Let's Keep the Bet

Nick glared at Amelia like she was a rebellious kid who had crossed the line. Amelia bit her lower lip, trying not to waver under his intense stare. She needed answers, and she wasn't backing down this time. 

His silence spoke volumes, confirming her worst fears. Despite the tension, Amelia stood her ground, determined to get the truth from him, no matter how painful it might be. 

It was clear he still hadn't let go of his memories with Olivia, even after their breakup. The way his eyes clouded over and his jaw tightened whenever her name was mentioned showed that she still occupied a significant part of his heart. The past lingered, haunting him, and it was something he couldn't easily escape from.

"You still think about my sister when you're alone, don't you? That's why you bury yourself in work, right?" Amelia pressed. "So, is it wrong for me to think you'll go back to Olivia once we divorce?"