Sir, I Gave Him Your Address!

Aaron's mom walked slowly, tears streaming down her face as she clutched the two heavy suitcases full of her stuff. She glanced at the two big boxes and wondered what the butler had packed inside. She hoped that stinky butler was kind enough to pack her valuable things.

Aaron stopped to take the suitcases from her. "I'll carry them for you."

However, she shook her head and only handed him one since he insisted. That was when Olivia offered to carry one, but her extended hand was quickly swatted away.

"I don't need your help," the old lady snapped. "I'm not that weak and … you're pregnant."

Olivia was, of course, startled. Aaron then insisted on carrying both suitcases to prevent his mom from getting too tired. Luckily, this time the old lady relented, feeling a bit embarrassed.

After ten minutes that felt like an eternity, they finally reached where Aaron's car was parked. Something Olivia hadn't expected.