Sinsmas morning (holiday special lemon)

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(This is the furthest that you see into the story that will give you hints at what will come in the main story. So drop any theory you have!)

It was 30 minutes before midnight inside the hotel. Charlie was standing a few feet away from the building's doors.

She glanced over at the clock, seeing how late it was. She bit down on her lip a little from the anxiety of thinking something had happened to y/n

She had been waiting for a few hours for him to come back from his job that he had.

She had already tried calling him on her phone, but the signal was weak at the moment.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder, which she jumped at. Looking over, she saw Vaggie with a small but reassuring smile.

Vaggie: don't worry about him, Charlie. You know how he can be sometimes.

Charlie: I know, but the whole point of today was to prove to him that I could be just as good as him when it came to decorating.

Charlie: Besides, I even went out of my way to get these outfits for us.

(Image here)

Vaggie's eyes looked at her up and down, absorbing every detail of her outfit.

Her Santa-themed outfit—which barely covered her hips.

But it even included a hat

When Charlie said us, she also referred to Vaggie, who was wearing the same thing.

The only difference was that, unlike Charlie, she kept tugging on the front of the outfit to cover her private area, as she was more shy about wearing it.

Vaggie looked back at Charlie before reaching her hand out and pulling her in close by the waist.

Charlie: Woah v-vaggie?

Vaggie: I'm not sure he will return tonight because it is so late. So, how about we just go at it without him this time? I can use the strap if you want.

While Vaggie started the little flirtatious thing they were doing, Charlie was the dominant one of the two.

She grabbed vaggie chin, tilting her head to look up at her. Charlie's tail slowly slithered out from underneath the skirt, and her horn grew out from her head as her eyes darkened to a shade of red. 

Charlie: while the strap-on may do, it will never be as good as y/n, so you better be ready for me when I start trying to climax from it.

Vaggie's saliva got stuck for a moment in her throat at Charile words.

Charlie: Okay, come on, we can use my room.

Almost in an instant, she was like the normal girl she had been since she had known her.

She looked back at the door with a worried look before taking a few deep breaths.

Charlie: I just hope he doesn't run into a hellstorm.

Vaggie: Yeah, "blushing," I'm sure he will be fine.

*someplace else*

Y/n is thrown through a table and smack dab in the middle of the room.

He slowly pushed himself off the floor. His blood dripped down from his body.

Y/n had given this Santa a name. Based on his appearance, he was called Cocaine Santa.

They had already been fighting him for the last half an hour, but it felt like they hadn't made much of a dent in him.

He just kept beating them down and down and more down.

Cocaine Santa stared at him and was about to charge into him.

Y/n snapped his fingers as his souls of the damned slowed, climbed up from the ground, and started fighting the jolly man.

They gave him time to catch his breath, but it won't last long.

He looked over, seeing a battered Millie slowly crawling to grab her axe. As for biltzø, on the other hand…..

He was thrown multiple times back into the same door. That crushed him earlier.

Y/n looked around the place just for anything that could be used to kill him.

That was when he remembered what he had seen earlier. Those elves were making toys out of a factory line. He could try to use it to make something.

He slowly lipped over to the conveyor belt, walking along it, looking for any console.

Every second he wasted looking for it, the more the souls died.

He finally found something that resembled a console pad. It was slightly beat up, but it still worked. He looked through it, seeing the many things he could make. None, however, would help their situation.

That's when Santa uttered an enormous scream and knocked all the souls off him.

His eyes glowed unnaturally as they focused upon him. Santa started charging at him, causing y/n to look faster.

Eventually, he found a weapon of some kind. He smashed down on convert from already made material.

He just needed a few seconds to do it, but that might not have been possible given his speed.

Suddenly, something shot at Santa out of nowhere, making him look over to see Biltzø.

Bilzø: You just keep working on that. Big daddy, here is mine!

Y/n nodded and kept doing the skills check the machine had to do if he wanted it to go faster.

