit him, he fell on top of Millie.

He quickly got up and looked back at her.

Y/n: are you alright?

Millie lay on the ground, her body stretched out, almost like she was about to make snow angels.

She took in a few deep breaths before jumping up like she didn't almost suffocate.

Millie: Never better! Who wouldn't want to get squished by your…

Millie's voice trailed off at the thought of being squeezed by y/n abs that he slightly had.

Her face brightened up as if her face wasn't already red. She tapped her face a few times before trying to shake her head.

Millie: uh, you know your bod.

Millie tapped the back of her hand against his stomach playfully, which Y/n scratched at the back of his head, taken back by the compliment.

Bilzø: "Coughing." As much as I love see Mox getting cucked, we have a more important thing to focus on here.

Y/n finally looked around, confused by what was happening. It looked like they weren't even in the North Pole anymore.

There was a temperature of about 80. Not a single snowflake in the area.

Y/n glances back to see nothing that resembles the blizzard they were just in. The only thing in sight was the trees and grass for miles away.

It felt like it was spring.

Y/n: Hey, uhh, bilzø, what is the game plan?

Blitzø: hmm, if I had to bet my testicles, I would say the very suspicious cabin in front of us

Only as he mentioned, the cabin did y/n finally notice the building.

It looked like a lodging cabin as smoke came out from the chimney.

Millie: well, what are we waiting for? Let's go check her out!

Y/n couldn't help but laugh a little whenever Millie talked. She always spoke strangely, even if it was only small, slightly different words. 

They slowly made their way over to the door of the building.

Y/n ears twisted slightly as he heard music being blasted from inside. But the music he was hearing… wasn't just any music. It was the music of the devil.

The three lined up against the door's wall. They looked at each other and nodded as Blitzø rammed himself through the door, smashing it into pieces.

Y/n and Millie ran in after him with their weapons ready, and to y/n horrors, the music was coming from the one and only Mariah Carey, who was actually there with them for some reason.

(Image here)

Mariah Carey: IT'S TIME

Bilzø: What the hell?

Suddenly, loud bangs rang out from the inside the building as tables were flipped over and small people, which y/n assumed were elves.

They were all over the place, and some stood beside the converbelt that had toys on it.


Y/n hadn't even been given a chance to look around before the bullets started coming his way. He quickly looked around, noticing a bookcase nearby as he slid over to it. 

He kicked his foot into its base and knocked it over to the floor, which he used for cover.

Y/n looked back over towards Millie and Bilzø. They were using chairs and a chandelier for cover.

He peeked over, trying to understand what they were facing, as he could make out a few elves on the second floor.

However, the bad news was on the ground floor, as he could see about a dozen elves.

Y/n bangs the tip of his gun against his head a few times before getting them locked and loaded.

Bilzø: Y/N!

Y/n: What!

Y/n screams back as the gunfire doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

Bilzø: you take a left, and Mel will take a right!

Y/n: A-alright!

Bilzø counted down from three to one, and as soon as he said go, they all jumped out from their covers and charged toward the elves.

Y/n jumped high, grabbed some Christmas lights, and dodged the bullet of the closest elves as he came down.

He spins the lights around for a few seconds before launching them at one of the elves.

It wrapped around his neck, choking him to death, but he wasn't done yet as he tugged on the lights and started swinging the elve around, smacking him into some of the others.

Y/n: Millie, go long!

He launched the choking elves high into the sky as Millie's eyes gleamed before she jumped up and took out her axe, chopping the poor thing into two.

Millie: fuck yeah, two points to me!

Bilzø rolled over a table while randomly shooting his gun, only for him almost to shoot y/n.

Y/n: hey, watch where you're shooting, bilzø!

Millie ran towards y/n, hopping onto his shoulder and looking in a specific direction.

Millie: Y/n!

Y/n: what?!

Millie: lunch me at that cunt of a singer

Y/n: if you say so!

Y/n grabbed both ends of her ankles and started spinning in a circle before finally letting go.

She flew across the room, her eyes narrowing as she approached her target.

While that was happening, y/n tried to stop the spinning feeling from going in circles.

As his eyes started to focus back on what was right in front of him, he noticed three small creatures sitting on barrels, looking at him.

Alvin&Simon&Theodore: Christmas, Christmastime is near, Time for toys and time for cheer. We've been good, but we can't last Hurry, Christmas.

Three tiny little chipmunks were singing a song to him.

Y/n: hey, that's pretty good.

Alvin: Not as good as your nuts!

Suddenly, the three chipmunks started to foam from their mouths.

They started charging at him with their arms out, ready to chew on some nuts.

(Image here)

One hopped onto his arm while another one did the same to his other. 

They pinned him down to the ground, biting viciously at his arms.

Rabies Alvin: alright, fellas, let's crack this guy's nut.

Y/n tried using all his strength to knock them off him, but they held him down tighter than a torta belt.

Y/n: BLIZØ I could use your help right about now!

Alvin started to unbuckle his pants, however, before he could begin to ravage the nuts.

He was suddenly kicked in the face. He was sent smash into the wall.

Bilzø: ain't no one rapping one of my employees unless it me, you furry dog!

At that very moment, y/n was starting to look up to Blitzø admires. However. blizø had to ruin the moment with his comment.

Y/n positioned his legs so that he could push himself off the floor like a backflip.

As he did, he finally got rid of the two chipmunks biting into his arms.

Y/n: fuck those devil's children, chipmunks.

Just then, those two chipmunks came back at him; however, this time, y/n held his hands out as his claws came out.

One of the creatures jumped at him, which he sliced right down the middle in half.

His body hit the ground, twitching like a person on cocaine.

The other started running towards his feet, so y/n did the niffty classic and kicked the chipmunk. Sending him through a window.

However, just before y/n could celebrate that kick, his ears twitched as the ground shook. Large footsteps were making their way behind the door at the very end of the room.

Bilzø walked over right beside him, also staring at the door.

The sounds of boss music also started playing as the steps became louder every second.

Elve 1: Oh shit, they woke up Santa!


Every Elva in that room started running away screaming, and some went up the chimney, which still had wood burning.

Others chose the door or to jump out from the window.

Millie jumped off the second-floor railing, landing beside the two with her axe resting on her shoulder.

Her axe was covered in blood and red cloth with blond hair.

Millie: Wait, so what is happening?

Y/n was about to answer, but Blizø spoke up first.

Blizø: I got this y/n. Well, Millie, it appears we might be fuck at the mo-

Before he could finish, however, the door from which the sound was coming from. It blew off its hinges, smacking against Blizø, taking him with it as it smashed against the wall.

The two turned their attention to the smoke leaking from the room.

Y/n had his guns ready to fire and Millie ready to swing her axe.

The figure started walking out of the smoke, slowly becoming more visible.

(Image here)

Standing before them, Santa looked familiar to y/n, almost as if he had seen him from somewhere. 

Y/n: hey, doesn't he look familiar?

Millie: stop thinking, and let's get to beating!

Millie started charging towards him with her axe, ready to slice him into two.

She leaped towards him, raising her axe above her head and going for the strike.

Millie: ugh!

He stretched his hand out, grabbing Millie by her waist. She tried wiggling out of his grips but to no avail.

Y/n sighed at how easily Millie got caught. Before running at him, shoot his smgs at the man's knees.

Y/n: Come on, you piece of shit, let's do this!

Word count: 3603

So, this took longer than I expected. I was hoping to have part 2 out on Christmas, but I have no idea if I can, so yeah.