The Savior

Olivia was stunned by how fast it all happened. She reflexively shielded her face and blocked Margaux's slap with her hand. But it seemed Margaux never intended to hit her after all.

"And who the hell are you? How dare you raise your hand against my sister!" a familiar voice rang out. She called Olivia her sister. Olivia knew she wasn't hallucinating. Her eyes focused on Amelia, who was now confronting Margaux.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Chen was also shocked to see Amelia, realizing that the small boutique was managed by the Wang family's daughter. Amelia and Olivia looked similar enough for Mrs. Chen to recognize them as siblings.

"Hey, kid! Stay out of this!" Margaux yelled angrily, glaring at Amelia. "Do you know who I am?"

"Whoever you are, I've got your picture," Amelia retorted with a smirk. "Want me to share it around?"