Y/N: Come on, I got this. It was playing dead by daylight, if not for this very moment.

While Y/n was working on it, Biltzø turned to his side and pointed his gun out like he was about to do a last stand.

He shot a few bullets out, each hitting the cocaine Santa as he ran rampant toward him.

Santa was eventually closing in on Biltzø, ready to go in for the blow.

Y/n: Hey Santa!

Cocaine Santa:?

Cocaine Santa turned around to look at y/n. He was holding something in his hands. It was a plate of cookies that y/n threw at him.

Like a dog, he ran for them, gobbling everything up and not leaving a crumb behind.

He looked over at y/n and saw some kind of device in his hand.

Y/n: what a twist.

Santa's stomach suddenly inflated when he pushed his thumb down on the red button. He looked like a balloon about to pop wide open, and eventually, he did.

He burst open like a firework as blood and guts were sent flying everywhere.

Bilzø was covered head to toe with it.

Bilzø: Fuck, it got in my mouth!

Y/n tried to hold in his laughter, but seeing Biltzø trying to wipe it out was pretty funny.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop a pretty good amount after killing him.

Y/n looked out the window and saw snow falling outside. He thought Cocaine Santa must have had some spell to stop it, but now that he was dead, it was snowing again around them.

Y/n walked over and helped Millie stand up. She used both y/n hand and her axe handle as support.

Y/n: do you want me to carry you?

Millie: ".Weakly." Naw, it's okay. Don't worry about me. I just need to heal up a little, that's all.

Bilzø walked over to a chunk of cocaine Santa and spit on it.

Bilzø: you should have given me that extremely limited edition horse figure, huh!

Bilzø: Alright, I'm going to try to get a signal here so I can call Loona to open the portal.

Bilzø walked away, leaving the two. Y/n suddenly fell backward, which made Millie concerned for him.

Millie: Woah, hey, y/n are you alright?

Y/n: yeah, I'm just resting from that beating I just took. " Chuckle." It was going to be quick and easy. They said fuck no, it wasn't!

Millie: haha 

Y/n: hey, mill, why are you so cheerful today?

Millie: Because it's Sinsmas Y/n! Back in the wrath ring, we are big on this holiday. So I can't wait to get back home and do some celebrating!

Biltzø: hey, come on outside. Loona opened the portal.

Y/n: agh, fine, I'm coming 

Y/n slowly got up and started walking with Millie beside him, dragging her axe.

Y/n: where do you even hide that thing?

Millie: that's on a need-to-know basis

Y/n:…..bitch, please.

Millie: haha, I'm just kidding.

She never did answer the question before stepping outside; however, she grabbed his hand.

Y/n: hmm?

Millie: hey, y/n, crouch down, would you?

He complied with her request by getting down on one knee to be the same height.

(Image here)

She softly placed her hands on his face. Her face was covered with a big smile.

Millie: Thanks for being here with me. I know our relationship started much differently than you would expect, but I'm happy to have met you.

Y/n: Aw, thanks, Millie. I'm happy to have met you as well. 

Her warm and affectionate smile brought her face closer and landed her lips on his cheeks.

Millie: I also wanted to thank you for watching over Moxxie after what happened at that weird potion job

Y/n: haha, uh… of course 

Millie: Now come on; we have Sinsmas to celebrate!

Millie ran through the door to the building. Y/n stood momentarily on his two feet, and everything felt great.

He just hoped it stayed like that, especially since the angels were about to attack.

He noticed his shirt was slightly up on his body, which he quickly fixed before walking after Millie.

The blizzard was once again blowing hard around them. He could barely see the portal if it wasn't for its purple color.

He took a step through the portal, feeling the instant temperature change.

Y/n: that is so much better.

Loona: You guys look like shit.

Loona was closing the portal after them with Stolas's grimoire.

Y/n: yeah, well, imagine getting brutally fuck with for about an hour,

Loona: I can with the way you guys look.

