Best Friends

Amelia was hustling, nearly sprinting, and she bumped into someone, scattering her practice papers all over the floor. "Sorry! My bad!" she mumbled, quickly gathering her stuff without even looking at who she hit. She was too frazzled 'cause she was about to be late for the swim meet. Aiden was competing. Soon.

"No worries," said the guy she bumped into. He smiled.

She apologized again, shoved the papers into her bag in a messy wad, and took off running to the pool. "Aiden will fire me as his friend if I miss his turn," she muttered to herself, not even noticing she hadn't zipped her bag properly.

The place was already packed. No chance of finding a seat, so Amelia stood by the edge of the pool, which was buzzing with noise. The area was crammed with supporters from other universities, cheering like crazy. Bright flags were flying everywhere, mingling with the loud chants of the fans.