Man Up

Meanwhile, Nick was waiting for Aaron at a bar where they had planned to meet earlier that morning. Nick checked his luxury watch on his wrist for the umpteenth time. Five minutes had passed, but Aaron had not shown up.

"Where is that kid? He was the one who told me not to be late, damn it," Nick muttered, lazily glancing around, as if hoping Aaron would appear from one of the places he listlessly scanned.

His phone rang, it was a call from Amelia.

"What's up?" Nick asked, taking a sip of his drink, the ice clinking noisily against the glass.

"My friend invited me to a party at her house. Can I go?" Amelia asked, her voice hesitant. She glanced at the girl behind her, standing far enough away not to hear her conversation with Nick. She had lied, of course, saying she needed to ask her parents for permission.

"Aiden?" Nick asked, uninterested. "No."