Y/n looked around, noticing they weren't in the office building. They were at Bilzø and Loona's apartment.

Not only that, but Loona was also wearing an interesting outfit. She still had her little Satanic star on her chest, but she was also wearing a red dress that dropped down to her thigh.

Y/n: Nice outfit there, loony.

Loona: agh, s-shut it!

Y/n: but besides that, why are we here at your place, biltzø 

Blitzø: You guys remember how I said Loona was working on something else? Well, here it is. I thought we could do a company Sinsmas!


Millie was shaking bilzø like a soda machine with the soda stuck.

Bilzø: Millie, you better put me down this instant.

While fighting, y/n sat on the couch, smiling at the two interactions. 

Loona walked over and leaned on the couch slightly.

Y/n glances at her, examining her body.

Y/n: Nice dress

Loona: don't even get me started about this shit of an outfit 

Y/n: Why is there something wrong with it?

Loona: What do you think, asshole. Don't act like I can't feel your eyes on me.

Y/N: Haha, sorry, I couldn't help it. You just look pretty hot while wearing it… it's a nice change from your natural look.

They sat there in silence for a few seconds. Before he glanced back at Loona, he saw her face bright red.

She suddenly hit his shoulder out of nowhere.

Loona: stop joking about shit like that.

Even though the words coming out were rejecting his compliments. Her body betrayed her as her tail was wagged around happily.

Y/n: hey, I'm going to head out. I have been out for too long. So my girlfriends will probably be missing. If they aren't fucking, that is.

Loona's ears popped up at the mention of leaving.

Loona: Woah, you can't leave yet.

Y/n: yeah, you want to bet on that.

(Image here)

Y/n put up a peace sign before suddenly fading out of existence.

Loona: Oh fucking shit! Bilzø y/n is heading to the entrance!

*someplace else*

Time was all but paused, and only one person was walking down the hallway of the building.

There were no sounds, even with his feet touching the ground with every step.

Things seemed to speed up as y/n stretched his body out from the brutal beating he took that day.

He felt like he had gotten weaker since the meeting of the angels.

Speaking of Angels, he could guess someone was ready to have a rematch with him as soon as he was back.

Y/n: Fuck, man, she has such a bitchy attitude. The only good thing she has is that she is pretty hot.

All he wanted at that moment was to rest, even for a second. He just… needed to close his eyes.

He started to tip forward a bit before realizing what was happening. He caught himself by using the wall.

The lack of sleep must be really getting to him. He tried shaking his head as he stretched his hand out for the entrance of the building.

However, before doing so, he was tackled to the ground. Y/n quickly kicked his assailant in the stomach, sending him to the wall.

Bilzø: agh!

Y/n: What the goddammit bilzø!

Bilzø stood up, wiping away any dust on his outfit. Loona came jogging down the hallway to see the two on the floor.

Loona: Damn, what happened to you two?

Y/n: I thought Bilzø here was trying to rob me.

Bilzø: yeah, you don't exactly like you have anything good on you.

Y/n: agh, what is it? I'm trying to get home.

Loona: like I said, you can't leave.

Y/n: why not?

Loona: There is a hellstorm right outside.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but what?

Bilzø opened the door, showing a firestorm outside, seemingly going on for miles with no end.

Bilzø: if you head on out there. Then you can wish your next few days goodbye.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but how have I lived here for so long? I never noticed this.

Loona: Probably because we were always playing games with each other when they usually happened.

Y/n: oh yeah huh. I remember back then, I used to call you only as L.

Loona: yeah, and I remember calling you Fagget all the time.

Y/n: gasp! Loona, your words are as sharp as your claws.

She responded by flipping him off, which y/n simply laughed back at.

Y/n: so I can't walk through that, right?

Biltzø: yeah, not unless you want to melt here, watch.

A random imp was walking by the group, minding his business before being grabbed by bilzø.

Imp: huh?

As soon as he grabbed the imp the next second, biltzø flung him out the door and into the hellstorm.

