[ 18 ] Some Unnecessary Trouble

But I only felt those dark blue eyes glaring at me coldly.

My instincts were telling me to run away.

This person gave me an invisible alpha pressure. 

Usually such things have no effect on me; he had to be a very high-class Alpha to make me feel this afraid.

When I was barely holding back my urge to leave, he finally spoke and said in a cold, immotionless tone, "Look where you go."

I nodded in fear, and the guy left. I sighed in relief, and faint tears started to form in my eyes. I felt weak and pathetic in front of an Alpha. I hated that feeling.

I hurriedly went back to my room. I was in no mood to look around. I covered myself in a quilt and cried.

I hate it when an Alpha looks at me like I am some kind of weak thing. 

I hate it when they look at me with those degrading gazes.

I hate it when they only see me as a child-bearer instead of a normal person.

I hate it! I hate it all!

And while just thinking about that, I felt asleep. Seeing a powerful Alpha always hurts my pride and self-esteem.

When I woke up the next day, I was sure I wouldn't be as weak as I am in front of those Alphas again.

Who tries to boss around Omegas, like me..?

I woke up and went to class like I normally do. I wouldn't let a small incident like yesterday get on my mind, no matter what happened.

Things went like this for a whole month...

It was calm and peaceful for me and Nova. I kind of started to enjoy my academy life, but that didn't mean I was distracted from my original goal to get strong.

I am keeping the best student position for myself, and a lot of people hate me for that. But I really don't care.

The teachers were also impressed with my attitude and attention to the class.

The only problem I have is...Voilet Kins.

He is a soft and cute type of Omega who likes being babysitting and pampered.

But somehow, he always feels very fake to me. Although Nova said I might just be jealous of him, there is something wrong with him.

But even if there is, I don't care. He is my academic rival, and the more strange he is, the better for me.

He has an advantage in money; everything he uses is better than mine. He seems to also have gone to Crystal Private School.

The school branch of Magic Academy, where Lucas also goes,.

They give some additional information and practice about magic to senior classes, but despite the fact that the first position is still in my name,.

I was going towards the dining hall with Nova. We have both become good friends during this time.

...and he seems to be the only one who doesn't hate me because of my grades or isn't a follower of Voilet in the class.

Maybe there are more, but they are not interested in befriending me.

While me and Nova were searching for a free seat, an annoying voice came to us: "Oh, is that you, Frost? What are you doing here? Oh, begging for some food with your beggar friend."

Said one of Voilet's loyal minions, Benjamin. He is the most annoying person in Voilet's gang, even more annoying than Voilet himself.

Violet's gang started to laugh at his shitty joke, but I tried to ignore them. I don't want my perfect student image to get ruined because of such nuisances.

Some weeks before, the same thing happened. The students are so bratty. Teachers should do something about it.

Benjamin got angry at my blunt disregard for him. 

Nova also ignored them because he was just a poor student who got in because of his sudden magic unlocking; he didn't want to ruin his future because of such people.

And I totally agree with him...

Benjamin tried to punch me in the face, but I easily twisted it behind his back. Benjamin started to curse at me in anger. His face was red from pain.

I 'tsked' at his crappy tricks because just because he is an Alpha while I am an Omega, I couldn't make him win against me in a physical fight.

As for a magic duel, I don't think Benjamin should even be mentioned here.

Just as I was about to release her, that bitch Voilet came and said with his fake innocent voice, "Please don't hurt Benjamin. I don't know why you like to bully others; he was just joking."

His minions and fans nodded, looking at me angrily. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, yeah, just joking."

I recognized Benjamin and went towards Violet, smiling. His minions tried to stop me, but they were not much of a deal, considering that Benjamin was the most powerful guy out of them.

As I went near Voilet, he backed away from me. I walked past him, but not without bumping my shoulder into him.

He was caught off-guard and fell into some random Alpha's arms. They caught him like a princess, but that wasn't the point here.

An Omega falling into an Alpha's arms was very shameful, and falling into a servant Alpha's arms was even more shameful.

Voilet's face reddened in embarrassment and anger; he looked like he was about to cry. He struggled in Stanger Alpha's arms.

Who knew? He would fall to the floor while trying to act wrong. 

He fell on the floor very lightly and started to cry like an innocent maiden. I looked coldly at his acting.

'So fake' I thought before leaving with Nova. I could feel people glaring at me on the way to the exit.

This time, not only were there Voilet's fans, but other Omegas and Betas too. They might find it disrespectful of me to do that, but did I care?....No

Maybe just a little...., but I don't think I need the company of these mentally retarded people.