Another Mistake

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked, panic creeping into his voice.

"Hey, if it's not you, then it's some other dude, right? Why are you freaking out? I'm just asking," Amelia countered casually. "If you're innocent, just chill! Why you gotta get all worked up?"

"Sorry. You've been acting like you're suspicious of me all the time," Aaron replied, relief washing over his face. "About it … I'm waiting for Olivia to tell me herself … because… you know … she deserves her privacy, no?"

As he hoped, Amelia stopped attacking. She decided to leave to investigate Olivia's boutique.

"Are you really going to see her after you two fought yesterday?" Aaron asked hesitantly.

Amelia shook her head. "I know she won't like me showing up, which is why I chose to interrogate you instead."

Amelia looked doubtful, eyeing Aaron and his mannerisms. 'Who exactly was this guy? Why did he seem to know Olivia so well?'