Imp: huh Oh OH AHHHHH!

(Image here)

The imp looked like it was being cooked alive, as its body turned into dust.

Bilzø: Don't worry about the hotel; you can stay the night with me and Loona.

Y/n: Well, it's not like I can leave now, so sure I'm down.

Loona: Maybe this shit won't be so dull now.

Loona walked slightly closer to y/n with a sigh of relief escaping her mouth. Her tail brushed up against his arm.

Bilzø: Alright, kids, let's get back to our Sinsmas!

*sometime later*

Y/n was chilling on the couch while Bilzø and Millie were having a dance-off for best dancer of the two.

Millie: Come on, biltzø, give up!

Bilzø: Not in my life!

While watching the two dance, y/n felt like they were forgetting someone missing from the group. But he couldn't place his finger on it.

He tried thinking about it, but it disappeared from his mind when he got close to it.

He shrugged, deciding it must not have been significant enough to remember.

Loona walked over with a tray of hot chocolate.

Loona: Alright, you ungrateful piece of shit, the drinks are ready.

Loona sat down on the same couch, y/n. Her tail covered the cushion beside him, almost like she was trying to stop anyone from sitting there.

Y/n grabbed the hot cocoa and was about to drink it; however, a loud ringing came from somewhere close to him.

He twisted and turned, trying to find the source before realizing it came from his phone.

When he opened it, he found the caller was from a bird y/n knew, so he accepted the call.

Y/n: Hello, Stolas.

Stolas: hello, y/n. How are you doing on this fine night?

Y/n: good, how about you?

This felt like the most awkward call he had ever had.

Stolas: Well, I'm just here spending time with my sweet Octavia.

In the faint background, he could hear another person's voice.

Via: Dad, stop it. I told you not to do it!

Stolas: not now, sweetheart. Daddy is on the phone.

Stolas: "Coughing. " Anyway, I wanted to wish you a great Sinsmas.

Y/n: Thanks, Stolas. And you, as well.

Stolas: uh, biltzø wouldn't happen to be there with you, would he?

Y/n: uh 

Y/n looked up to see bilzø chugging down gallows of pure and hundred percent white milk.

Y/n: Eh, yeah, he is here.

Stolas: oh, can you give him a gift for me?

Y/n: yeah, sure, but why don't you come down and do it in person?

Stolas: well, we aren't entirely on talking terms at the moment… at least, I don't think we are.

Y/n: oh well, yeah, I can do that for you.

Suddenly, on the ground beside him, away from anyone's view, a purple portal opened, and a present was placed inside.

Stolas: Haha, I know you will, but thanks. I wish you luck in your battle in the next few weeks.

Y/n face showed not much emotion before he spoke up.

Y/n: thanks, I-we are going to need it.

Just as fast as the call started, it was over. Y/n picked up the package, looked it over a little, and then felt his phone go off again, this time with a message from Stolas.

"Stolas sent you an attachment."

(Image here)

Clicking on the message showed a photo of Stolas having his hand wrapped around via with her looking concerned about her father.

While Stolas was wearing a festive top half of an outfit.

Stolas: From the Goetia family to you, y/n, have a merry Sinsmas. P.S. Via didn't want me to send this picture because she didn't want me to embarrass her. Can you believe it?

O/n: Haha, there is no way you are embarrassing her with this photo, but the same goes for you, Stolas. Have a good one.

Y/n smiled a little while looking slightly tired at the moment, but he was jumped awake by someone.

Millie: hey, y/n, what do you get there?

Millie popped up from behind him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and snuggled her face against his.

Y/n: agh! Dam it, Millie, where did you come from?!

Millie: duh, from right here, dummy

Y/n caught a glimpse past Millie at Loona. She glared quite intensely at Millie after seeing how snugly the two were.

Millie: So what is that?

Y/n: I guess it is a present for Blitzø from Stolas.

