Stressful Midterms

While Olivia was struggling with her boutique, hiring staff and sourcing materials, Amelia was busy prepping for her exams. The deciding test was just around the corner.

She felt bummed because she had been studying hard, but Nick still wanted a divorce... someday... when things were under control? "Huh, he's acting like he's gonna divorce me when Grandma dies."

Since she'd already studied so much, Amelia was reluctant to stop. She decided to keep her spirits high and continue studying. Like tonight, she studied in the living room until she fell asleep. When Nick came home at midnight, he was shocked to find Olivia sleeping on the floor in a curled-up, uncomfortable position.

The guy cursed in frustration because Amelia was so stubborn. He then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. "This could make you sick, dummy! How are you gonna take your exam if you can't even lift your head 'cause of dizziness?"