Your Wife Fell into the Pool, Prof!

Amelia was shocked and tried to grab the arm of the person who bumped her... a woman. But, whether it was her imagination or not, the woman slapped her hand away.

Amelia lost her balance. 

"No!" she screamed. She tried to grab onto something to steady herself, but it was too late. Her body plunged into the pool, cold water engulfing her instantly. The pool was about 10 feet deep, and Amelia quickly felt the weight of the water pressing down on her.

When her head broke the surface, she opened her eyes and saw the confusion around the pool. Panic started creeping in. Amelia struggled to swim up, but her clothes and bag made it hard to move freely.

People around screamed for help, and a muscular guy in a black swim uniform dove in, swimming quickly towards her. With one strong motion, he grabbed Amelia and started pulling her to the poolside.

Amelia coughed as she was pulled out, her body shivering from the cold, her face pale.