Suddenly, bilzø popped his head out of the bathroom after running away to throw up the milk.

Blitzø: agh ... .so-someone says a present for me?

Y/n: right here, Blitzø catch. 

Y/n tossed the present toward Blitzø, who went to catch it. However, it flew past his hands and toward his face, smacking him.

Blitzø: fucking satan, alright, let's see what I got from y/n

Y/n: it is not from me. It's from Stolas.

Blitzø: Stolas? Why did he get me a gift? Meh, I'll take it, though. Please let it be an ultra-mystical horse statue.

He started to unwrap it, pulling the paper off to reach the bare level of the box.

He pulled the top off as he stared inside.

Blitzø: This motherfucking bird!

He dropped the box as it tilted and fell to its side, revealing the item inside.

It was a… one there was expecting such a thing to be gifted, especially that… a custom-made goetia bird dick dildo.

Everyone sat there for a moment, just in simple silence. Y/n noticed a note inside the box beside the "gift."

Y/n: "Cough." Blitzø there uh a note inside.

He didn't respond; he simply looked away. However, someone walked over to read the note.

Millie: Let's see here.

Millie: Dear Blitzy, I'm sorry we can't talk face to face since the run-in with your "friends," but I wanted to give this to you for the time being so you can be ravaged by something that reminds you of me.

Millie: And it seems to end there.

Blitzo: that's it. I'm heading over there and shove this bird dick up his ass!

Millie: bilzø, what about the storm?

Blitzo: I will find a way no matter what!

Blitzo charged his way to the front door of his apartment, leaving the three.

Millie: I'm going to make sure he doesn't get himself so you both have a great Sinsmas morning!

And just like that, Millie was also gone as she chased after Bilzø.

Y/n: well, that is certainly an idea for a gift right there.

Loona: You can say that again…Hey, uh, I happen to have a gift for you if you want it.

Y/N: Of course, I would want it, especially from you, Loona.

Her tail was flapping back and forth as fast as a wind turbine.

She turned her body to grab the gift from the tree before turning back with a nervous smile.

(Image here)

Loona: Here, y/n. It took me a while to pick a gift for you, so I hope you like it. But it's whatever if you don't…

She looked down at the mention of him not liking the gift that she worked hard to pick out.

He took the gift from her and slowly opened it, revealing the layers underneath until he reached the box form and removed the top.

Y/n was lost for words at the gift as he picked up the top items from within.

His eyes took in every detail of it.

Y/n: Woah, I'm just lost for words, loona. This is one of the best SMG weapons on the market. H-how did you even get this?

It was even more impressive since she had gotten two of them so he could dual-wield them at once.

Loona: I had a little help from this.

She waved Stolas's grimoire.

Y/n just laughed a little before pulling Loona close, wrapping his arms around her.

Y/N: Thanks, Loona, for this and for being the first person I was friends with in this hellhole.

Loona leaned in closer as she rested her head on his neck.

Loona: We have known each other for as long as I can remember… I will always be there for you.

Y/n: same back at you.

They stayed like that for a good while before eventually pulling away. Y/n noticed that Loona was wiping her eyes, making him question if she was crying.

He didn't feel it was his place to question why, so he simply let her be.

Y/n: "Coughing." Well, I guess they won't be back for a while, so I think that is the end of our little Sinsmas.

Loona: oh, uh yeah, probably is.

Y/n: Well, I guess I'll sleep on the couch then.

Loona: I have just gotten a new pet. Would you like to see it?

Y/n: oh, really? Sure, can I pet it when I see it?

Loona: sure, of course you can. She's back in my room.

The two had gotten up and started making their way over to her room. Loona kept glancing back at him to make sure he was actually following her.

She opened the door to her room, and the pair walked in. Y/n walked slightly further as Loona stayed back near the door.

Unbeknownst to him, however, Loona closed and locked the door.

Y/n: So…where is the animal?

Loona: woof~

Y/n blood ran dry as he felt an intense, lustful gaze from behind him. He could feel Loona breathing onto his neck, which sent a shiver down his spine.

He quickly turned around and backed away from Loona, who stood tall.

A faint redness came from underneath her fur, almost like a blush.

Her breath was slightly heavier, and her stare was one full of lust.

She took a step forward while he took one back. He already knew what was happening from prior events.

Y/n: hey, Loona, how about we calm down a little before you do something rash?

She didn't respond as she took another step forward. Y/n also tried to step back, but he fell slightly backward onto her bed.

Y/n kept backing up till his back was against the wall.

Y/n: H-Hey loona, you in there?

Loona:… woof~ come on, y/n, I really need to do it right now.

She placed her hands on the bed and stuck her chest out. 

She also stuck her ass out slightly as she was shaking it side to side. Her tail moved along with her. Her face was covered with a red tint blush.

(Image here)

Y/n: Well, I can't really say no now, especially with a hellhound pleased about it. How about you show me a little of how badly you need it?

She stood straight up, her hands grabbed at the bottom of the skirt piece. Her grip tightened a little as she looked embarrassed.

Her arms pushed her breasts together, making them look like they were about to pop out of the dress.

After a few seconds, she slowly pulled up the red skirt, which showed that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

Her inner thighs showed just how much she wanted this as her fur was covered in a wet substance that was leaking from her fully exposed pussy.

Loona looked away, embarrassed to show this side of herself to someone, especially someone she cared a lot for.

Y/n moved himself to the edge of her bed and pulled her to the point where she was almost sitting down on his leg.

He placed his hands on the sides of her body, moving them all around from her sides to the front of her body.

Almost like it was her nature, she started to let out a slight whimpering noise from how he pampered her.

He moved his right hand from her waist to her chest. He grabbed one of her breasts, and she let out a whine, one that was not of pain but of heat.

He fondled her Breast for a few seconds, watching the way she reacted as she fidgeted in place before moving along to her face.

He places his hand along her cheek as she leans into the embrace of his hand. Her fur tucks poked through the opening of his fingers.

He made her look straight back at him, almost like he was making her look at her master.

Y/n: get on your knees, Loona.

Loona: "blushing" y-yes

Like a dog, she listened to his commands and instantly got onto her knees. Her face was just inches away from y/n pants.

He waited for her to make the move; however, she seemed to hesitate a little from the fact that she was slightly terrified of his member.

Her hand slowly reached out to his pants as she undid the buckle and pulled the zipper down.

She took a moment to swallow any saliva stuck in her mouth. As she pulled his boxers down, his dick limped out of them.

She grabbed its base and started jerking her hands on it. After a moment of working away at it. It was finally at full length.

Loona: Asshole, why did you have to have such a great dick.

Y/n: yeah, well, this asshole has dick you down every time you want it.

She smirked back at his response as she flipped her hair out of the way and stuck her tongue out, licking at the length of his dick.

Her rough tongue texture was on another level compared to some others.

Her salvia trailed behind as her tongue moved before eventually positioning it towards her snout.

She looked up at him for approval of some sort. Her eyes almost pleaded to him to let her.

Y/n nodded at her, but she didn't wait a second before taking it down her mouth. Y/n felt her as she took in as much as she could.

He could feel his tip almost hitting the back of her throat as she nearly choked on it for a few seconds. She quickly pulled away, coughing.

Loona: "Coughing" f-fuck, I can barely take it in.

Before he could respond, she was already trying to take it back down.

This time however she went at a much slower pace only slowly sliding more and more into her mouth.

She circles her tongue around the tip of his cock. Her eyes kept watch of how he might react.

Y/n let out a low moan as a response back which she took note of as she started to speed up her pace.

Y/n placed his hand on the back of her head his right hand went through her long white hair without so much of a problem.

He started to push her further down onto his dick. Loona was almost gagging on it as his dick forced her mouth to open wider.

While she may have only been giving him a blow job the effect of doing such an act was making her body heat up only more.

Loona started rubbing her legs together more as her instinct kicked in she suddenly pulled away again but this time she pushed y/n down without giving him a second to think.

She climbed onto his lap sitting just slightly above from his dick. Her tail wrapped around it as if to keep it warm.

Y/n: w-woah loona no bad girl.

She didn't seem to respond almost like she was in a trance as she brought her face close to his.

He could hear her as she sniffed him all around from his chest to his neck. 

As she brought her face close to his ear. He could hear how hard she was breathing.

Loona: I'm your bad girl~

At that very moment, their positions were switched as he was now her prey.

She grabbed the bottom of the outfit, pulling it off herself. Fully exposing her body now as her body underneath the outfit showed signs of her sweating.

Her mouth hung out open along with her tongue.

Her hands tightened on his shoulders making sure he wouldn't get out as she positioned herself right above his dick.

She slowly slid herself down it as her lips opened for his member. As his dick went inside her he could feel her walls clamping around it to fit his shape.

She eventually reached a point where she needed a little help going any further onto his shaft.

Y/n places his hands on her hips which she glances back at as her gaze turns back towards him. A smug smirk rose on her face.

loosen Loona: Come on y/n show this hellhound pussy what you can do~

Her grip loosen let him get a better grip onto her waist. 

His fingers dig into her fur trying to find any good spot.

He pushed her down a few more inches. Which Loona let out a howl as her walls moved apart for him to go deeper into her.

Her fingers dig back into his shoulder as a response. 

While he was pretty much used to having something like this happen, what he wasn't used to was his blood leaking out from those dug in fingers of hers.

Loona started moving up and down on his dick in a rhythm as her breast was shaking along with her.

She lowered her body doing the downward dog as she pushed her chest out covering y/n face.

A lewd smile was plastered all over her face. As her hands also moved as she wrapped her arms around him to pull him closer.

Her head rested beside his as she kept moving her ass. Wet slapping noises could be heard coming from the two.

Eventually as her pussy let him in deeper his tip met the entrance to her womb with each drop onto his dick almost being like a kiss to her womb.

Her ears flickered backwards and she closed one of her eyes as a bright blush covered her face.

Loona: F-~fuck right there it feels so good~

She started to pick up her pace moving even faster while y/n was still covered by her boobs.

He tried wiggling his face away from them so as to not suffocate from them.

Eventually his face made it to one of her snow white colored nipples.

He started licking to the best of his ability at it, even teasing it by biting it softly.

Her body jolted from the sudden sensation as a small chuckle escaped from her mouth. Her pupils were dilated to a different color much more red then normal.

She started to nibble on his neck as she could feel his hard cock get much harder like it was about to blow.

Y/n tight his grip and helped her move even faster with each thrust loona moan like an animal.

Eventually he made one last push down on to his dick with all his strength as he felt his baby batter shoot out of his cock and into loona womb.

At the same time Loona finally pulled her chest away to let him breathe as she looked up and howled as loud as she can as her womb started to get filled with his sinner cum.

She slowly raised her ass till his cock flopped out and cum gushed out from her bottom lips.

Loona fell onto her side as her tail curled up under her but to cover the view of his cum leaking out form her body.

Y/n took a deep breath of relief, happy that it was finally over. He can finally rest after such a tiring day.

He felt himself drift off to sleep his mind becoming all clear.





Loona: what are you doing?

Y/n: huh what's wrong?

Loona: we aren't finished yet y/n. we have all night and I haven't gotten my fill yet.

She moved down below and started licking away at his cock cleaning it up like it was covered in peanut butter. Y/n felt his blood starting to pull back into his dick as it hardened back up again.

They eventually went on to do it for a few hours with small breaks here and here so that y/n could catch his breath.

Word count 5960

Haha I wanted to get this out before new years but I guess I'm about 26 minutes.

Well happy new years everyone!!!

Ps…I'm not counting this a my first chapter of the year